matter-of-factly oor Spaans


/ˈmætər əv ˈfæ bywoord
As though stating a fact.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

con total naturalidad

When asked where he had learned such good English, he answered matter-of-factly, “In the prison.”
Cuando se le preguntó dónde había aprendido tan bien el inglés, contestó con total naturalidad: “en la cárcel”.



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‘Yes, well, that was his mistake; that’s why you’re so spoilt,’ Sebastian concluded matter-of-factly.
—Sí, bueno, ese fue su error; por eso estás tan mimada —concluyó, Sebastián.Literature Literature
“I don’t want to get them wet,” John explained matter-of-factly, climbing to his feet.
–No quiero que se mojen –explicó John de manera casual, poniéndose en pie–.Literature Literature
‘If he’s not dead, then he’s abandoned you,’ Shirley responded matter-of-factly.
—Si no está muerto, entonces os ha abandonado —respondió Shirley como si nada.Literature Literature
“Good morning,” he said in that same baritone, and kissed Mary's hand, but matter-of-factly.
—Buenos días —saludó con la misma voz de barítono, y besó la mano de Mary, pero prosaicamente.Literature Literature
While she shrieked and screamed getting over it he talked on matter-of-factly.
Mientras ella chillaba y gritaba para superar el dolor, él siguió hablando de un modo desapasionado.Literature Literature
You are experiencing stress,” he said matter-of-factly.
Estás experimentando estrés —dijo él de manera frontal.Literature Literature
“The lost children are here,” Reda said matter-of-factly.
—Los hijos perdidos están aquí —respondió Reda—.Literature Literature
I have Asperger's,' Morgan added matter-of-factly.
Yo tengo Asperger -añadió Morgan secamente.Literature Literature
Don Juan ordered me, matter-of-factly, to take off all my clothes.
Don Juan me ordenó, como si tal cosa, quitarme toda la ropa.Literature Literature
“I don’t understand...” “You are to live as a gentile, outwardly and openly,” she replied matter-of-factly.
—Vas a vivir como si fueras gentil, abiertamente —me dijo—.Literature Literature
He said it so matter-of-factly, as if people did this sort of thing every day.
Lo dijo de un modo tan natural, como si la gente hiciera cosas parecidas cada día.Literature Literature
‘You’ll be all right,’ Doug tells him, matter-of-factly, as if he can hear my thoughts.
—Te pondrás bien —le dice Doug, con frialdad, como si oyera mis pensamientos—.Literature Literature
"""I'm sure you did,"" Lucky said matter-of-factly, removing his hand from her knee."
—Estoy segura de que lo hiciste —le dijo Lucky sacándole la mano de su rodilla—.Literature Literature
They say it so matter- of- factly as if I asked them whether they knew their names!
Lo dicen tan tranquilas,¡ Cómo si les preguntara si saben su nombre!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“If she were an actress, she would have recognized me,” Nico Ambert said matter-of-factly.
—Si fuera una actriz, me habría reconocido —dijo Nico Ambert con sentido práctico.Literature Literature
I was more businesslike, explaining the procedure matter-of-factly, but Gabe didn’t talk about the study.
Yo era más formal para explicarles el procedimiento tal como era, pero él no hablaba sobre el estudio.Literature Literature
“Knowing you, you’ll eat that half and leave the other on the plate,” Jessie said matter-of-factly.
—Conociéndote, te comerás la mitad y dejarás la otra en el plato —dijo Jessie muy convencida.Literature Literature
“Rachel doesn’t have much of an ear,” he replies matter-of-factly, without insult.
—Rachel no tiene mucho oído —responde, con toda naturalidad, sin resultar ofensivo.Literature Literature
"In other words, you're going to do your job,"" Sue said matter-of-factly."
En otras palabras, vas a hacer tu trabajo—, Sue dijo con total naturalidad.Literature Literature
“Decianus is pushing too hard,” the secretary said matter-of-factly.
–Deciano está presionando demasiado -comentó el secretario con tono práctico-.Literature Literature
He told Anna briefly and matter-of-factly about Janet and the two little boys.
Le habló a Anna, breve y directamente, de Janet y los dos niños.Literature Literature
I'm going to turn the scholarship down next week,” Marie-Ange said matter-of-factly.
La semana que viene, rechazaré la beca —dijo Marie-Ange con naturalidad.Literature Literature
“Titan doesn’t play by the rules,” Rio said matter-of-factly.
—Titan no juega según las reglas —Rio contestó de forma casual—.Literature Literature
The brunette spoke matter-of-factly, the same as if she were asking for ordinary coins.
—La morena hablaba con total naturalidad, igual que si estuviera pidiendo unas monedas normales y corrientes.Literature Literature
"She hates me,"" he said matter-of-factly, ""and so she'll hate you."
Me odia —declaró tranquilamente— y, por lo tanto, te odiará a ti también.Literature Literature
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