main façade of a building oor Spaans

main façade of a building

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On the façade of the main building on Szent István Park there’s a plaque in memory of Giorgio Perlasca.
En la fachada principal del edificio de Szent István Park hay una lápida en memoria de Giorgio Perlasca.Literature Literature
The west wing curved in a half moon, away from the porticoed façade of the main building.
El ala oeste se curvaba como una media luna, alejándose de la fachada porticada del edificio principal.Literature Literature
Linstow originally planned a building of only two storeys with projecting wings on both sides of the main façade.
Linstow planeó que el edificio tuviera dos plantas con alas a ambos lados de la fachada principal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The works were executed at a very rapid pace, leaving the building practically completed in 1765, as it appears on a tombstone commemorating the end of construction, placed on the main façade.
Las obras se ejecutaron a un ritmo muy rápido, quedando el edificio prácticamente concluido en 1765, como así figura en una lápida conmemorativa del fin de la construcción, colocada en la fachada principal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Of what was built, Palladio demonstrated some of his most creative work, especially in the building's main feature on the façade, a serliana with five circular holes (oculi), inspired from ancient Roman models, yet not derivative from any specific source.
De lo que se construyó, Palladio demostró parte de su trabajo más creativo, especialmente en el principal rasgo del edificio en la fachada, una serliana con cinco agujeros circulares (oculi), inspirados en los antiguos modelos romanos, pero que no derivaban de ninguna fuente específica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The mansion combines elements of the rationalist Pombal style of building - the sober frames around the windows and the main gateway - with others that expressed a greater freedom, such as the elaborate design that surmounts the wall attached to the gateway in the main façade, on which we can read " 1765 " - the probable date of its construction. The mansion, which is classified as an Historic Building, has now been transformed into a hotel under the name Solar Do Castelo and has been brought back to life by a high-quality contemporary design.
En el presente ha sido transformado en un hotel ecléctico de alta calidad.Common crawl Common crawl
With regard to major maintenance, a provision of $1,157,500 would cover the maintenance and cleaning of the Main Building façade, the functional retrofitting of the Printing Building, the replacement of the plumbing and sewage infrastructure, and the maintenance of security systems.
En lo que respecta a los trabajos importantes de mantenimiento, un crédito de 1.157.500 dólares permitiría sufragar el mantenimiento y la limpieza de la fachada del edificio de la imprenta, la actualización de la infraestructura de alcantarillado y fontanería y el mantenimiento de los sistemas de seguridad.UN-2 UN-2
The day area opens onto the main façade of the building, creating a continuous space bounded by the furniture elements.
La zona de día se abre hacia la fachada principal del edificio, generando un espacio continuo y acotado por los elementos de mobiliario.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There we shot a first scene – on a hot Sunday when the temperature was near 50 degrees Celsius – in front of the main façade of the theatre, a building reminiscent of the Art-déco style with some reliefs of miners at work.
Allí rodamos una primera escena -un domingo que rozaba los 50 grados centígrados- delante de la fachada principal del teatro, un edificio vagamente art-déco que adornan unos relieves de mineros trabajando.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Seated on a completely renovated building of the fifties, overlooking the Eduardo VII Park, its façade integrates a group of buildings classified by the Institute of Architecture and Archaeological Patrimony. Located in a central and quiet area of Lisbon, the visitors enjoy the peaceful greenish surroundings close to one of the main Squares - Marquês de Pombal - and the best Hotels in town.
Completamente remodelado, ofrece a los que visitan Lisboa una situación privilegiada, céntrica y confortable, junto al Parque Eduardo VII.Common crawl Common crawl
The day area opens towards the main façade of the building, generating a continuous space, defined by furniture gathered within structural elements.
La zona de día se abre hacia la fachada principal del edificio, generando un espacio continuo y acotado por los elementos de mobiliario que recogen los elementos estructurales.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They also changed the façade of the main building to a New Gothic style.
También cambiaron la fachada del edificio principal a un nuevo estilo gótico.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In front of the building’s main façade, a public park is home to the social centre of the new neighbourhood, placed among old olive trees.
Frente a la fachada principal del edificio, un parque público acoge, entre viejos olivos, un centro social del nuevo barrio.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When standing in front of it, you can appreciate the main façade of the building, which is composed of a gallery with a front of arches lying on Toscan-styled columns.
Al pararse frente a él, el visitante puede apreciar la fachada principal del edificio, que consta de una galería con un frente de arcos que caen sobre columnas de estilo toscano.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The main façade of the building incorporates a large amount of glass in a clean, technological and contemporary design that fits naturally and elegantly with its current environment.
La fachada principal del edificio incorpora una gran cantidad de vidrio en un diseño limpio, tecnológico y contemporáneo y que encaja de forma natural y elegante con su entorno actual.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There is an arched structure on one side, a serier of annex buildings and the remains of a sundial on the main façade.
A un lado hay una estructura arqueada, una serie de edificios anexos y los restos de un reloj de sol en la fachada principal.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Research carried out by PORCELANOSA Group in recent years has led to the development of bonded ceramic façade systems that strengthen the main structures of a building
Las investigaciones que ha llevado a cabo PORCELANOSA Grupo durante los últimos años han permitido desarrollar sistemas de fachadas pegadas de cerámica con los que reforzar las estructuras principales de un edificioParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As part of the plan the public space was defined around the historic building, rescuing an open space in front of the main façade and building a new annex in a previously parking area.
Como parte del plan se definió el espacio público alrededor del edificio histórico, rescatando un espacio abierto frente a la fachada principal y construyendo un nuevo anexo en el espacio que ocupaba el estacionamiento.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The research carried out by the PORCELANOSA Group in recent years has resulted in the development of bonded ceramic façade systems for strengthening the main structures of a building
Las investigaciones que ha llevado a cabo PORCELANOSA Grupo durante los últimos años han permitido desarrollar sistemas de fachadas pegadas de cerámica con los que reforzar las estructuras principales de un edificioParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Just the main façade has a concavity that marks the entrance of the building.
Solo la fachada principal tiene una concavidad que marca la entrada del edificio.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The exterior façades of the eastern main building, drawing inspiration from Chinese landscape painting, constitute a Chinese landscape style façade through changes of several metal bricks with different modulus.
Las fachadas exteriores del edificio principal oriental -inspirándose en la pintura de paisajes chinos- constituyen una fachada con estilo paisajístico chino a través de cambios de ladrillos con diferentes módulos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Bernini also modified the main façade of the building, connecting it with a six-arched open gallery, the two pre-existent towers, square and medieval.
Bernini también modificó la fachada principal del edificio, conectándolo con una galería abierta de seis arcos, las dos torres preexistentes, cuadrada y medieval.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The main façade of all buildings should face a public thoroughfare and another façade should face a private street or inner court at least 10 m wide where vehicles can enter.
Todos los edificios deberán tener la fachada principal hacia una vía pública, y otra hacia una calle privada o patio interno de 10 metros como mínimo, por la que puedan ingresar vehículos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The treatment of the entrance, worked as a lateral hollow on the main façade, constitutes a break with the traditional symmetrical composition of court buildings.
El tratamiento del acceso, trabajado como un vacío lateral de la fachada principal, constituye una ruptura con la composición simétrica tradicional de los edificios judiciales.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
An emblematic showcase of the building – the main façade is mostly glass, partially covered with a second-skin of screen-printed marble pattern.
Una emblemática exhibición del edificio- la fachada principal es en su mayoría de cristal, parcialmente cubierta con una segunda piel, un patrón de mármol xerografiado.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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