jellyfish oor Spaans


(zoology) Almost transparent aquatic being; any one of the acalephs, especially one of the larger species, having a jellylike appearance.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


aquatic animal
There are jellyfish out there today, so watch out.
Hoy hay medusas, así que ten cuidado.


naamwoordvroulike, manlike
aquatic animal
The only time I ever saw him storm a beach was when he was running away from a jellyfish.
La unica vez que ha visto una tormenta en la playa fue cuando estaba huyendo de una aguamala.


naamwoordmanlike, vroulike
aquatic animal
There's a giant jellyfish right there.
Allí hay una gigantesca aguaviva. ( medusa )

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Jellyfish (film)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

White Jellyfish
Medusa blanca
Compass jellyfish
Medusa Compás
Irukandji jellyfish
Carukia barnesi
Lion's mane jellyfish
Medusa de melena de león
helmet jellyfish
Periphylla periphylla
Box jellyfish


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He' s happy to find a jellyfish... which he decides to wear as a protective hat
Ah, Paul, y te daré un cajón de gaseosas gratis para los niñosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
This war’s made men out of a lot of wet jellyfish like you, mister, and you can be grateful for the privilege.”
Cita los objetivos específicos de los programas, los datos numéricos, la distribución de los fondos, etcLiterature Literature
Thea realized the jellyfish looking thing she’d almost stepped on was one of his lungs.
Sólo son unos gamberros bocazas... que asustan a las chicasLiterature Literature
The researchers say it is important to provide greater insight into jellyfish populations, especially because they 'seem to be one of the few groups of organisms that may benefit from the continued anthropogenic impacts on the world's biosphere'.
Según reiterada jurisprudencia, esta disposición prohíbe todas las medidas, que reserven a los movimientos transfronterizos de capitales un trato menos favorable que el establecido para los movimientos de capitales exclusivamente nacionales disuadiendo así a los residentes de realizar los primeroscordis cordis
Better than jellyfish, I bet.
¡ Seis, siete!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I am something between a Monkey, a Chameleon, and a Jellyfish.
* Informe sobre la propuesta de Decisión del Consejo relativa a la celebración del Acuerdo entre la Comunidad Europea y la Commonwealth de las Bahamas sobre exención de visados para estancias de corta duración (COM #- C#-#/#- #/#(CNS))- Comisión LIBELiterature Literature
Either way it means Jellyfish has left this world.
Dejando a un lado el costo... aunque medio millón de dólares... por tres días no solamente es ilegal, sino obscenoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That's jellyfish, you idiot!
Etiqueta del vial vial de # mgOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even to a jellyfish.
Asunto C-#/#: Petición de decisión prejudicial planteada por el Sofiyski gradski sad (Bulgaria) el # de mayo de #- Canon Kabushiki Kaisha/IPN Bulgaria OODOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As they separate, they reveal themselves to be tiny, common jellyfish.
Productos objeto de impuestos especiales * (debateOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A life spent drifting in the empty ocean could be a lonely one, but not for this jellyfish.
La Depresión los afectó más que a nadieOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It’s one of thousands of animal species, like frogs, jellyfish, salamanders, and snakes, that use toxic chemicals to defend themselves – in this case, by spewing poisonous liquid from glands in its abdomen.
Muchas veces echaba de menos esa bondad y esa inteligenciated2019 ted2019
I've taken them to the Sea of Japan, where they met giant jellyfish.
Me sabía las cosechas, variedades y denominaciones de memoriated2019 ted2019
'We can also see that the places where we see rising numbers of jellyfish are often areas heavily impacted by humans, through pollution, overfishing and warming waters.'
Fue un placercordis cordis
look like jellyfish legs, also polyurethane.
Claro, hay ciertas excepcionesQED QED
You're like those jellyfish who only need to fuck once to have generations of kids.
¡ Dale!¿ Sabias que Farva fue el que le conto a Grady de nuestro plan?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In addition, the jellyfish's feeding behaviour might have a lasting effect on the entire ecosystem, as cod is one of the species at the top of the food chain in the Baltic Sea.
Encuentra a Teyla y Beckett, asegúrate que están biencordis cordis
Lily saw a thing like a jellyfish, illuminated by its own spectral light, swelling and diminishing like a puff of smoke.
Créeme, chicoLiterature Literature
They' re the poison- secreting cells that you find in... jellyfish
Ni siquiera a Chuckopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The Portuguese Man o’ War is a dangerous animal of the Hydrozoa family formed by a colony of polyps and closely resembling a jellyfish.
Hay una maleta debajo de su camanot-set not-set
This jellyfish, for example, has a spectacular bioluminescent display.
Me gustan los comerciales antimarihuana "QED QED
A Rose of Moon jellyfish caught the tin plate in its tentacles.
Si lo dejo ahora...... lo lamentaré por siempreLiterature Literature
Medical preparations for repelling jellyfish
No es como si ¡ Vamos!tmClass tmClass
The product Dhu Ibérica offers relief and Police beach for the treatment of jellyfish stings (which can be found in pharmacies in the form of gel or 'rollon' under the name InsectDHU) has been presented as a unique novelty acts positively in the case of jellyfish stings as in other cases such as bites tigre mosquito, wasp, or even black flies.
Y eso abarca muchos aspectosCommon crawl Common crawl
So the jellyfish have this beautiful, intimate and complex relationship with the position of the sun in the sky.
Gracias, agente.- ¿ Agente?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
208 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.