jar against oor Spaans

jar against

collide violently with an obstacle; "I ran into the telephone pole"

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Why should we jar against each other?
¿Por qué tenemos que chocar unos contra otros?Literature Literature
Then he “felt a bayonet go into my buttocks and lodge with a jar against my pelvis.”
Luego, sintió «una bayoneta hundirse en mis nalgas y golpear con una sacudida contra mi pelvis».Literature Literature
Then his shoulder jarred against a tree trunk which shook but stood firm.
Su hombro chocó con el tronco de un árbol, que se estremeció pero se mantuvo firme.Literature Literature
The simple plain white knickers she was wearing jarred against the raw sexuality of his own arousal.
Las sencillas braguitas blancas que llevaba puestas desentonaban con la salvaje sexualidad de su propia excitación.Literature Literature
But when he lifted his glass jar against the light there was something altogether different in it.
Pero cuando sacó el tarro de cristal, dentro había algo completamente distinto.Literature Literature
Her eyes were pale green, almost jade, the irises jarring against bloodshot pale pink.
Sus ojos eran de color verde claro, casi jade, y los iris desentonaban contra el pálido rosa sanguíneo de la córnea.Literature Literature
Dingo’s boot jarred against Brett’s stirrup, kicking his boot loose, upsetting his balance.
La bota de Dingo chocó con el estribo de Brett, soltando su bota y desequilibrándole.Literature Literature
English seemed to be jarring against his Chinese subconscious.
El inglés parecía discordar en su subconsciente chino.Literature Literature
Milligan jarred against the wall and was coming back off it when he halted himself.
Milligan chocó contra la pared, y se iba a lanzar en sentido contrario cuando se detuvo.Literature Literature
I clamped the mouth of the jar against the wall, trapping it between Charleston and Georgetown.
Pegué la boca del tarro a la pared y la atrapé entre Charleston y Georgetown.Literature Literature
The rapidly rising water pushed Jar Jar against the curved wall of the transport tube.
El agua que subía rápidamente empujó a Jar Jar contra la pared curvada del tubo de transporte.Literature Literature
I ignored Anna’s stare as I held the jar against my chest and muttered to myself.
Haciendo caso omiso de la mirada de Anna, mantuve la vasija abrazada contra el pecho mientras musitaba para mí.Literature Literature
Her laughter jarred against Sandy’s ears.
—su risa lastimaba los oídos de Sandy—.Literature Literature
Minerva seemed to smile down sardonically as I struck the jar against the paving stones.
Minerva parecía sonreír con sorna mientras yo golpeaba la vasija contra las piedras.Literature Literature
The alternatives jarred against each other.
Las alternativas chocaban entre sí.Literature Literature
He felt something jar against his teeth and saw that Logan was offering him a rum bottle.
Notó una presión contra los dientes y vio que Logan le ofrecía una botella de ron.Literature Literature
An idea that jarred against what she knew of the man.
Una idea que desentonaba con lo que ella sabía de aquel hombre.Literature Literature
He went downward helplessly, tangled with his pack, jarring against the burden of equipment he was carrying.
Cayó indefenso, hecho una maraña con su carga, chocando contra el peso del equipo que iba transportando.Literature Literature
“Almost every word I wrote jars against the next,” he noted in 1910.
«Casi cada palabra que he escrito choca contra la siguiente —señaló en 1910—.Literature Literature
Hard and hot, our bodies jarred against each other over and over.
Duros y calientes, nuestros cuerpos se sacudían el uno contra el otro una y otra vez.Literature Literature
The next instant the automobile had come with a catastrophic jar against an iron object.
Y en efecto, un instante después, el auto chocaba con catastrófico escándalo contra un objeto de hierro.Literature Literature
Ham, feeling a light jar against his back, as if Habeas Corpus had touched him, struck out behind him.
Ham, sintiendo un pequeño golpe en la espalda, como si Habeas Corpus le hubiera tocado, dio un golpe hacia atrás.Literature Literature
But the knob jarred against his hand when he tried to turn it, and the door itself stayed closed.
Pero el picaporte no cedió bajo su mano cuando intentó girarlo, y la puerta permaneció cerrada.Literature Literature
There are people who are so physically uncomfortable with themselves that they seem to jar against any other body.
Hay gente que se siente tan incómoda físicamente consigo misma que siempre parece chocar contra otro cuerpo.Literature Literature
The stress in her voice jarred against the languid croaking of frogs and the bored conversation of alien birds.
La tensión de su voz chocaba con el lánguido croar de las ranas y las conversaciones aburridas de pájaros alienígenas.Literature Literature
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