jammed with people oor Spaans

jammed with people

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

atestado de gente

The hospitals are jammed with people who believe they've become infected.
Los hospitales están atestados de gente que cree estar infectada.

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The commuter flights that drone across Africa are often jammed with people, and this flight was probably full.
Los vuelos interiores que atraviesan África suelen ir atestados de viajeros y probablemente este vuelo iría lleno.Literature Literature
The city streets, especially in the poor neighborhoods, were constantly jammed with people.
Las calles de la ciudad, sobre todo en los distritos bajos, estaban constantemente plagadas de gente.Literature Literature
Eventually, this tower will be jammed with people, a good part of whom will be soulless.
Finalmente esta torre se va a ver atestada de gente, una buena parte de la cual carecerá de alma.Literature Literature
The long hallway was jammed with people, some of them Ronsard’s guests who were exclaiming in horror.
El largo pasillo estaba abarrotado de gente, algunos de ellos huéspedes de Ronsard que lanzaban exclamaciones de horror.Literature Literature
During the day it is jammed with people; the vilest words in all of London fill the air.
Durante el día está abarrotado de gente, y las palabrotas más vulgares de todo Londres inundan el aire.Literature Literature
The seaside esplanade opened before me, jammed with people, cars, noise, and life.
El paseo marítimo se extendía ante mí, cargado de gente, automóviles, bullicio y vida.Literature Literature
The National Gallery steps were jammed with people.
Los escalones de la National Gallery estaban atiborrados de gente.Literature Literature
They were headed for the Concorde Bridge, which was already jammed with people.
Se dirigían al puente de la Concordia que en aquel momento estaba repleto de gente.Literature Literature
Tight spaces did not terrify her; huge auditoriums, especially jammed with people, did.
Los lugares reducidos no la aterrorizaban; los grandes auditorios enormes, sobre todo abarrotados de gente, sí.Literature Literature
It was noon and the Calle Belén and the Plaza San Martín were jammed with people.
Era mediodía y la calle Belén y la Plaza San Martín rebalsaban de gente.Literature Literature
The house was jammed with people and filled with the trappings of a wedding.
La casa estaba atestada de gente y llena de los adornos de una boda.jw2019 jw2019
The place was jammed with people — tall, short, human-normal and stylized, half-animal, elemental, ethereal.
El lugar estaba atestado de gente, altos, bajos, humanos normales y estilizados, mitad animales, elementales, etéreos.Literature Literature
Look, man, my club's jammed with people, loud music.
Hay lleno de gente, música fuerte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was late, but the office was jammed with people working still.
Era tarde, pero la oficina estaba llena de gente trabajando.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That frat house down the street... it's the same size as ours, and they're jammed with people.
La casa de la fraternidad al terminar la calle... es del mismo tamaño que la nuestra y están llenos de gente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The hospitals are jammed with people who believe they've become infected.
Los hospitales están atestados de gente que cree estar infectada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The area directly in front of the building served as a busy market and was jammed with people.
La zona situada directamente enfrente de la mezquita era utilizada como mercado y estaba atestada de gente.Literature Literature
Couffignal’s main street was jammed with people when I limped into it again.
La calle principal de Couffignal estaba atiborrada de gente cuando llegué de nuevo a ella cojeando.Literature Literature
That afternoon, Winnie’s store was jammed with people coming in to congratulate him and shake his hand.
Aquella tarde, la tienda de Winnie estaba rebosante de gente que iba a felicitarle y estrecharle la mano.Literature Literature
The streets were jammed with people, but Perrin and his companions were the only ones on horseback.
Las calles estaban abarrotadas de gente, pero Perrin y sus compañeros eran los únicos que iban a caballo.Literature Literature
The street was jammed with people and they roughly pushed their way through with their shields.
La calle estaba abarrotada de gente y tuvieron que abrirse paso con rudeza ayudados por sus escudos.Literature Literature
The hotel was jammed with people and he was lucky to find anything at all to sleep on.
El hotel estaba abarrotado de gente y bastante suerte tuvo con encontrar un lugar en donde dormir.Literature Literature
Punchestown's grandstand was jammed with people when O'Toole's chauffeur drove toward the clubhouse.
La tribuna de Punchestown estaba atestada de público cuando el chófer de O’Toole enfiló hacia la sede del club.Literature Literature
The city had been jammed with people, and she had sought the crowd while remaining separate.
La ciudad estaba abarrotada de gente y ella había buscado aquella multitud, aunque se sentía muy lejos de ella.Literature Literature
The place is jammed with people I’ve seen literally nowhere else on the Fairgrounds.
El sitio está abarrotado de gente a la que no he visto literalmente en ninguna otra parte de la Feria.Literature Literature
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