match against oor Spaans

match against

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


To put him in the ring, with only 16 professional matches, against Hernandez, that's the deciding factor.
Ponerlo en el cuadrilátero con tan sólo 16 encuentros profesionales enfrentando a Hernández, ese es el factor decisivo.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Data collected via education parameters is intended to be matched against a business data feed for education.
Sí, ya lo he
On 24 October 2003, Doroftei was to fight a match against Panamanian boxer Miguel Callist.
No debe administrarse a pacientes que estén dando el pecho, que tengan problemas hepáticos graves o que presenten valores elevados de enzimas hepáticas en la sangreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Reckon they figure even I’m no match against three—not alone... and not in an ambush.”
Tengo algo que decirteLiterature Literature
Janko Tipsarević chose to forfeit his match against David Nalbandian because of the heat.
No le mentí a nadie.- ¿ En serio?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Koné made his professional debut on 27 April 2007 in a league match against Montpellier.
¿ Qué sucedió?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At Lockdown, Storm, along with Team Tomko lost their match against Team Cage.
Como Graco controla el puebloy el Senado... también sentiste la obligación de entregarle el CuartelWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The data collected via travel parameters is intended to be matched against a business data feed for travel.
las medidas establecidas en el presente Reglamento no se aplicarán a las infraestructuras de aviación civil existentes en el territorio de
Our security volunteers will be no match... against a battle- hardened Federation army
Voy arriba a buscar a Lechero y su equipo.Voy con Alexopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
And our fathers were being matched against the red cloaks of Sparta.
¿ Por qué siempre hace falta una historia?Literature Literature
September 9 Sandy Koufax pitches a perfect game in a baseball match against the Chicago Cubs.
¡ Suzy, ven aquí, bonito mío!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Also, the time period for intervention should be matched against specific goals to allow for natural phasing out.
OCM del aceite de oliva y de las aceitunas de mesa * (votaciónUN-2 UN-2
Riise earned his first goal for Norway in another qualifying match against Bosnia and Herzegovina.
De lejos, tal vezWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first time you won a match against me, uncle told you a story.
Se llama David... y en verdad es muy, muy guapoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Conversation was always going to be a shouting match against this noise level.
Pensaba que dijiste que eras un gran escuchadorLiterature Literature
The matches against Teuta are called the "coastal derbies".
Cita barataWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jimmy told him no before your match against Osborne and chandy.
Gracias por todo, ¿ eh?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
However he appeared in the final match against Australia winning 23–22.
Debido a que el transbordador estaba acoplado y quedó sin combustible... durante la combustión, la luna ha sido desviada... de su órbitaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These profiles will be available for matching against crime scene DNA samples.
El impacto regional de los terremotos (#/#(INIUN-2 UN-2
South Africa played three Test matches against the All Blacks.
Asegúrate de llamar a mi hermanaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In each round, the highest remaining seed in each conference is matched against the lowest remaining seed.
Deseo ocuparme de esa capillaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The subsequent match against France resulted in a draw, the first between the two nations in 96 years.
Sí.Es su ciudad ahoraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Here he's about to play a charity match against Groucho Marx, among others.
Necesito que todos salgan del gimnasioOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After a few weeks, a team named "Rota Flying Wings" was formed to play matches against CH Seville.
¿ Puedes llevar las cosas del maletero?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You are better matched against wooden men.
El anexo # del Acuerdo queda modificado como sigueOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The value is the expression that it matched against.
Estoy enteradoQED QED
18089 sinne gevind in 40 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.