it's strange that oor Spaans

it's strange that

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

es curioso que

It's strange that you ask me for a motorcycle when you are afraid of going by bike.
Es curioso que me pidas una moto cuando te da miedo ir en bicicleta.

es extraño que

I think it strange that there is no one on the street at this time of the day.
Pienso que es extraño que no haya nadie en la calle a estas horas del día.

es raro que

It's strange that he hasn't come yet.
Es raro que él no haya venido aún.

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it's strange odd that she hasn't called
es extraño que no haya llamado
it's odd strange curious that she hasn't come
es curioso que no haya venido


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"""Yet, do you not find it strange that there should be two fugitives present in this inn?"""
–Sin embargo, ¿no os parece extraño que haya nada menos que dos fugitivos en esta posada?Literature Literature
It's strange, that we always have a preference.
Es curioso, siempre tenemos una preferencia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Isn’t it strange that mine smells good whereas yours stinks?”
—¿No te parece raro que la mía huela bien y la tuya apeste?Literature Literature
Don’t you think it’s strange that he traveled through the night?
¿No te parece extraño que haya viajado de noche?Literature Literature
Don't you think it's strange that you haven't heard from Zoya since last friday?
¿No le parece raro que no haya oído de Zoya desde el viernes pasado?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You may find it strange that I'm telling you all this.
A Ud. le puede parecer raro que yo le cuente todo esto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You don’t find it strange that Podly crashed so close to Pine Creek?”
—¿No encontraste extraño que Vainillo se estrellara tan cerca de Pine Creek?Literature Literature
9 Should we think it strange that God would retain certain knowledge for himself in this way?
9 ¿Deberíamos pensar que sea raro que Dios retenga para sí cierto conocimiento de esta manera?jw2019 jw2019
“I think it’s strange that I don’t see any of their graves.
–Me parece extraño no ver ninguna de sus tumbas.Literature Literature
It's strange that you'd leave a photo of yourself behind...
Dejar tu fotografía atrás...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""The whole Court found it strange that he should die so suddenly ... and at such an opportune moment."""
—A toda la Corte le pareció raro que muriese tan de repente... y en momento tan oportuno.Literature Literature
‘Isn’t it strange that you should remember what happened to an innocent napkin?’
¿No resulta raro que vos recordéis lo que le ha sucedido a una inocente servilleta?Literature Literature
Amanda found it strange that her thirst was greater than her hunger.
A Amanda le pareció extraño tener más sed que hambre.Literature Literature
It’s strange that I don’t know you at all, not really.”
Es extraño que no sepa nada de ti, en realidad.Literature Literature
It's strange that death should sing.
Es extraño que la muerte cante.Literature Literature
Isn’t it strange that today we have forgotten this?
¿No es extraño que hoy hayamos olvidado esto?Literature Literature
I could not tell when he would strike, but I found it strange that he waited so long.
No podía adivinar cuándo atacaría, pero me pareció raro que esperase tanto tiempo.Literature Literature
Don't you think it's strange that we crashed the truck on the way home?
No piensas que es extraño que chocamos el camion camino a casa?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Isn’t it strange that I was beginning to understand that Bell disliked Cosette?
¿No es extraño que yo estuviera empezando a comprender que a Bell no le gustaba Cosette?Literature Literature
I compromised by saying, ‘Well, people will think it strange that he is in my company.’
Al final cedí un poco para decir—: En fin, la gente verá raro que esté conmigo.Literature Literature
“Is it strange that I wish to see you, madam?”
—¿Es extraño que desee veros, señora?Literature Literature
It's strange that Galeano did not study the U.S. situation with less ideological prejudice.
Es curioso que Galeano no haya observado el caso norteamericano con menos prejuicios ideológicos.Literature Literature
It’s strange that it took television itself so long to wake up to watching’s potent reflexivity.
Es extraño que la televisión tardara tanto en percibir la potente reflexividad del acto de mirar.Literature Literature
“Isn’t it strange that Mollie Spearman left a few minutes after you?
—¿No es raro que Molly Spearman se marchase pocos minutos después que tú?Literature Literature
“Isn’t it strange that he would be talking about all those things right now?
¿No es curioso que salga justo ahora contando todo eso?Literature Literature
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