jot down oor Spaans

jot down

(idiomatic, transitive) to write down hurriedly; to make a note of

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Tom jotted down the meeting time in his diary.
Tom anotó la hora de la reunión en su agenda.


Occasionally he stopped and jotted down the lyrics of certain songs.
Se detuvo varias veces para apuntar la letra de algunas canciones.

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to jot down
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Whoever he was, I blessed his dust for jotting down those expenses.
¿ No quieres enseñarle tu okapi a la abuela?- ¡ Okapi!- ¡ Si!Literature Literature
And he jotted down secrets in a little notebook that he then made vanish into a pocket.
Estoy siempre aquíLiterature Literature
Joanne jots down today’s date in her notepad.
Es una manera de saberloLiterature Literature
Paul jots down “Chanel 8” on a piece of scrap paper.
¿ La razon por la cual te contratamos?Literature Literature
For two months I kept repeating my history as they jotted down details.
Tenemos que empezar a cuidarnos un poco másLiterature Literature
Martín jots down the number and the name Paz, Pancho’s owner.
Después de # semanas de tratamiento, los niveles séricos medios de #-hidroxivitamina D fueron significativamente superiores (# %) en el grupo de FOSAVANCE (# mg/# UI) (# nmol/l [ # ng/ml ]) que en el grupo de alendronato sólo (# nmol/l [ # ng/ml ]Literature Literature
When you first told me of that evening, I jotted down the times and have them here.
Han sido escogidos por nosotrosLiterature Literature
It was best to jot down everything, even if most of it proved subsequently to be ill-founded.
No habia nada, que pudieran hacer para evitarloLiterature Literature
As he jotted down poetic similes there were bombs beneath his feet.
¡ No enciende!Literature Literature
I jotted down the information that I found, then arranged it in order of importance.
Bueno y ahora ¿ qué es lo que le sucede, señor Poirot?Literature Literature
If you want to retrieve that Bingo, you had better jot down that time—to the second.
Eso jamás ocurrirá- Teapuesto # dólares...... a que alcanzamos el objetivo al finalizar esta guardiaLiterature Literature
I only hope this is the Peter Ashbury we’re looking for,” she added, jotting down the address.
The Styron Business: fabricación de látex, caucho sintético y determinadas materias plásticasLiterature Literature
Neeve had also jotted down the man’s name and phone number.
No puedo seguir asíLiterature Literature
On the left-hand page he jotted down what he knew.
Damas y caballeros, tenemos tres concursantesLiterature Literature
Someone could be watching him, jotting down his license plate, remembering his face.
No sentí nadaLiterature Literature
She jotted down the location and the date for Devin.
Echaba de menos el hecho de que había algo que perderLiterature Literature
At least I can come back here and jot down what’s happening, if anything actually happens.
InmaculadaLiterature Literature
Brenda, jot down her address for me.”
¿ Qué tal te sientes ahora, Próculo?Literature Literature
While you were out carousing nightly, I read everything that was ever jotted down during classical antiquity.”
Uh, mi madre no trabajaLiterature Literature
I jotted down their heartfelt response and share with you tonight the words of yesteryear.
Las observaciones pueden ser enviadas a la Comisión por fax (fax no (#-#) # # # o # # #) o por correo, referencia no COMP/M.COMP/M.#- Owens-Illinois/BSN Glasspack , a la siguiente direcciónLDS LDS
she wonders, again catching the look on his face as he jots down this new information.
La flor de loto se ha cerradoLiterature Literature
Anisha dutifully copied all their names and jotted down the gist of their testimony and statements.
? Por quì no le saludas?Literature Literature
He wondered why he had taken the precaution of jotting down the number from the Illinois plates.
Esa gente no es normalLiterature Literature
In a notebook, she jotted down thoughts and impressions inspired by her reading.
Bill, es el tiempoLiterature Literature
Grant pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil and jotted down the numbers.
De acuerdo, veamosLiterature Literature
3688 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.