it's in fashion oor Spaans

it's in fashion

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

está de moda

I heard it's in fashion.
He oído que está de moda.

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I think it’s in fashion with the wiseguys.
Creo que está de moda entre los listillos.Literature Literature
He's " it " in fashion right now.
Es " el " diseñador actual.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's in fashion now. "
Es lo que está de moda ahora. "QED QED
She had loved it in fashion and out of fashion; as a child, as an adult.
Le encantaba cuando estaba de moda comerlo y cuando no; de niña, de adulta.Literature Literature
You have to be born with Haute Couture, because you don't learn it in fashion school.
Uno debe nacer con la Alta Costura porque no se aprende en una escuela de moda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I heard it's in fashion.
Escuché que está de moda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I mean, it's in fashion.
Me refiero a que sería en la moda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I heard it's in fashion.
He oído que está de moda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's in fashion.
Está en la moda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He / she reminds me to the city Greenwich in 1965 because it is in fashion and it is new.
Me recuerda a la ciudad Greenwich en 1965 porque está de moda y es nuevo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Pharaohs of ancient Egypt likely recognized that gold is resistant to corrosion and thus used it in fashioning their death masks.
En el antiguo Egipto, los faraones seguramente sabían que el oro resiste la corrosión y por ello lo usaron en sus máscaras funerarias.jw2019 jw2019
‘It’s as if it’s in fashion to run up as large a debt as possible,’ Jóhannes said, accompanying him to the door.
—Es como si estuviera de moda deber cuanto más dinero, mejor —dijo Jóhannes acompañándole a la puerta.Literature Literature
It’s in our fashion magazines, it’s on our television shows, it’s in our music.
La encontramos en las revistas de moda, en los programas de televisión, en las canciones.Literature Literature
If you view it in this fashion, it's a very simple concept, and a very simple maneuver.
Si lo ves así, es un concepto fácil y una maniobra sencilla.Literature Literature
It was in fashion yesterday, it is the rage today and it will set the pace tomorrow
Estaba de moda ayer, es lo último hoy y mañana marcará la pauta.Literature Literature
It is true in so far as it expresses or represents, in its own fashion, a social reality.
Es verdadera en tanto en cuanto expresa o representa, a su propio modo, una realidad social.Literature Literature
She recited it in singsong fashion, chanting it as if she were chanting passages from the Immaculate Texts.
La recitó cantando, como si formase parte de los Textos Inmaculados.Literature Literature
The instructions simply said: just build it, calibrate it in this fashion, and it will work.
Las instrucciones simplemente decían: construidla, calibradla de esta manera y funcionará.Literature Literature
I could walk without it, in a fashion, but it would be slow going.
Era capaz de andar sin él, más o menos, pero iba mucho más lento.Literature Literature
The structure—it was in its fashion alive, not dead, and dynamic rather than passive.
La estructura, a su manera, estaba viva, no muerta, y era dinámica más que pasiva.Literature Literature
Active learners absorb material best by applying it in some fashion or explaining it to others.
Los activos absorben mejor el material aplicándolo en alguna situación o explicándolo a los demás.Literature Literature
She had fought it in her fashion, but never conquered it.
Lo había combatido a su manera, pero nunca había llegado a vencerlo.Literature Literature
Before leaving the Observatory, they had a look at Deimos, which was rising in its leisurely fashion in the east.
Antes de partir echaron una mirada a Deimos que, con su aspecto apacible, se alzaba hacia el este.Literature Literature
It was progressive in its political and social ideas, old-fashioned in its discipline and academic standards.
Era liberal por sus ideas sociales y políticas, y anticuado por su disciplina y nivel de enseñanza.Literature Literature
They always say it in the fashion shows and I never know what it is.
Siempre lo nombran en los desfiles de moda y nunca sé qué es.Literature Literature
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