landmass oor Spaans


/ˈlænd.mæs/ naamwoord
A large continuous area of land, either surrounded by sea or contiguous with another landmass.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

masa de tierra

a large continuous area of land
I'm not detecting any humanoid life... but it'll take several hours to search all of the landmasses.
No estoy detectando ninguna vida humanoide pero llevará varias horas buscar en todas las masas de tierra.


contiguous area of land surrounded by ocean; large continuous area of land, either surrounded by sea or contiguous with another landmass
gran masa de tierra contigua, que no incluye las islas adyacentes separadas por un mar u oceano

masa continental

Two major landmasses, a number of islands, life form readings.
Dos masas continentales mayores una serie de islas, actividad con formas de vida.


Judeo-Chrstian religions might make up another landmass or continent.
Las religiones judeo-cristianas pueden constituir otras tierras o continentes.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The Territory has a relatively flat topography, a total landmass of # km # and includes several offshore islets
El sol tiene a la noche y ellos quieren que yo luzca todo el día y a toda horaMultiUn MultiUn
This is especially so since that “landmass” is teeming with vital natural resources, including nearly all the world’s known supplies of gold, diamonds and chromite.
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Peryton rotated below them, gray clouds and the snowcapped peaks of a reddish landmass.
Excepto cuando Napoleon me pidio...... que entregara una carta a su amigo en MarsellaLiterature Literature
Several hours later, after sustaining no deep convection atop its centre, Hilary was declared a remnant low, located several hundred miles away from any landmasses.
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Balochistan, the largest province (43% of landmass) of Pakistan, has been a hotbed of anarchy.
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The high ratio of landmass to population creates an additional problem of internal remoteness that hampers many economic activities and delivery of social services
VicepresidenteMultiUn MultiUn
Nearly eighty percent of Kalimdor's landmass had been blasted apart, leaving only a handful of separate continents surrounding the new, raging sea.
En efecto, dicha disposición es fundamental para el Departamento ya que permite el inicio de proyectos para la mejora de la calidad medioambiental así como de la rentabilidad económica de la agricultura de YvelinesCommon crawl Common crawl
It also delivered the first stereo-radar coverage of the planet’s landmass and the first high-resolution interferometric coverage of Canada, and produced complete single-season snapshots of all continents.
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In the opinion of Kim Richard Nossal of Queen's University in Canada, "generally this term was used to signify a political community that occupied a continental-sized landmass, had a sizable population (relative at least to other major powers); a superordinate economic capacity, including ample indigenous supplies of food and natural resources; enjoyed a high degree of non-dependence on international intercourse; and, most importantly, had a well-developed nuclear capacity (eventually normally defined as second strike capability)."
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It is unique among landmasses, the world’s coldest continent —isolated and, until 1977 brought the era of the Antarctic “day trip” by jet plane, quite impossible for the average person like me to visit.
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The Bering Strait and Bering Sea separate the landmasses of Asia and North America, as well as forming the international boundary between Russia and the United States.
Propugna la implantación de clases de recuperación para los niños que llegan tarde a la educación y para quienes vuelven a la educación desde el mundo del trabajo, los conflictos o los desplazamientosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The origin of fauna in Indonesia was determined by geographical and geological events on the Asian continental landmass and the Australasian continental landmass (now Australia).
Deben aprovecharse las posibilidades que ofrecen las tecnologías modernas para hacer que la información esté inmediatamente disponibleWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The influence of the Mediterranean, the Iberian landmass and Atlantic weather patterns gives the geographical area a climate with relatively little variation.
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Sauropods were still the dominant herbivores in the Gondwanan landmasses, however.
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whereas the Commission Communication has chosen to define Asia as including the broad continental landmass and, because of economic and political links as well as geographic proximity, Australia and New Zealand, but excluding central Asia,
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Although the hurricane did not impact any major landmasses, it passed very close to the unpopulated Johnston Atoll as a strong Category 4 hurricane, where a hurricane warning was issued in advance of the storm.
Considerando que, según las estadísticas, cada año mueren más de # personas en las carreteras de la UEWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bombay had three times the population in a landmass one third the size.
No, pensé que debía acercarme más a la calle...... y por eso estoy aquí hoyLiterature Literature
Many other species occur naturally on all principal landmasses except Australia.
El flujo de inversión directa desde los países europeos mantiene una tendencia ascendente, de modo que, en la actualidad, constituye el mayor volumen de recursos para la inversión que entra en la regiónLiterature Literature
At this distance, the patterns of ocean and landmass were clear.
Porqué sigues protegiendo a Jacob?Literature Literature
In post-storm analysis, it was discovered that Ana had degenerated into a tropical wave once more on August 16, before reaching any landmasses.
Nunca en mi vida había visto nada como túWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Two major landmasses, a number of islands, life form readings.
Alégrate de que se olvidara de tí.Quiero morirme ahora mismo, no quiero seguir viviendoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Every landmass is surrounded by water.
Eso seria muy buenoLiterature Literature
Small islands sometimes disappear due to rising ocean levels, but the researchers find no evidence of a sunken landmass, just ocean waters 4600 feet deep. HENRY:
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This little corner of North-West Europe was just a tiny part of a bigger landmass.
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“It wasn’t common but was especially effective for large landmasses.
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205 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.