look at my story oor Spaans

look at my story

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Mary Gnaedinger, at Famous Fantastic Mysteries, took one look at my story and published it.
A Mary Gnaedinger, de Famous Fantastic Mysteries, le bastó mirar el cuento una vez para publicarlo.Literature Literature
“While he’s not here to be embarrassed, did you have time to look at my story about him?”
—Ahora que no está aquí para sentirse avergonzado, ¿tuvo tiempo para leer mi historia sobre él?Literature Literature
Look at my story and tell me that it gives you nothing.
Analícese mi historia y dígaseme que no le ha aportado nada.Literature Literature
Michelle Shephard: you made it possible for me to take a step back and look at my story through your words.
Michelle Shephard: hiciste posible que yo diera un paso atrás y contemplara mi historia a través de tus palabras.Literature Literature
If you were looking at my story, you might think it began when I got a job at the Ann Arbor Daily Telegram.
Si analizan mi historia, podrían pensar que comenzó cuando conseguí un trabajo en el diario Ann Arbor Telegram.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'd encourage you to take a look at my story of surgical negligence... and join me in putting these monsters out of business.
La animo a que le eche un vistazo a mi historia de negligencia quirúrgica y que se una a mí para sacar a estos monstruos del negocio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was just a little thing; just the littlest thing really, when you look at my whole story.
Una cosita; en realidad una cosita sin importancia teniendo en cuenta toda mi historia.Literature Literature
I can look at my new story and how it is succeeding.
Puedo mirar a mi nueva historia y ver que está teniendo éxito.Literature Literature
Well, if you look at my story, from being born somewhere different, to belly dancing in high school, to telling stories you wouldn't normally see on TV, what makes me different is what has made me stand out and be successful.
Bueno, si observan mi historia... he pasado de nacer en un sitio distinto, a hacer danza de vientre en secundaria, a contar historias, que no se ven con frecuencia en la televisión. Lo que me hace diferente, es lo que me ha hecho destacar y tener éxito.ted2019 ted2019
Would you like to look at one of my stories?
¿Te apetece echarle un vistazo a un relato mío?Literature Literature
I came to tell you, to tell Cath”—he looked at her—“that my story was selected for Prairie Schooner.
Vine a decirte, a decirle a Cath —la miró— que mi historia fue seleccionada por Prairie Schooner.Literature Literature
All you have to do is look at the story of my life.
Basta con que hagas un repaso a la historia de mi vida.Literature Literature
I looked at the story list on my lap.
Miré la lista de reportajes en mi regazo.Literature Literature
My father looked at the story again.
Mi padre volvió a examinar mi cuento.Literature Literature
By the way, if you doubt my story, look at Blanc and Rassam.
Si dudan de mi relato, consulten en Blanc y Rassam.Literature Literature
Jerome does not look at me.Yet since telling him my story, my eyes follow him like a dog’s.
Jéróme no me mira, y eso que desde que le conté mi historia mis ojos le siguen como los de un perro.Literature Literature
I might have a look at the stories about it on my computer.
A lo mejor echo un vistazo al suceso en mi ordenador.Literature Literature
I stopped my story and looked at Muhammad.
Dejé de contar la historia y miré a Mahoma.Literature Literature
When I had finished my story the Doctor looked at me, I thought, rather oddly.
Cuando hube terminado mi historia, el doctor me miró, en mi opinión más bien de un modo extraño.Literature Literature
When I’d finished my story, Tilly looked over at the house as well.
Cuando acabé de contarlo, Tilly miró la casa.Literature Literature
I looked at my grandmother while wondering about that old story.
Miré a mi abuela mientras pensaba en aquella vieja historia.Literature Literature
She looked at her child and thought, “It’s not my story anymore.
Ella la miró y pensó: «Ahora ya no eres asunto mío.Literature Literature
I looked at the stories I had placed in my pile of favorites.
Revisé los relatos que había colocado en el montón de mis favoritos.Literature Literature
And how does telling the story affect my looking at and reading of the painting?
¿Cómo influye la manera de contar la historia en mi forma de mirar e interpretar el cuadro?Literature Literature
A long story,” I said, looking at my watch and gathering up my perpetually meager stock of courage.
Es una larga historia —comenté antes de mirar el reloj y hacer acopio de mis siempre escasas reservas de valor—.Literature Literature
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