massive amounts of money oor Spaans

massive amounts of money

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

grandes cantidades de dinero

I've Iaundered massive amounts of money.
He blanqueado grandes cantidades de dinero.

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Cosimo de’ Medici contributed massive amounts of money to the rebuilding of the Church of San Lorenzo.
Cósimo de Médici contribuyó con una gran cantidad de dinero para la reconstrucción de la iglesia de San Lorenzo.Literature Literature
I've Iaundered massive amounts of money.
He blanqueado grandes cantidades de dinero.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Admittedly, it costs governments massive amounts of money to operate and provide necessary services.
Hay que admitir que los gobiernos hacen grandes desembolsos económicos a fin de suministrar y mantener los servicios necesarios.jw2019 jw2019
However, the tax-payers know that what they see as massive amounts of money are involved.
Pero el contribuyente cree que son enormes sumas.Europarl8 Europarl8
I mean massive amounts of money were spent in lobbying committees of Congress.
Se gastaron enormes sumas de dinero cabildeando con los comités del Congreso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It may have something to do with the massive amounts of money I make.
Quizá tenga relación con la enorme cantidad de dinero que gano.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It may have something to do with the massive amounts of money I make
Quizá tenga relación con la enorme cantidad de dinero que ganoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
This was a massive amount of money in those days.
Esto constituía una elevadísima cantidad de dinero en aquellos días.Literature Literature
That massive amount of money would go to Lucasfilm’s sole stockholder: George Lucas.
La elevada suma iría al único accionista de Lucasfilm: George Lucas.Literature Literature
I am open and willing to receive massive amounts of money into my life.”
Estoy abierto y dispuesto a recibir enormes cantidades de dinero en mi vida».Literature Literature
‘For one, we would need massive amounts of money.
—Para empezar, necesitaríamos cantidades ingentes de dinero.Literature Literature
Now massive amounts of money are being siphoned off with the click of a mouse.
Ahora, enormes cantidades de dinero son retiradas con solo utilizar el ratón del ordenador.Literature Literature
And the gangs were making massive amounts of money.
Y las bandas ganaban enormes cantidades de dinero.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Once they were able to infuse massive amounts of money, they got a disproportionate amount of influence.
Una vez que fueron capaces de invertir grandes cantidades de dinero, se hicieron de un enorme poder.Literature Literature
Rundstedt had accepted massive amounts of money from Hitler and must have felt compromised as a result.
Rundstedt había aceptado enormes cantidades de dinero de Hitler y por consiguiente debía de sentirse obligado hacia él.Literature Literature
That means, once you build a very large network, you can earn a massive amount of money.
Si construyes una gran red, puedes ganar cantidades masivas de dinero.Literature Literature
We’re talking about massive amounts of money.
Estamos hablando de sumas enormes.Literature Literature
My dad gives massive amounts of money to the hospital, so they’re lenient with us.”
Papá inyecta una cantidad enorme de dinero en el hospital, así que con nosotros son indulgentes.Literature Literature
One hundred and two thousand in total was a massive amount of money, particularly in pre-war Glasgow.
Ciento dos mil libras en total era una suma enorme de dinero, más aún en el Glasgow de antes de la guerra.Literature Literature
He needed massive amounts of money.
Estaba necesitando una guma verdaderamente cuantiosa de dinero.Literature Literature
Was it due to a desperate nation supplying him with massive amounts of money and material?
¿Se debió a una nación desesperada que le proporcionaba cantidades enormes de dinero y materiales?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“It might make sense to pour massive amounts of money into the Sunni areas of Iraq,” said the President.
“Me parece lógico suministrar grandes sumas de dinero a las áreas suní de Irak”, dijo el Presidente.Literature Literature
Remember, slim is simple, but there is a massive amount of money to be made in convincing us otherwise.
Recuerde que adelgazar es sencillo, pero que hay quien tiene mucho dinero que ganar si nos convence de lo contrario.Literature Literature
William Randolph Hearst built this place in 1919 out of his massive amounts of money, and this is the anti.
William Randolph Hearst construyó este lugar en 1919 fuera de sus enormes cantidades de dinero, y este es el anti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Academy of Sciences had allocated the Institute a massive amount of money to improve the facilities on its site.
La Academia de las Ciencias había concedido al instituto una suma ilimitada para la adecuación del entorno.Literature Literature
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