jump up oor Spaans

jump up

To move from one position to a higher position by one jump.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

levantarse de un salto


Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

to jump up and down
brincar · dar saltos
to jump up on sth
saltar sobre algo
to jump up
saltar hacia arriba
pensamiento · pensamiento salvaje · trinitaria
pensamiento salvaje
Get Up and Jump
Get Up and Jump
con ínfulas
he leapt jumped up out of his chair
saltó de la silla


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Warren was trying to jump up and down on you but you were dead.
Warren ha estado saltando encima tuyo, pero estabas muerto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I shake my head fervently, but I laugh when Zu grabs my wrist and jumps up and down.
Niego con insistencia, pero me río cuando Zu me agarra por la muñeca y empieza a dar saltos.Literature Literature
He was jumped up to major general solely because his brother is Governor General.
Lo nombraron general de división únicamente porque su hermano es gobernador general.Literature Literature
Tell Beau not to jump up on her.
«Decirle a Beau que no le salte encima».Literature Literature
Jump up, strength + ACE
¡ Sube, vamos!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sidney jumped up, caught me by the arm, asked me to stay so she could explain.
Sidney también se levantó, me sujetó del brazo y me pidió que me quedara, que la dejara explicarse.Literature Literature
Then he made them jump up and use the ceiling handholds to hurl them-selves into the room.
Después les hizo dar un salto y utilizar los asideros del techo para arrojarse al interior de la sala.Literature Literature
Understandably, he looked tense, primed, ready to jump up at any moment, ready to burst into violent action.
Comprensiblemente, parecía tenso, listo para saltar en cualquier momento, listo para ponerse agresivo.Literature Literature
... What if he jumped up and ran away?
¿Y si se levantaba de un salto y huía corriendo?Literature Literature
It surprises everyone at the table and I try to jump up, but JT holds me still.
Sorprende a todos en la mesa y trato de saltar, pero JT me mantiene quieta.Literature Literature
He jumped up again, relieved, but when he turned back toward the house it was changed.
Volvió a ponerse en pie, aliviado, pero cuando se volvió hacia la casa, ésta había cambiado.Literature Literature
A lady in Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville sandals jumps up.
Una dama con sandalias Margaritaville de Jimmy Buffett se levanta de un salto.Literature Literature
"My friend jumped up: ""He speaks, he speaks!"
Mi amigo dio un salto: “¡Ha hablado, ha hablado!Literature Literature
“Will Scarlet,” Lena greeted, jumping up.
—Will Scarlet —saludó Lena, saltando.Literature Literature
‘To that jumped-up, murderous, usurping government?’
—¿Su intermediaria con ese gobierno asesino, usurpador y con delirios de grandeza?Literature Literature
Excited, El Grescas jumped up from the bed and squeezed me against his gorilla chest.
Ilusionado, el Grescas se levantó de su cama y me aplastó contra su pecho de gorila.Literature Literature
They started jumping up and down, holding on to one another.
Empezaron a saltar arriba y abajo, agarrándose el uno al otro.Literature Literature
I didn’t jump up and rush you to the hospital because I had no idea you were alive.
No me levanté de un salto y eché a correr al hospital, porque no tenía ni idea de que estabas vivo.Literature Literature
Bradbourne saw my face twitch, so he jumped up and pulled me on to his knee.
Bradbourne vio que mi cara me traicionaba, de modo que saltó y me colocó encima de sus rodillas.Literature Literature
My Lady jumped Up before I had finished my bowl.
Mi señora se puso en pie de un salto antes de que yo hubiera acabado mi cuenco.Literature Literature
She had to resist the temptation to jump up to collect the post.
Tuvo que resistir la tentación de levantarse de un salto para ir a recoger el correo.Literature Literature
A flood of acid immediately rained into her stomach, and she jumped up, dropping the test.
Una inundación de ácido llovió inmediatamente en su estómago, y ella saltó, dejando caer la prueba.Literature Literature
He started to answer, but I jumped up.
Iba a responder, pero me levanté de un salto.Literature Literature
She stood to go, and I jumped up to follow.
Se levantó para irse y yo salté y la seguí.Literature Literature
Laughter inside Hank, how it jumps up in his chest.
La risa dentro de Hank, cómo salta en el pecho.Literature Literature
20370 sinne gevind in 58 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.