logarithm oor Spaans


/ˈlɑ.gə.ɹɪ.ð(ə)m/ naamwoord
(mathematics) For a number x, the power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain x. Written \log_b x. For example, \log_{10} 1000 = 3 because 10^3 = 1000 and \log_2 16 = 4 because 2^4 = 16.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


for a number x, the power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain x
Although I did not like math, I had to study logarithms.
Aunque no me gustaban las matemáticas, tuve que estudiar logaritmos.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

logarithmic viscosity number
hinh · hln · viscosidad inherente · índice logarítmico de viscosidad
logarithmic decrement
decremento logarítmico
logarithmic normal distribution
distribución de Galton · distribución log-normal
logarithmic chart
gráfico logarítmico
natural logarithm
logaritmo natural
Brigg's logarithm
logaritmo común · logaritmo de Briggs · logaritmo de base decimal · logaritmo decimal
discrete logarithm
Logaritmo discreto
logarithmic distribution
Distribución logarítmica
binary logarithm
logaritmo binario


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
If measurements are made using the method described in Annex VII using a vehicle-to-antenna spacing of 3,0 ± 0,05 m, the radiation reference limit shall be 34 dB microvolts/m (50 microvolts/m) in the 30 to 75 MHz frequency band and 34 to 45 dB microvolts/m (50 to 180 microvolts/m) in the 75 to 400 MHz frequency band, this limit increasing logarithmically (linearly) with frequencies above 75 MHz as shown in Appendix 4 of this Annex.
Creo que fue esa galleta.- ¿ En blanco y negro?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If measurements are taken using the method described in Annex V, the radiation reference limit will be 64-54 dB (microvolts/m) within the 30-75 MHz frequency band, this limit decreasing by the frequency logarithm, and 54-65 dB microvolts/m) in the 75-400 MHz band, this limit increasing by the frequency logarithm, as shown in Appendix 5 to this Annex.
Me partirá el corazónEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The approximate concentration of the analysis medium is read on a calibration line drawn on a semi-logarithmic scale with the standard fluoride solutions with titres of 0,1, 0,2, 0,5, 1,0, 2,0 mg/l.
Soy Liam.Te devolveré la llamadaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
And actually it's this exponent property, where you can multiply -- when you take something to exponent and then take that to an exponent, and you can essentially just multiply the exponents -- that's the exponent property that actually leads to this logarithm property.
Totalmente, claroQED QED
The double-logarithmic terms in fact occur when the conditions (135.6) are satisfied.
Cuéntanos del vendedor, ToddLiterature Literature
The process, called logarithmic differentiation, is illustrated in the next example.
Tres... cuatro... no lo séLiterature Literature
the natural logarithm of the measurement (after having applied the relevant DF) for the i-th engine of the sample
It's going to be nine of logarithm of whatever you buy plus two, because you get those units for free, plus one this term.
Quiero que tenga todo lo que yo no tuve cuando era un perro jovenQED QED
The continuously compounded return is just the natural logarithm of one plus the simple return.
Nueve empresas solicitaron el trato de nuevo productor exportadorQED QED
Keep in mind that logarithms of negative numbers are not defined.
Aquí, con ScoobyLiterature Literature
Where ‘lg’ is the base 10 logarithm.
¡ Está atascado!EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Logarithmic function looks like this.
Por el momento, así esQED QED
My sense of hearing is ten times as sharp as yours—on a logarithmic scale, of course.
¿No te consideras parte de tu propia raza?Literature Literature
The logarithm of a number gives the power to which the base must be brought to obtain the same number.
Recomendación sobre la propuesta del Consejo Europeo de no convocar una convención para la revisión de los Tratados en relación con las medidas transitorias sobre la composición del Parlamento Europeo [#/#- C#-#/#- #/#(NLE)]- Comisión de Asuntos ConstitucionalesLiterature Literature
First, the scale is logarithmic, so that each unit represents a ten-fold increase in the amplitude of the seismic waves.
Deberían estar muertosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Major molecular response criteria: in the peripheral blood reduction of # logarithms in the amount of Bcr-Abl transcripts (measured by real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR assay) over a standardised baseline
Ahora que estoy aquí, no sé qué decirEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
,n |rij | (dashed line) in logarithmic scale, for the Hilbert system of Example 5.8.
Según los resultados de estudios in vitro e in vivo, raltegravir se elimina principalmente metabolizándose por glucuronidación por la vía mediada por la UGT#ALiterature Literature
Can the logarithmic temperature difference Tlm of this heat exchanger be greater than both T1 and T2?
Mi hija está muertaLiterature Literature
Because of the wide range in sound sensitivity, intensity is expressed as the logarithm of the actual intensity.
Tengo otras cosas que hacerLiterature Literature
Using natural logarithms rather than logarithms to other bases often leads to simpler expressions.
¿ Me espera un momento, por favor?Literature Literature
'Acceleration sensitivity' is defined as twenty times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of rms output voltage to a 1 V rms reference, when the hydro-acoustic sensor, without a preamplifier, is placed in a plane wave acoustic field with an rms acceleration of 1 g (i.e., 9,81 m/s2).
de un tipo de vehículo por lo que se refiere a la instalación de dispositivos de alumbrado y señalización luminosa, de conformidad con el Reglamento noEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This 657-page book is divided into twelve chapters in which the authors try to carry the student by the hand so that he or she can learn and understand: logic and sets of numbers, fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry of the triangle, analytic trigonometry, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices, topics of analytic geometry and successions, series and probability.
Peso bruto (kgCommon crawl Common crawl
Gravity himself was impossible to follow, but his movements could be calculated using geographical logarithms.
A partir del # de febrero de #, se aplicarán a la gestión de la población de lenguado en el Canal Occidental las limitaciones del esfuerzo pesquero y las condiciones correspondientes establecidas en el Anexo # cLiterature Literature
"Hydrophone sensitivity" is defined as twenty times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of rms output voltage to a 1 V rms reference, when the hydrophone sensor, without a pre-amplifier, is placed in a plane wave acoustic field with an rms pressure of 1 μPa.
No, Su Majestad, cumpliré sus órdenes y másEurLex-2 EurLex-2
208 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.