judicial oor Spaans


adjektief, naamwoord
Of or relating to a court of law, or to the administration of justice.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjektiefmasculine, feminine
of or relating to a court of law
In Ecuador, support the continuation of judicial training.
En el Ecuador, apoyar la continuación de la capacitación judicial.


Relating to the administration of justice or the function of a judge.
Relativo a la administración de la justicia o de la función de un juez.
The same applies to the two supplementary protocols on judicial cooperation and corruption.
Lo mismo sucede con los dos protocolos adicionales sobre la cooperación jurídica y la corrupción.


The Act required individuals to bring their own lawsuits if they desired judicial resolution of their claims.
La ley exige que los particulares entablen sus propios litigios si desean que sus denuncias sean resueltas judicialmente.

En 5 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

crítico · entendido · jurisdiccional · sagaz · jurídica

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

judicial recount
recuento judicial
quasi-judicial board
take judicial notice of
judicial body
órgano judicial
judicial resolution
foreign judicial order
orden judicial extranjera
judicial trustee
judicial review of administrative decisions
jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The information on the Council’s file shows that the rights of defence and the right to effective judicial protection were respected in the judicial proceedings or asset recovery process on which the Council relied.
Ya le daré yo ángel vengadorEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It had been stressed, however, that the topic also required a comparative analysis of national legislation and judicial decisions.
Se aplicará a partir del # de septiembre deUN-2 UN-2
With the support of the international community and donor nations, training of judicial professionals is ongoing, physical infrastructure is being built and the capacity of the permanent justice institutions has increased, including through the enactment of key new legislation.
Dañas un cabello en su cabeza...Y te matoUN-2 UN-2
According to the report, the Observatory for Gender Issues is the mechanism for monitoring progress on gender issues in the legislative, administrative, judicial and statistical spheres.
Referencia a artículos del Reglamento (CE) no #/# y costes subvencionablesUN-2 UN-2
In addition to these trial proceedings, Trial Chamber # has taken advantage of the judicial recess and gaps in courtroom schedules by holding initial appearances, including the first case of contempt pending before the Tribunal
Mujeres que te han sido fieles durante mucho tiempoMultiUn MultiUn
Immediately after the ratification of the Covenant, the Ministry of Justice notified, by circular # all the competent administrative and judicial organs, i.e. the Presidents and Public Prosecutors at the Courts of Appeal and Courts of First Instance, as well as the Presidents of all the Greek Bar Associations, of the publication in the Official Gazette of Law # by which the CCPR was ratified
Así que, ¿ lista?MultiUn MultiUn
Person subject to judicial investigation by the Tunisian authorities in respect of the acquisition of movable and immovable property, the opening of bank accounts and the holding of financial assets in several countries as part of money-laundering operations.
Así estan bienEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Technical advice provided to the Ministry of Justice, the judiciary and Parliament to enhance judicial independence
Hemos acordado que no debe superar los 30 km y en casos excepcionales quizá los 50 km. De hecho, al ampliar la zona fronteriza podríamos encontrarnos con que ya no es posible cumplir las normas de seguridad.UN-2 UN-2
It was held by the European Court in this case that the Netherlands system of appeal to the Crown cannot be regarded as an independent and impartial judicial remedy
Eres un maldito demonioMultiUn MultiUn
In paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 1888 (2009), the Council requested the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative to provide coherent and strategic leadership and to work effectively to strengthen existing United Nations coordination mechanisms and to engage in advocacy efforts with Governments, including military and judicial representatives, as well as with all parties to armed conflict and civil society, in order to address, at both Headquarters and country level, sexual violence in armed conflict, while promoting cooperation and coordination of efforts among all relevant stakeholders, primarily through the inter-agency initiative entitled “United Nations Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict”.
Se ganó una impresionante lista de condecoraciones durante su carreraUN-2 UN-2
The Registry continues to administer and service the Tribunal with an emphasis on the provision of effective judicial and administrative support to the Chambers and the Office of the Prosecutor, as well as reforms in the strategies and management systems utilized in providing such support
Michael dice que noMultiUn MultiUn
The independent expert might explain whether international obligations relating to the right to development would be judiciable;
Asunto: Actualización de la situación de los fondos del programa Save # para el Ayuntamiento de PisaUN-2 UN-2
the incorporation in decisions and framework decisions of all the measures on judicial and police cooperation that appear in the conventions signed but not ratified by the Member States,
Sabes algo, Nate, y se supone que debes ayudarmenot-set not-set
Although the Council for Human Rights had no formal complaints procedure, representatives of non-governmental organizations who sat on the Council could sometimes propose solutions to individual problems based on their own experiences of judicial proceedings
Estoy en elloMultiUn MultiUn
Requests the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to continue its efforts to provide Member States with technical assistance, upon request, to strengthen international cooperation in preventing and combating terrorism through the facilitation of the ratification and implementation of the universal conventions and protocols related to terrorism, including the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism,9 in particular through training in the judicial and prosecutorial fields in their proper implementation, taking into account, in its programmes, the elements necessary for building national capacity in order to strengthen fair and effective criminal justice systems and the rule of law as an integral component of any strategy to counter terrorism;
Es por el guisadoUN-2 UN-2
Other, more specific, comments have been on the scope of bid protest review, applicable standards and whether review should be carried out by an administrative or judicial body
Fecha de la homologación/denegación/retirada de homologaciónMultiUn MultiUn
Enhancement of the criminal judicial dimension
Un rendimiento extremadamente bajo.Apenas pueden arañarnosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The judicial system did not properly fulfil its mission, whether by legally condemning the actions of subversive groups, or by defending the rights of detained persons, or by putting a stop to the impunity allowed to State agents who were committing serious human rights violations
Dame la llave, RonnieMultiUn MultiUn
In the present case, the Court is asked not about procedural provisions of the national law of a single Member State, but about the interpretation of rules of jurisdiction which have been standardised between all the Member States in respect of judicial cooperation in civil matters.
Los BottelloEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Recognizing also that a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to prevention, healing and reintegration is required and that all actors, including judicial and law enforcement personnel, migration authorities, victims of trafficking and their families, non-governmental organizations and civil society, should collaborate in the development of such an approach,
Quizás quieras un poco de whiskyUN-2 UN-2
Moreover, official data are lacking regarding the enforcement of Act No. 243, so the Association of Councilwomen of Bolivia (ACOBOL) has been the body most visibly denouncing harassment and political violence against women, filing 225 complaints in the 2010–2013 period, only 22 of which have resulted in a judicial process to punish the offenders, while another 15 are still being processed and the rest, 184, have not been followed up at all; of all complaints, just one, the case of Councilwoman Magda Hasse of the municipality of Tarvita, Chuquisaca, led to a conviction, in 2014.
¡ Que perfecta sincronización!UN-2 UN-2
I welcome your judicious proposals of objectives for the Belgian Presidency.
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The State party should widely disseminate the text of its fifth periodic report, the written answers it has provided in response to the list of issues drawn up by the Committee, and the present concluding observations among the general public as well as the judicial, legislative and administrative authorities, civil society and non‐governmental organizations operating in the country.
R es reversaUN-2 UN-2
Any precautionary measure under paragraph 1 shall cease to have effect when the administrative or judicial authorities of the home Member State take reorganisation measures under Article 3 of Directive 2001/24/EC.
Concepto de “navegación”»Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Steps taken to establish a judicial mechanism for reviewing, in last instance, the sufficiency and appropriateness of diplomatic assurances in any applicable case;
Pónganse los lentesUN-2 UN-2
209 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.