magnificent oor Spaans


Grand, elegant or splendid in appearance.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


grand, elegant or splendid in appearance
This museum has a magnificent collection of modern art.
Este museo tiene una magnífica colección de arte moderno.


To support the underground galleries, magnificent arches were built.
Para sostener las galerías subterráneas se construyeron espléndidos arcos.


It is magnificent indeed.
Eso sí que es grandioso.

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Soortgelyke frases

The Magnificent Seven
Los siete magníficos · The Magnificent Seven
he has done a magnificent job
ha realizado una magnífica labor
magnificent catshark
Proscyllium magnificum
Magnificent Riflebird
Ave del paraíso goliazul
The Magnificent Ambersons
The Magnificent Ambersons
from where we were sitting we had a magnificent view
desde donde estábamos sentados teníamos una magnífica vista
magnificent frigate-bird
what a magnificent view!
¡qué magnífica vista!
Fausto · esmalte · espectacularidad · esplendidez · esplendor · fastuosidad · fausto · grandeza · grandiosidad · la magnificencia · magnificencia · pomposidad · soberbia · suntuosidad


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And before him he sees a magnificent throne.
Y delante de él ve un magnífico trono.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Such magnificence of dress indicated the importance of the visitors.
La gran categoría de los vestidos indicaba la importancia de los visitantes.Literature Literature
Herod’s workmen built an amazing harbor for perhaps a hundred ships, and they constructed a magnificent temple with a huge statue for the worship of the emperor.
Los obreros de Herodes edificaron un sorprendente puerto para unos cien barcos, y construyeron un templo magnífico, con una enorme estatua, dedicado a la adoración del emperador.jw2019 jw2019
It was, of course, a magnificent tent.
Por supuesto, se trataba de una tienda magnífica.Literature Literature
The crown jewels are actually quite magnificent.
De hecho, las joyas de la corona son magníficas.QED QED
"""He's ugly,"" said the Wildman, ""but he's magnificent."""
—Es feo —dijo Salvaje—, pero magnífico.Literature Literature
It was a magnificent sight, but perhaps just a touch deficient in terms of plausibility.
El espectáculo era magnífico, pero quizá le faltaba cierta plausibilidad.Literature Literature
It was a lovely instrument, she had noticed before, though not as magnificent as the one in the music room.
Era un instrumento precioso, según se había percatado antes, aunque no tan magnífico como el de la sala de música.Literature Literature
She hesitated; then gave me her hand with magnificent frankness.
Ella dudó; entonces, me ofreció su mano con gran franqueza.Literature Literature
That was absolutely magnificent.
Ha sido absolutamente magnífico.Literature Literature
He loved the old car, its complex machinery, the magnificent styling, and fabulous engine.
Amaba a aquel viejo coche con su compleja mecánica, su magnífica línea y su fabuloso motor.Literature Literature
Superb wines and magnificent old-fashioned local liquors (recipes which are over 300 years old) are available.
Exquisitos vinos y magníficos licores (con recetas de más de 300 años).Common crawl Common crawl
Juana listened, inhaling from the atmosphere the sound of these words which the accents of love made magnificent.
Juana escuchaba aspirando en el aire el sonido de aquellas palabras que el lenguaje del amor hacía magníficas.Literature Literature
I know a magnificent one for you.
Para usted conozco uno magnífico.Literature Literature
18 Jesus, in this magnificent visionary form, has a little scroll in his hand, and John is instructed to take the scroll and eat it.
18 En la forma magnífica que adopta en la visión, Jesús tiene un rollito en la mano, y a Juan se le da la instrucción de tomar el rollo y comérselo.jw2019 jw2019
And Charles the Magnificent stayed a night in this castle when on a pilgrimage to a holy place of the South.
Carlos, el Magnífico, pasó una noche en este castillo cuando iba en peregrinación hacia un lugar santo del sur.Literature Literature
The harlot sits magnificent with her golden cup of the wine of sensual pleasure in her hand.
La ramera se sienta magnífica con su copa de vino del placer sensual en la mano.Literature Literature
At the door stood waiting a magnificent barouche, drawn by four white horses.
A la puerta esperaba una magnífica carroza abierta, tirada por cuatro caballos blancos.Literature Literature
I had never imagined so magnificent a sight.
Jamás me hubiera imaginado un espectáculo tan magnífico.Literature Literature
My husband was a magnificent man, vatell, not a irial like that small prince that you sent to my bed.
Mi marido era un hombre magnífico, un vatell, no un irial como ese pequeño príncipe que enviaste a mi lecho.Literature Literature
This led to the magnificent fiction in democracy of the contemplative life being relegated to modest formats.
En ella, consecuentemente, las magníficas ficciones de la vida contemplativa se degradan a formatos modestos.Literature Literature
This time, however, its significance is emphasized by the magnificence of the heavenly angel, for his glory lights up the whole earth!
Sin embargo, ¡esta vez su importancia recibe énfasis por la magnificencia del ángel celestial, pues su gloria ilumina toda la Tierra!jw2019 jw2019
He was well over six feet tall with wide, square shoulders, lean hips, and magnificent legs.
Tendría unos seis pies de estatura, hombros anchos y cuadrados y magníficas piernas.Literature Literature
“Cosmic travelers,” said Cosmos, his voice booming magnificently across the packed hall.
—Viajeros cósmicos —dijo Cosmos con una voz que resonaba magníficamente en el salón abarrotado—.Literature Literature
Even with the sun partly hidden by grey clouds, Altdorf was magnificent.
Incluso con el sol parcialmente cubierto por las nubes, el aspecto de Altdorf era magnífico.Literature Literature
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