jocosity oor Spaans


(uncountable) The state of being jocose.

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'I think I shall cut him off with a shilling,' said the young nobleman, jocosely.
«Creo que voy a deshacerme de él con un chelín», dijo el joven noble, jocosamente.Literature Literature
Liebkind Bendel used to say jocosely, “What can you expect from a wife who is an editor?
Liebkind Bendel acostumbraba decir en broma: «¿Qué se puede esperar de una esposa que es editora?Literature Literature
“I’m too indolent, and too stupid,” said Littlemore jocosely.
—Soy demasiado indolente, y demasiado tonto —dijo Littlemore jocosamente.Literature Literature
‘My conversation,’ said Mr Taverner with elephantine jocosity, ‘shall be yea, yea, and nay, nay.
—Mi conversación —dijo el señor Taverner con paquidérmica gracia, será «sí, sí», y «no, no».Literature Literature
One of these, her partner, while changing sides, jocosely slapped her on her behind with his racket.
Uno de ellos, su compañero, al cambiar de lado la golpeó familiarmente en el trasero con su raqueta.Literature Literature
And finally Ausonius recommended moderate use of the serious and the jocose.”
Por último, Ausonio recomienda dosificar con moderación lo serio y lo jocosoLiterature Literature
The tone of the proclamation was not as jocose as in the former Chigirin talks.
El tono de los dos pasquines no era ya tan burlón como en las anteriores conversaciones de Chiguirin.Literature Literature
As for the head, he took it with him – jocosely insisting that he intended it for a miyagé.
En cuanto a la cabeza, la llevó consigo, insistiendo jocosamente en que se trataba de un miyagé.Literature Literature
Mackendrick shouted at me, in a voice that was half angry and half jocose, “For God’s sake, that doesn’t mean anything.
Mackendrick me gritó, con voz medio irritada medio gruñona: —Por Dios, eso no significa nada.Literature Literature
It was noted that MØ's vocal was heavily processed, with a jocose sample bound along with it.
Se señaló que la vocal de MØ fue fuertemente procesada, con una muestra jocoso atado junto con él.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isn’t the thing he lacks the back-slapping jocosity that passes for humor here?
¿No será quizá lo que le falte esa jocosidad grosera que aquí pasa por humor?Literature Literature
Now and then it fluttered the lids of that monstrous orb which had winked so jocosely.
De vez en cuando batía los párpados de aquel monstruoso globo que había parpadeado tan juguetón.Literature Literature
After a while, Allan remarked, jocosely, that the mere sound of the liquids you were pouring out, made him thirsty.
Al cabo de un rato, Allan observó, bromeando, que el mero sonido de los líquidos que estabas mezclando le daba sed.Literature Literature
“Mental illness is hardly a suitable topic for jocose and—” “Ach, I’m sorry, hey?
La enfermedad mental no es precisamente un tema adecuado para jocosidades y... —Ah, perdone, se lo ruego.Literature Literature
“Possibly—ah—they were exchanging anecdotes unsuitable to the female ear,” remarked the Bishop jocosely.
—A lo mejor estaban intercambiando anécdotas poco apropiadas para los oídos de una dama —sugirió jocoso el obispo.Literature Literature
Isn't the thing he lacks the back-slapping jocosity that passes for humor here?
¿No será quizá lo que le falte esa jocosidad grosera que aquí pasa por humor?Literature Literature
‘A cat may look at a king, as your English proverb says,’ added Schinkel, jocosely.
—Un gato puede mirar a un rey, como dice su proverbio inglés —añadió Schinkel jocosamente.Literature Literature
Yesukai shook his wife’s brother jocosely by the arm.
Yesugei sacudió jocosamente al hermano de su esposa por el brazo.Literature Literature
‘‘Ah,’’ said Ralph, jocosely, ‘‘after all, they are human beings.’’
—Bueno —dijo Ralph con jocosidad—, al fin y al cabo son seres humanos.Literature Literature
the young man said, jocosely, to Isabel a little later, while he brushed his hat.
—preguntó el joven, en tono de broma, a Isabel un poco más tarde mientras se cepillaba el sombrero.Literature Literature
‘I’m too indolent, and too stupid,’ said Littlemore jocosely.
—Soy demasiado indolente, y demasiado tonto —dijo Littlemore jocosamente.Literature Literature
It was in a tone of light jocosity, almost of encouragement, however, that he repeated: “Into society?
Sin embargo empleó un tono jocoso y ligero, casi de aliento, cuando repitió: —¿En la alta sociedad?Literature Literature
The rather numerous men of the family were dense and grumpy, or dense and jocose.
Los muy numerosos varones de la familia eran pesados y gruñones, o quizá pesados y jocosos.Literature Literature
“You know me, Jesse,” I said, with a false jocosity that barked in my own ears.
—Usted ya me conoce, Jesse —dije, con una falsa jocosidad que sonó mal a mis propios oídos—.Literature Literature
When she came home in the evening with one of her friends, she presented the girl with jocose eagerness to his embrace.
Cuando Helen volvía a casa con una de sus amigas, presentaba a la chica con jocosa seriedad para que él la abrazase.Literature Literature
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