look askance at oor Spaans

look askance at

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Max looked askance at a pair of plastic bags containing writhing creatures that looked like black pasta.
Max miró con desconfianza un par de bolsas de plástico que contenían seres que se retorcían y parecían fideos negrosLiterature Literature
Jimmy took his glass, looking askance at Rose, wondering just how she was feeling.
Jimmy tomó un vaso, mirando de reojo a Rose, preguntándose qué es lo que ella sentiría.Literature Literature
"""And why its priestess must live there,"" he had whispered, looking askance at Kenton."
Y sé por qué debe vivir allí su sacerdotisa —susurró, como pidiendo su parecer a Kenton.Literature Literature
But the new scarcity seems to have made people look askance at this extravagance.
Pero la nueva escasez al parecer hacía que la gente mirase con recelo tal extravagancia.Literature Literature
Some of his former associates in his House may have looked askance at him.
Algunos de sus antiguos amigos de residencia tal vez lo mirasen con cara rara.Literature Literature
Joph looked askance at a particularly dodgy bit of patchwork near one of the main vents.
Joph miraba con recelo un parche particularmente mal hecho y próximo a uno de los principales conductos de ventilación.Literature Literature
Taking the book, Hannah looked askance at the children.
—Tomando el libro, Hannah miró de reojo a los niños—.Literature Literature
Surprised, the Rajah of Mahmudabad looks askance at Jai Lal: why such harshness?
Sorprendido, el rajá de Mahmudabad lanza una mirada a Jai Lal: ¿por qué tanta rudeza?Literature Literature
When Elliania looked askance at Dutiful, she looked askance at the entire Kingdom of the Six Duchies.
Cuando Elliania miró con recelo a Dedicado, miró con recelo a todo el reino de los Seis Ducados.Literature Literature
She looked askance at him, startled but happy with his open attitude about their affair.
Ella lo miró de reojo, sorprendida pero contenta con la actitud abierta con que encaraba su relación.Literature Literature
Poppy looked askance at them both, having never heard Amelia call the companion by her first name before.
Poppy miró de reojo a las dos, sin haber oído hablar nunca a Amelia llamar a su compañera por su nombre antes.Literature Literature
He certainly had the right to look askance at Felicity.
Él ciertamente tenía derecho a mirar de reojo a Felicity.Literature Literature
And then anyone who looked askance at a dried-out bog had better watch out for him.
Y cualquiera que mirara mal una ciénaga drenada podía echarse a temblar ante él.Literature Literature
And even those who still believed in Pure Psy were looking askance at recent events.
E incluso aquellos que todavía creían en Psy Puro miraban con recelo los recientes acontecimientos.Literature Literature
The other woman looked askance at the idea of touching any part of the man’s body.
La otra mujer la miró anonadada ante la idea de tocar cualquier parte del cuerpo del hombre.Literature Literature
At that the company fell silent, and some drew away, looking askance at the stranger.
Entonces los allí reunidos guardaron silencio, y algunos se alejaron y miraron con desconfianza al forastero.Literature Literature
"He looked askance at the gully dwarves, but then added, ""Good luck."""
Miró de soslayo a los gullys, pero luego añadió—: Buena suerte.Literature Literature
The mothers, with their big, anxious ears, looked askance at them, panting and rigid with fright.
Las madres, con sus grandes orejas ansiosas, los miraban de soslayo, resoplando, paralizadas de miedo.Literature Literature
Traz Onmale looked askance at the women who worked nearby.
Traz Onmale miró furtivamente a las mujeres que trabajaban cerca de allí.Literature Literature
‘Their Majesties, knowing of my scandalous adventures, looked askance at our friendship,’ Felix recalled.
«Sus Majestades, enterados de mis escandalosas aventuras, miraban con recelo nuestra amistad», recordaba Félix.Literature Literature
Jimmy Dobbs looked askance at the Cubans.
Jimmy Dobbs miró de reojo a los cubanos.Literature Literature
He paused to look askance at the woman and said: - Or at least I not!
Hizo una pausa para mirar de soslayo a la mujer y añadió: —¡O al menos yo no lo soy!Literature Literature
Some in the field looked askance at the work.
Otros especialistas del campo miraban con desconfianza este trabajo.Literature Literature
And if I'd said something completely bizarre he would have looked askance at me, and regulated the conversation.
Y, si hubiese dicho algo totalmente extraño él me habría mirado de lado, con dudas, y habría regulado la conversación.ted2019 ted2019
Though there might be a grain of truth to the charge, Daphne looked askance at him.
Aunque podía haber algo de verdad en ello, Daphne lo miró con desaprobación.Literature Literature
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