look up oor Spaans

look up

(intransitive) To look in an upwards manner

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


to obtain information about something from a text source
It is a good habit to look up new words in a dictionary.
Es un buen hábito buscar palabras nuevas en un diccionario.


She must have been looking up trains from Andover.
Ella debe haber consultado los trenes a Andover.
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to have better prospects, to improve
Take it easy. Things are looking up.
No te preocupes. Las cosas van mejorando.

En 9 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

admirar · busque · levantar la vista · mirar hacia arriba · visitar · averiguar · maravillarse · respetar · de

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Look Up

The UI element that initiates the process of seeking a particular file or specific data. A search is carried out by a program through comparison or calculation to determine whether a match to some pattern exists or whether some other criteria have been met.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

to look words up
para buscar palabras
to look up something
buscar algo
we're looking up
estamos buscando
things are looking up!
¡las cosas van mejorando!
look-up table
tabla de búsqueda · tabla de consulta · tabla de consultas
video look-up table
tabla CLUT
la búsqueda
look something up
buscar algo
color look-up table
paleta · paleta de pintor · tabla CLUT


Advanced filtering
A day and a half of researching, and we finally try looking up her.
Un día y medio de investigación y al final la buscamos en la computadora.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How about looking up here so we can see your kisser?
Ojo al parche.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He looked up Sisi’s apartment number.
Buscó el número del apartamento de Sisi.Literature Literature
See, uh, I think you should, uh, look up more.
Creo que ee... deberías levantar la vista.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""It's just me, Ed,"" he said, looking up from the ground at his friend."
—Sólo soy yo, Ed —dijo mirando a su amigo desde el suelo—.Literature Literature
Alice looks up at James, who watches her closely as she reads.
—Alice levanta la vista hacia James, que la observa con atención mientras lee—.Literature Literature
He’d thought about looking up Patience then, but he had enough self-control to avoid her.
En aquel momento había pensado en buscar a Patience, pero había tenido el autocontrol suficiente para evitarla.Literature Literature
Everyone looked up at him; he had never been late to a scheduled briefing.
Todo el mundo lo miró; no había llegado nunca tarde a una sesión informativa programada.Literature Literature
‘Somewhere in those houses,’ he replied without turning over, still looking up at the black clouds.
—En alguna de esas casas —respondió el jefe sin volverse y con la mirada fija en las nubes grises—.Literature Literature
the little girl asked uncertainly, looking up from Mara’s side.
—preguntó la niña con incertidumbre, mirando hacia arriba desde el costado de Mara.Literature Literature
She looked up when he entered, then returned to her contemplation of the music.
Ella alzó la vista al entrar él, y luego regresó a su ensimismamiento en la música.Literature Literature
A long silence followed, and she looked up.
Siguió un largo silencio, y ella alzó los ojos.Literature Literature
I positioned myself at the entrance and crouched down on the cold stone looking up at Donna’s house.
Me situé en la entrada y me senté sobre la fría piedra, observando la casa de Donna.Literature Literature
He looked up and, although Worf had gone, another figure was standing in the doorway.
Alzó los ojos y, a pesar de que Worf se había marchado, otra silueta se encontraba de pie en la entrada.Literature Literature
After a brief pause, she looked up at Savi again.
Tras una breve pausa, se volvió para mirar a Savi de nuevo.Literature Literature
The pseudocode in Fig. 2.31 uses the operation get to look up reserved words.
El seudocódigo en la figura 2.31 utiliza la operación get para buscar palabras reservadas.Literature Literature
Immediately Duma, Ro-ton, and all those around them looked up.
Inmediatamente, tanto Duma como Ro-ton y todos los que les rodeaban, levantaron la cabeza.Literature Literature
I've often thought I'd like to look up the magician's sleeve.
A menudo me gustaría ver la manga del mago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I went as far as looking up the station’s telephone number, but not as far as using it.
Llegué a buscar el número de teléfono de la televisión en la guía, pero no pasé de ahí.Literature Literature
Suppose Ryuji tried at the height of his heroic death throes to look up at this hallowed sky?
¿Y si Ryuji, en el clímax de la agonía de su muerte heroica, intentaba mirar hacia aquel cielo sagrado?Literature Literature
"""And do look up, boy: I can't be talking to the crown of your head."""
—Y mira hacia arriba, muchacho: no deseo hablar con tu coronilla.Literature Literature
Ciaofei, look up ahead
Ciaofei, mira delanteopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I stop reading and look up, my hands shaking.
Dejo de leer y miro hacia arriba, con las manos temblorosas.Literature Literature
When the two caped men looked up, there were half a dozen police cars surrounding them.
Cuando los dos hombres con capa levantaron la vista, había media docena de coches patrulla a su alrededor.Literature Literature
Durzo didn’t even look up from the calcinator.
Durzo ni siquiera alzó la vista del calcinatorio.Literature Literature
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