marl oor Spaans


/mɑːl/, /mɑrl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A mixed earthy substance, consisting of carbonate of lime, clay, and possibly sand, in very variable proportions, and accordingly designated as calcareous, clayey, or sandy.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


All the layers of the marl are, however, covered with deep loess deposits.
No obstante, todas las capas de marga se hallan cubiertas de profundos depósitos de loess.


a mixed earthy substance
All the layers of the marl are, however, covered with deep loess deposits.
No obstante, todas las capas de marga se hallan cubiertas de profundos depósitos de loess.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Sir Clive Marles Sinclair
Clive Sinclair
Marley Marl
Marley Marl


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(for instance: chalk, marl, ground limestone, Breton ameliorant, (maërl), phosphate chalk)
Es maravillosa, BarbaraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(chalk, marl, ground limestone, Breton ameliorant, (maerl), phosphate chalk)
A ella puedes interrogarla túeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Production of GAA in Marl
Tiene una conmoción cerebralEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Loess is mainly rich in chalk and the marl underneath it in the defined area is almost pure chalk.
Durante el año # se publicó el informe anual del Reino Unido, que abarca las decisiones en materia de expedición de licencias adoptadas a lo largo de # y detalla la evolución política durante el pasado añoeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Hotel in Marl: To make your stay at the “Feierabendhaus“ as pleasant as possible, we offer you 41 modern, bright and inviting rooms. Our hotel is the right place for business travelers, conferences, seminars and family holidays.
No me mires asíCommon crawl Common crawl
The elongated hills (‘hogbacks’) stretching east to west consist of land made of sandstones and marls on a carbonate substrate, which gives the grapes very intense and fine aromatic notes, with a strong mineral flavour.
El coro irá a los RegionalesEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
I — Senonian marl (upper division of Upper Cretaceous) and formations of the Carpathian Foredeep (Cracovian strata)
Bueno, bueno, no te enojes tantoEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
All BA produced in the Marl plant will be owned by Rohm and Haas.
Existe la vocación, ¿ no?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
When Marle opened her faceplate, she saw Lieutenant Axel holding two completed boxes.
Solo digo que ha cambiado mi perspectivaLiterature Literature
Hotel in Marl: Welcome to Parkhotel Marl which is ideally located in the northern part of the Ruhr Area, Europe’s largest industrial and service centre.
No, yo ya jugué bastante " Go " hoyCommon crawl Common crawl
Was there some way he could write to Kingston Marle and make things all right without groveling, without apologizing?
Tan pronto como ella murió, soy una basura, por lo que concierne a la yayaLiterature Literature
The album also featured guest appearances from Queensbridge's hip hop legends Roxanne Shanté, MC Shan and Marley Marl, both of whom appeared on the lead single "Da Bridge 2001" (based on MC Shan's and Marley Marl's 1986 classic "The Bridge").
Qué demoniosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"I don't need to learn this,"" insisted Marl, the cooper's son."
Así que vas a sufrir tal y como sufrí yoLiterature Literature
They advised director Étienne Haerens to immediately excavate the marl lens containing the remains.
Sin embargo, todo lo que propone la Comisión es llevar a cabo estudios y tomar otras medidas que no ha explicado en detalle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I — Ordovician claystones and mudstones, Upper Devonian marl, Lower Carboniferous claystones and mudstones
Comunicarán inmediatamente a la Comisión el texto de dichas disposiciones así como un cuadro de correspondencias entre las mismas y la presente DirectivaEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Hector Marle, weak, vicious and a drunkard.
El bien de la mayoría... vale más...... que el bien de unos pocosLiterature Literature
Was Marle among the late departed?
Asegurate deque llegas bajo los cojines tambienLiterature Literature
“Hey, Marls, let’s see those powers turn you into a child star.”
¡ Perdí la cabeza!Literature Literature
The soil is composed of a layer of loess arable soil, with marl underneath (formations of Maastricht and Gulpen) and local occurrences of pleistocene and tertiary formations, such as old Maas gravel and the formations of Rupel, Tongeren, Holset and Hoogcruts.
Esos tres que acaban de salir han dejado claro...... lo que piensan de mí, el hijo tonto de Kyneeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
This geological peculiarity distinguishes the western part of the geographical area from the eastern part. The western part is notable for the presence of shale deposits, mostly slate, and is known locally as ‘Anjou noir’ or ‘black Anjou’. The eastern part is notable for its chalky marl (Saumur) and is known locally as ‘Anjou blanc’ or ‘white Anjou’.
Si firmas este consentimiento dona su cuerpo poruna causa nobleEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Two types of stone are used, the limestone that is used in the body of the construction, the one that holds the cover and the cover stone (tap: white marls), lighter, on the deck.
Ningún banco te dará el dinero que necesitasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And now Marl deRauley has been heard questioning the line of succession.”
Aún no lo he llamadoLiterature Literature
Constitutively, these deposits are accumulations of gravel and sand covered by a layer of Quaternary clayish loess sediments, which lies on top of marine sediments (marl, clay, sand) of the Pliocene era.
Mejor que bien, diviértete... mira a esas nenas tan interesantesEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Then I had Marl, and while I have him I still have what I need to make life worth living.
Los pañales, los berrinches, la tarea.Los reinos, las especies, tu madre, su madreLiterature Literature
Those who monitored such things considered Marl a marginal case.
Solo en las películas, McGeeLiterature Literature
206 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.