luxuriantly oor Spaans


In a luxuriant manner.

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And it began to sprout and gradually became a luxuriantly growing vine low in height, inclined to turn its foliage inward; and as for its roots, they gradually came to be under it.
Y empezó a brotar y gradualmente llegó a ser una vid que crecía con frondosidad, baja en altura, inclinada a volver su follaje hacia dentro; y en cuanto a sus raíces, gradualmente llegaron a estar debajo de ella.jw2019 jw2019
‘Glad to meet a friend,’ said Mr McLintock stretching luxuriantly.
—Encantado de conocer a un amigo —dijo McLintock, desperezando su lujosa humanidad.Literature Literature
Today’s Gospel puts before us once more the image of this climbing plant, that spreads so luxuriantly in the east, a symbol of vitality and a metaphor for the beauty and dynamism of Jesus’ fellowship with his disciples and friends – with us.
El evangelio de hoy nos evoca la imagen de esa planta, que en Oriente crece lozana y es símbolo de fuerza y vida, y también una metáfora de la belleza y el dinamismo de la comunión de Jesús con sus discípulos y amigos, con
The private secretary's amiability spread luxuriantly like a quickly-growing creeper.
La amabilidad del secretario particular se mostraba exuberante, como una enredadera de crecimiento rápido.Literature Literature
Tom smiled—slowly, almost luxuriantly.
Tom sonrió, lenta y casi voluptuosamente.Literature Literature
Aristocracy thrives and breeds most luxuriantly under democratic or republican regimes.
La aristocracia prospera y se multiplica de la manera más exuberante bajo regímenes republicanos o demócratas.Literature Literature
It is now filled with the smooth sumach ( Rhus glabra ), and one of the earliest species of goldenrod ( Solidago stricta ) grows there luxuriantly.
Ahora se llena con el zumaque liso ( Rhus glabra ), y uno de los primeros especie de vara de oro ( Solidago stricta ) allí crece exuberante.QED QED
The cold air that gushed in was refreshingly clean for London; beyond the portico, snow fell luxuriantly.
El aire frío era limpio y fresco para Londres; más al á del porche nevaba con fuerza.Literature Literature
The colors sallow his skin, but his hair is as luxuriantly black as ever.
Los colores dan un tinte amarillento a su piel, pero el pelo negro es tan abundante y lustroso como siempre.Literature Literature
She thought of how much she missed his golden curls that would never grow back as luxuriantly as before.
Pensó en cuánto echaba de menos sus rizos dorados, que ya nunca volverían a crecer con su antiguo esplendor.Literature Literature
Lifting a fat little hand she inserted an index finger into her right nostril and began luxuriantly to probe inside it.
Alzó una manita gordezuela, introdujo el dedo índice en la fosa nasal derecha y comenzó a hurgar dentro meticulosamente.Literature Literature
Failing to attach value to the fact that his hair is again growing luxuriantly, they allow him to be stationed between the two mighty pillars of the house used for the worship of Dagon.
Por no darle importancia al hecho de que el cabello de Sansón le está creciendo de nuevo copiosamente, le permiten colocarse entre las dos poderosas columnas de la casa donde adoran a Dagón.jw2019 jw2019
Luxuriantly black, they told as much of the story as his words did.
De un negro abrumador, relataban la historia tanto como sus palabras.Literature Literature
They had a lively and spirited leading singer in a luxuriantly fat vahine, who had had one arm bitten off by a shark.
Tenían por director de canto un vivaz y animoso vahine; era gordo y le faltaba un brazo, arrancado por un tiburón.Literature Literature
Anne got her handkerchief and sat down in her chair to torture herself luxuriantly.
Anne encontró el pañuelo y se sentó en su silla a torturarse con lujuria.Literature Literature
Ed and his host and his host’s luxuriantly moustached friend eat and drink.
Ed, su anfitrión y el amigo de este, con sus magníficos bigotes, comen y beben.Literature Literature
Love that had begun so powerfully in the body had spread luxuriantly into everything.
El amor que había empezado con tanta fuerza en el cuerpo se había extendido con exuberancia por todo su ser.Literature Literature
Everywhere upon its surface, art causes its arabesques, rosettes, and laces to thrive luxuriantly before the eyes.
En todas partes de la superficie el arte hace proliferar ante los ojos sus arabescos, sus rosetones y sus encajes.Literature Literature
The merry Philistines had Samson, whose hair had meanwhile grown luxuriantly, brought out of prison to provide amusement for them.
Los exultantes filisteos sacaron de la prisión a Sansón —a quien ya le había crecido copiosamente el cabello— para que les sirviera de entretenimiento.jw2019 jw2019
While Samson was in the prison house, his hair had begun to grow luxuriantly.
Mientras estaba en la prisión, el cabello le había empezado a crecer abundantemente.jw2019 jw2019
Bowen pressed a kiss to the top of her hair, the strands luxuriantly soft under his lips.
Bowen presionó un beso en la parte superior de su cabello, los mechones lujosamente suaves debajo de sus labios.Literature Literature
She thinks what a selfish person she is, but thinks it luxuriantly.
Piensa que ella es una persona sumamente egoísta, pero lo piensa con complaciente exuberancia.Literature Literature
Her lips were luxuriantly full, absurdly erotic.
Sus labios eran exuberantemente carnosos, absurdamente eróticos.Literature Literature
A grimace of hatred pursed her luxuriantly mustachioed lips: — Those scatter-brained whoresons up above!
Una mueca de odio frunció sus labios frondosamente abigotados: —¡La puta que los parió a esos pajarones de arriba!Literature Literature
Hearing her come in, he stretched luxuriantly and groaned with pleasure.
Al oírla entrar, se desperezó voluptuoso y gruñó complacido.Literature Literature
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