mangel-wurzel oor Spaans


Alternative spelling of mangelwurzel.

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remolacha forrajera

Initially, the beet syrup was made from mangel-wurzels or carrots.
Inicialmente, el jarabe de remolacha se hacía con remolachas forrajeras o con zanahorias.

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Before it was known that they could be used to produce sugar, mangel-wurzels were used as vegetables.
Antes de conocerse el uso de la remolacha forrajera para producir azúcar, se utilizaba como verdura.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
"""Even a poet devoted to Nature would have difficulty writing a decent sonnet to a mangel-wurzel."""
—Incluso un poeta dedicado a la naturaleza tendría dificultades para dedicar un soneto decente a la remolacha forrajera.Literature Literature
George was enticing him with his friendliest voice, the I’vegot-a-slice-of-mangel-wurzel-here voice.
George trató de seducirlo con su voz más amable, esa de tengo-un-trozo-de-nabo-en-la-mano.Literature Literature
Admire my mangel-wurzels, said Mrs.
—Admira mis remolachas forrajeras —dijo Mrs.Literature Literature
From the mangel-wurzel to the red beet: that's his idea of progress.
De la remolacha forrajera a la remolacha colorada: ésa es su idea del progreso.Literature Literature
“Come, Lady Alys, forget about their nutritional excellence and try to say mangel-wurzel with a straight face.”
Vamos, lady Alys, olvide su excelencia nutricional y trate de decir «remolacha forrajera» sin reír.Literature Literature
Initially, the beet syrup was made from mangel-wurzels or carrots.
Inicialmente, el jarabe de remolacha se hacía con remolachas forrajeras o con zanahorias.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If that is the case, shouldn’t this farmer plant mangel-wurzels instead of wheat?”
Si es así, ¿no debería este granjero plantar remolacha forrajera en lugar de trigo?Literature Literature
It smelt of rot and old mangel-wurzels – but what it didn’t smell of was petrol and burning fuselage.
Olía a podrido y a remolacha rancia, pero no advirtió ningún olor a gasolina o a fuselaje quemado.Literature Literature
In the 19th century, however, the ‘Lanker Rübe’, a type of mangel-wurzel grown in the Lower Rhine region, became established.
Sin embargo, en el siglo XIX se extendió en el Bajo Rin el cultivo de la remolacha «Lanker Rübe».EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The name ‘Rübenkraut’ was given to the syrup made from mangel-wurzels, drawing on the word ‘Apfelkraut’ which was the name given to a syrup made from apples.
Por analogía con el jarabe de manzana «Apfelkraut» se denominó «Rübenkraut» al jarabe producido con remolacha forrajera.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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