look at the cat oor Spaans

look at the cat

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

mira al gato

Well, Wigner's friend looks at me, I look at the cat, and we exist.
Bueno, el amigo de Wigner me mira, yo miro al gato, y entonces existimos.

mirar al gato

Well, Wigner's friend looks at me, I look at the cat, and we exist.
Bueno, el amigo de Wigner me mira, yo miro al gato, y entonces existimos.

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She looked at the cat clock, watched its eyes and tail move with the passing seconds.
Miró el reloj en forma de gato y observó los ojos y la cola que se movían al paso de los segundos.Literature Literature
He looked at the man and he looked at the cats.
Miró al hombre y miró los gatos.Literature Literature
No, neither did I, until I took a second look at the CAT scan.
Bueno, yo tampoco hasta que miré de nuevo con el tomógrafo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
she called hopefully, looking at the cats around the hollow, but there was no reply.
—llamó esperanzada, mirando a los gatos de la hondonada, pero no hubo respuesta.Literature Literature
The woman often looks at the cat and sometimes remembers another story.
La mujer mira al gato y a veces recuerda otra historia.Literature Literature
Coxon cast a warm look at the cat that had sidled up and begun rubbing against his calves.
Coxon lanzó una mirada afectuosa al gato que se le había acercado y empezaba a frotarse contra sus pantorrillas.Literature Literature
She looked at the cat, sitting a few feet away, engrossed in the process of his hourly bath.
-Miró al animal, sentado a pocos pasos de distancia, enfrascado en el proceso de tomar su baño.Literature Literature
Zachary looks at the cat but the cat, disinterested, closes its eyes and does not follow.
Zachary mira al gato, pero el felino, desinteresado, cierra los ojos y desiste de seguirlos.Literature Literature
‘Stand up, will you at least, and let the king look at the cat.’
Ponte de pie, al menos, y deja que el rey vea al gato.Literature Literature
Louis knelt down to look at the cat.
Louis se arrodilló para mirar al gato.Literature Literature
He thought, looking at the cat, if only you were the intelligent species on this world.
Mirando al gato, Newton pensó si sería la única especie inteligente de este mundo.Literature Literature
She turned and looked at the cat, who glared at her from behind a begonia plant.
Se giró y echó Un vistazo a la gata, que la miró airadamente desde detrás de una begonia.Literature Literature
“But...” Hazel looked at the cat.
—Pero... —Hazel miró a la gata.Literature Literature
She took one look at the cat and pronounced that it was the work of a student.”
Echó una mirada a la gata y afirmó que aquello era labor de un estudianteLiterature Literature
I look at the cat lady in disbelief.
Miro con incredulidad a la loca de los gatos.Literature Literature
Colonel Mering looked at the cat with undisguised hatred.
El coronel Mering miró la gata con odio evidente.Literature Literature
Laurent looked at the cat’s large green eyes and felt a shudder run through him.
Laurent miró los grandes ojos verdes del gato y notó que le corría un escalofrío por la piel.Literature Literature
Certainly he was by no means the sorcerer he had once been ... He looked at the cat again.
No era el hechicero que había sido antes... Miró de nuevo al gato.Literature Literature
They just looked at the cat?
¿Sólo vinieron por el gato?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Konrad stops, looks at the cat lying near the window.
Konrad se detiene, mira al gato tumbado cerca de la ventana.Literature Literature
'Primitive, sir,' Kryten tilted his head to try and get a look at the Cat's injuries.
—Primitivas, señor —Kryten ladeó la cabeza para intentar echar un ojo a las heridas del Gato—.Literature Literature
She looked at the cat again, which had now hidden under a tree.
Por qué no me dijiste¿ Ella miró de nuevo al gato, que ahora se había agazapado bajo un árbol.Literature Literature
She looked at the cat, trotting at her side with its light steps.
Miró al gato caminando a su lado, con su andar ligero.Literature Literature
Linsha looked at the cat, the owl, the centaur, and the Knight and felt oddly comforted.
Linsha miró al gato, al centauro, a la hembra de búho, y al caballero y se sintió reconfortada de manera extraña.Literature Literature
VJ asked, still calmly, trying to look at the cat as Marsha pushed him toward the door.
—preguntó VJ tranquilamente, tratando de mirar atrás mientras Marsha lo empujaba hacia la puerta.Literature Literature
1254 sinne gevind in 124 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.