maybe even oor Spaans

maybe even

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Chances are, your ward or maybe even your family will be planning a Christmas party.
Lo más probable es que tu barrio o quizás incluso tu familia planifique una fiesta de Navidad.

tal vez incluso

You may feel guarded when you look at it, maybe even a little ashamed, maybe even proud.
Puede que se sientan vigilados al mirarlo, quizás un poco avergonzados, o tal vez incluso orgullosos.

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They would be waiting for my reaction, I’d considered, maybe even taping this call.
Debían de estar observando mi reacción, pensé; quizá incluso estaban grabando la llamada.Literature Literature
And an insane man must be forgiven, maybe even tolerated.
Y a un hombre loco se le debe perdonar, hasta se le debe tolerar.Literature Literature
The Grisha, the First Army, maybe even Mal and his trackers would be unleashed to find me.
Los Grisha, el Primer Ejército, y puede que también Mal y sus rastreadores serían enviados a buscarme.Literature Literature
Maybe even a life that could include Leo . . .
Tal vez incluso una vida que podría incluir a Leo.Literature Literature
Yeah, well, some weeks, maybe even two.
Algunas semanas, quizá dos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Maybe even computer access.
Quizá acceso por ordenador.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Saba wishes he would just see how careful she is, how sensible, maybe even shrewd.
A Saba le habría gustado que se diera cuenta de lo cuidadosa, de lo sensata que es, puede que astuta incluso.Literature Literature
You might work together, maybe even help one another achieve something not possible to do on one’s own.
Podéis trabajar juntos, incluso ayudaros mutuamente a lograr algo que no podríais conseguir solos.Literature Literature
Maybe even that she'd never even had a real one.
Puede que incluso supiera que, en realidad, nunca había tenido uno de verdad.Literature Literature
And then I want to see the Hollywood sign and maybe even Portland.
Y después quiero ver el cartel de Hollywood, y tal vez incluso Portland.Literature Literature
Hopefully, someday we’ll get along with Russia, and maybe even Iran — but maybe not.
Esperamos que algún día nos llevaremos bien con Rusia, y tal vez incluso con Irán, pero tal vez
She looks confused, then sympathetic—maybe even a little appalled on my behalf.
—Primero parece confusa y luego comprensiva, quizá incluso un poco preocupada por mí—.Literature Literature
Or maybe even a slice of mountain fell off in the last hundred years.
O quizás incluso un trozo de la montaña cayó en los últimos cien años.Literature Literature
A power that made her feel as if she could conquer the world, and maybe even Ben’s resistance.
Jamie fue dominada por un poder que le hizo sentir que podía conquistar el mundo, y quizá hasta la resistencia de Ben.Literature Literature
Maybe even the end of history.
Tal vez incluso, el fin de la historia.Literature Literature
“You’re as impulsive as me—maybe even more so.”
Eres tan impulsivo como yo, puede que incluso más.Literature Literature
Maybe even in the fashion department.”
Quizás en el departamento de modaLiterature Literature
Obstruction, accessory, maybe even manslaughter.
Obstrucción, complicidad, incluso homicidio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Maybe even ... connected somehow.”
Puede que incluso... conectado de algún modo.Literature Literature
Maybe even get it on the local news.
Quizá incluso salga en las noticias.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pass by and smile and wave, maybe even stop to pet Louie.”
Pasar a su lado, sonreír y saludar, quizá incluso pararse a acariciar a Louie.Literature Literature
With weapons, maybe even with men as well.
Con armas, quizás incluso con soldados.Literature Literature
They’re talking about sending the witness on a nice vacation, maybe even buying the guy a car.
Ellos solo querían costear al testigo unas bonitas vacaciones y tal vez un coche.Literature Literature
I sounded sarcastic, maybe even more than I wanted to.
—Sonó sarcástico, quizá más de lo que había previsto.Literature Literature
A bit of chain, perhaps a rusted bracket, maybe even a breastplate.
Un trozo de cadena, quizá una arandela oxidada, incluso un peto.Literature Literature
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