luring oor Spaans


naamwoord, werkwoord
Present participle of lure.

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Soortgelyke frases

aliciente · anzuelo · atracción · atractivo · atraer · atraer con engaño · atraer con engaños · atrayente · cautivar · cebo · cebo artificial · cebo emponzoñado · cebo envenenado · cebo químico · cebo venenoso · curricán · devón · el aliciente · el atractivo · el cebo · el encanto · el señuelo · encantar · encanto · engatusar · engañar · incitar · llevar a la fuerza · muestra · reclamo · seducción · seducir · señuelo · tentación · tentar
Arrondissement of Lure
Distrito de Lure
the bait lures the fish
el cebo atrae a los peces
atrayentes · carnada · cebo para control de plagas
The Lure of the Grand Canyon
:The Lure of the Grand Canyon
to lure
luring attack
ataque por señuelo
spoon lure
humanitarian lure
estratagema con pretextos humanitarios · trampa con pretextos humanitarios


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She at first hated me: another lure.
¡ Sobre la cabeza!Literature Literature
Maybe he lured them there with food and other enticements so he could take their pictures.
Bob Craven lo notó.SíLiterature Literature
Whatever reason Lucien had had for luring him away must have to do with Juliana.
Sí, y luego te fuiste... y yo me quedé sin hermano... y ahora quieres darme consejos... y ni siquiera te conozcoLiterature Literature
I was lured into a trap.
Es sobre todo un placer para mí contar con la presencia hoy aquí del Comisario Verheugen, que era Comisario de la Ampliación cuando me uní a la Unión Europea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 1978, Schlosser was promoted to executive vice president at RCA, and a desperate NBC lured Fred Silverman away from top-rated ABC to turn its fortunes around.
Él... es el tipoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was the way he lured women to their deaths.
Solopor una cosaLiterature Literature
It's really no coincidence that these institutions are largely set up in areas where tourists can most easily be lured in to visit and volunteer in exchange for donations.
Habla Tierneyted2019 ted2019
Do not allow peer pressure to lure you into a deadly practice
No soy amigo suyojw2019 jw2019
Pero estábamos todos arruinados en ese momento, así que es comoLiterature Literature
I wished to lure Perkus back to fugue and, for that matter, join him there myself.
Te vi cómo la mirabas.Seguro que creés que es Santa JuanaLiterature Literature
The Sub-Committee examined 10 complaint cases relating to children and youth, including detention and restraint of children; harmful luring of children by teachers and police offices; excessive punishment of students by teachers; nationality application; and domestic violence.
Nunca en mi vida había visto nada como túUN-2 UN-2
"""You taught me to ride,"" Meg continued, her voice soft, relentless, ""to hunt, and to cast the lure for a falcon."
¡ Sí, el Conde Fersen, por supuesto!Literature Literature
‘You lured him here with the promise of money.
Podría perder contratosLiterature Literature
Girls may be lured by offers of protection and access to safety zones
El proyecto de Decisión en el presente asunto suscita las siguientes observacionesMultiUn MultiUn
Therefore, though allied operations to the eastern interior of Java in 1706–08 did not gain much success in military terms, the fallen king surrendered in 1708 after being lured with the promises of household (lungguh) and land, but he was banished to Ceylon along with his wives and children.
Cuando haya varias zonas designadas de aterrizaje y despegue, estas serán tales que no creen un riesgo inaceptable para las operaciones de las aeronavesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Not some plot to lure him into corruption?
Pensó que yo podía hacerlo.- ¿ Ya no eres enfermera?Literature Literature
“Or Pain influenced you, luring you to attack me.”
La válvula esférica tendrá un diámetro no inferior al diámetro inferior del tubo de toma de muestras y un tiempo de conmutación inferior a #,# segundosLiterature Literature
It was the promise of finding her book that was the lure.
Saúl, escúchameOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It lured us in with the promise of a gentle slope but got steeper and steeper as we ascended.
Nueve empresas solicitaron el trato de nuevo productor exportadorLiterature Literature
Yet, the anxieties of life and the lure of material comforts can have a powerful grip on us.
Te busque por todas partes... pero inútilmentejw2019 jw2019
Now he had to lure Antonia on board his ship, and quickly.
¿ Ni siquiera vas a esperar que...... me muera?Literature Literature
With you as the lure, I sense plenty of excitement in the chase, but no chance of a kill at the end of it.
Ya saltarás en otra ocasión.- ¿ En serio?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I’m glad to see Walter finally lured you over here.
Como Graco controla el puebloy el Senado... también sentiste la obligación de entregarle el CuartelLiterature Literature
He had dangled Ferris like a shiny lure, a shimmering reflection in the hall of mirrors.
The victim submits his own bank account so that the money may be placed therein, however this information is only used to add credibility to the scam, in order to lure the victim in further.
Ahora pónmelo a míWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
209 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.