it's not known oor Spaans

it's not known

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

no se sabe

It's not known who first invented the wheel.
No se sabe quién inventó la rueda.

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In the end, according to LaToya, one of the brothers - it’s not known which one - told Katherine.
Al final, de acuerdo con la versión de LaToya, uno de los hermanos —no se sabe cuál— se lo dijo a Katherine.Literature Literature
‘Just marked itNot Known at This Address” and gave it back to the postman.’
–Nada, lo marcaba, «Desconocido en esta dirección» y se lo devolvía al cartero.Literature Literature
It's not known if there was any damage or casualties.
No se sabe si ha habido muertos ni daños.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Was it not known how they explained liberty, equality, the rights of man?
¿No se sabia ya cómo explicaban la libertad, la igualdad y los derechos del hombre?Literature Literature
It's not known to the press yet, but his highest record is 2m 31cm.
Extraoficialmente, su marca más alta superó los 2.31 metros.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If he’s what you think it’s not known here.’
Si Dollmann es lo que tú piensas, por aquí no lo saben.Literature Literature
We know it was, but it’s not known generally how and where feminism first broke in.
Sabemos qué era, pero no se sabe generalmente cómo ni dónde irrumpió primeramente el feminismo.Literature Literature
It’s not known for sure whether Bolívar dismounted.
No se sabe exactamente si Bolívar desmontó.Literature Literature
It's not known yet.
Todavía no se sabe nada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It’s not known which school interested Arcimboldi.
No se sabe por cuál de ellas se interesó Arcimboldi.Literature Literature
“Now,” Vancha said gruffly, “it’s not known exactly how much power Mr.
“Ahora bien -dijo Vancha ásperamente-, no se sabe cuánto poder ejerce Mr.Literature Literature
It's not known who first invented the wheel.
No se sabe quién inventó la rueda.tatoeba tatoeba
It's not known whether the shutdown is permanent.
No se sabe con certeza si su cierre es definitivo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It’s not known precisely what raised Warren’s and Brandeis’ hackles.
No se sabe con exactitud por qué se indignaban tanto Warren y Brandeis.Literature Literature
SUE: You say that it’s not known what eventually happens to a black hole and its contents.
SUE: Usted dice que no se sabe lo que con el tiempo le sucede a un agujero negro y a su contenido.Literature Literature
He’s a salesman, though it’s not known what of.
Es viajante, aunque no se sabe qué vende.Literature Literature
Was it not known everywhere that it was this young man who had started the schools?
¿No era por todos conocido que era este joven el que había puesto en marcha las escuelas?Literature Literature
Besides, it’s not known as fact that it had anything to do with what he did.
Además, de hecho no se sabe si tuvo algo que ver con lo que hizo.Literature Literature
It’s not known if she and Marilyn knew one another in New York, or before that, in Hollywood.
Se ignora si ella y Marilyn llegaron a conocerse en esa época, o antes incluso, en Hollywood.Literature Literature
"""It's not known what kind of explosives were used."
No sabemos qué tipo de explosivo ha sido utilizado.Literature Literature
It’s not known; but he did paint Thirst, again and again.
No se sabe, pero es evidente que pintó La Sed muchas veces.Literature Literature
It's not known how Talon processes the information, but his success rate is interesting.
No se sabe cómo Talon procesa la información, pero su tasa de aciertos es interesante.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But it’s not known yet who will head the party, and it’s impossible to find out beforehand.
Pero todavía no se sabe quién tendrá el mando del convoy: esto se oculta hasta el último momento.Literature Literature
Is it not known that the number of volcanoes has considerably diminished since the first days of creation?
¿No está comprobado que el número de volcanes ha disminuido considerablemente desde los primeros días del mundo?Literature Literature
It’s not known how many officer volunteers participated or whether they suffered any long-term effects.
Se desconoce cuántos oficiales voluntarios participaron en él, o si sufrieron efectos a largo plazo.Literature Literature
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