made of silver oor Spaans

made of silver

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

de plata

Later they were made of silver and other metals.
Posteriormente se hicieron de plata y otros metales.

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the ring is made of silver
el anillo es de plata


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There was an extra crown for Lucy, made of silver and pearls and pale silvery moonstones.
Hubo una corona extra para Lucy, hecha de plata y perlas y algunas piedras de luna, pálidas y plateadas.Literature Literature
"""There, nothing happens and it's made of silver."""
—Ahí lo tienes, no pasa nada, y es de plata.Literature Literature
Beneath the meridian reflection, the shrubs seemed to be made of silver.
Aquellos arbustos, bajo la reverberación meridiana, parecían de plata.Literature Literature
The dress clasped my shoulders with white embroidery that shimmered as if made of silver.
El vestido se ajustaba en los hombros con bordado blanco que brillaba como hilo de plata.Literature Literature
The oars were made of silver, and the rowers kept time to the music of flutes and violins.
Los remos eran de plata y los remeros seguían el ritmo de la música de flautas y violines.Literature Literature
‘The jug and bowl are made of silver.
La jarra y la palangana están fabricados en plata.Literature Literature
It was bright, as though made of silver, and for its beauty’s sake it became God.
Era brillante, como de plata, y gracias a su belleza se convirtió en el buen Dios.Literature Literature
Damn it to hell, woman, you think I'm made of silver?
Maldita seas, mujer, ¿piensas que estoy lleno de plata?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The little girl was wearing some kind of Halloween costume made of silver cardboard.
La muchachita con un traje de Halloween hecho de cartón plateado.Literature Literature
Made of silver.
Hecho de plata.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It’s hidden in something made of silver,” Tara said.
El bulbo está escondido en algún objeto de plata —dijo Tara.Literature Literature
The pathway was made of silver.
El camino estaba hecho de plata.Literature Literature
They are made of silver, but to me they are pure gold.
Son de plata; mas para mí son de oro, de diamantes, y convierten las velas en cirios.Literature Literature
"Then another, even larger wheel, ""made of silver of great brilliancy in imitation of the moon."""
Después, otra rueda aún más grande, «hecha de plata de gran brillantez, a imitación de la luna».Literature Literature
“I have sold all of my possessions, even my small chalice, made of silver.
«He vendido todas mis posesiones, incluso mi pequeño cáliz, que era de plata.Literature Literature
Karn was a massive man made of silver, and his voice was like a waterfall.
Karn era un hombre enorme hecho de plata y su voz era como una cascada.Literature Literature
I'm starting to understand why yours is the only cage made of silver.
Estoy empezando a entender por qué la tuya es la única jaula hecha de plata.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The garden was made of silver and gold and precious stones!
¡El jardín estaba hecho de oro, plata y piedras preciosas!Literature Literature
They were made of silver, and they knew themselves superior to everything else and special.
Eran de plata y sabían que eran superiores y especiales.Literature Literature
One made of gold, one made of silver, one made of jade
Una de oro, una de plata, una de bronceopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Made of silver, the doors were opened only on special occasions.
Hechas de plata, se abrían sólo en ocasiones especiales.Literature Literature
Most people have crucifixes on their beads that are made of silver or gold, sometimes rolled gold.
La mayoría de la gente tiene en las cuentas crucifijos hechos de plata u oro, a veces oro laminado.Literature Literature
Savage thrust something made of silver into her hands, which immediately transformed her into Anthony.
Savage depositó en sus manos un objeto de plata; bastó ese gesto para que ella se transformara de inmediato en Anthony.Literature Literature
Like the Covenant Man’s seeing-basin and the tyger’s collar, it was made of silver.
Como la vasija vidente del Señor del Pacto y el collar del tigre, estaba hecha de plata.Literature Literature
Heavy, made of silver and glass.
Pesada, hecha de plata y cristal.Literature Literature
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