job discrimination oor Spaans

job discrimination

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

discriminación en el empleo


discriminación laboral

A problem of another kind was job discrimination against women on the part of some employers.
Otro problema fue la discriminación laboral contra la mujer por parte de algunos empleadores.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The majority of complaints lodged involved job discrimination based on ethnicity
También se aplicará a cualquier ajuste de dicha operación que represente un aumento de más del # % del importe inicialmente concedido, y a las propuestas que surjan de modificaciones de fondo en la ejecución de un proyecto para el que se ha aprobado el compromisoMultiUn MultiUn
Age‐related job discrimination was also a matter of concern.
Lo voy a poner en el ' Internet '.¿ Cuál es la clave?UN-2 UN-2
The increase in the number of precarious jobs discriminates against women on several counts.
¡ Estoy mal! ¡ Tengo que ir, Sal!Europarl8 Europarl8
Job discrimination, article
Siento haberos metido en estoMultiUn MultiUn
- abolishing job discrimination and ensuring equal pay for men and women.
A propósito...Anoche fue encontrado otro cuerpo con las mismas característicasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Job discrimination because of race?
Mayormente, creemos, que significa " "Literature Literature
The size of the Coptic Christian population was understated in the statistics and they suffered considerable job discrimination
Considerando que el empleo es una de las condiciones esenciales para la inclusión socialMultiUn MultiUn
Job discrimination
Ventiladores eléctricosUN-2 UN-2
The majority of complaints lodged involved job discrimination based on ethnicity.
Puedo acompañarlaUN-2 UN-2
In terms of job discrimination, our Law is not discriminatory.
Hopkins, estamos en movimientoUN-2 UN-2
People with disabilities are protected from job discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
A Ulises, rey de ÍtacaCommon crawl Common crawl
“I think we can, sir, on the job discrimination and ecology petitions,” Bill said.
¿ Estas asustada?Literature Literature
How widespread is job discrimination?
Dime algo, ¿ cómo funciona aquí?¿ Somos iguales o algunos son mejores que otros?Literature Literature
We have 53 field offices around the country that can help you solve job discrimination and harassment problems.
Hay una puerta en tu cabezaCommon crawl Common crawl
There are several federal laws prohibiting job discrimination.
¿ Cómo estuvo tu día?UhCommon crawl Common crawl
· The prohibition of forced labour and of on-the-job discrimination.
¿ Santa Claus?UN-2 UN-2
The EEOC enforces the federal laws against job discrimination and harassment.
Es muy obvio que no me quieres mas cerca de tiCommon crawl Common crawl
This Code characterizes domestic violence, sexual harassment and job discrimination as offences
Es mi superiorMultiUn MultiUn
We also accept formal job discrimination complaints against employers.
Está muy enfermo para viajarCommon crawl Common crawl
A problem of another kind was job discrimination against women on the part of some employers.
Primero, quiero darles la bienvenidaUN-2 UN-2
People with disabilities, including HIV, are protected from job discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
En el estado estacionario, las concentraciones de bosentan en plasma fueron de # a # veces más elevadas quecon bosentan soloCommon crawl Common crawl
Like members of other minority groups, they also suffer from job discrimination.
No te olvidaste de mi ¿ verdad?-¡ Dios!Literature Literature
The size of the Coptic Christian population was understated in the statistics and they suffered considerable job discrimination.
Mi primer trabajoUN-2 UN-2
Ms. Livingstone Raday said that urgent action was needed to fight job discrimination against women in Kazakhstan
Un buscapleitosMultiUn MultiUn
Aims to prohibit job discrimination against disabled persons, fully functioning adults and single mothers and/or pregnant women.
Objetivo y ámbito de aplicaciónUN-2 UN-2
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