melee weapon oor Spaans

melee weapon

A weapon that is held in the hand of the combatant and that is used to hit the enemy in close combat; a weapon that is not thrown and that does not fire a projectile.

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A weapon that is held in the hand of the combatant and that is used to hit the enemy in close combat; a weapon that is not thrown and that does not fire a projectile.
Arma que se sostiene en la mano del combatiente y que se utiliza para golpear al enemigo en combate cuerpo a cuerpo, que no se lanza y que no dispara proyectiles.

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In his role as Ronin, Barton shows great proficiency with the katana and other melee weapons.
It's got to be a melee weapon!
Las piedras amarillas que arden como carbónOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Increases your attack power with melee weapons.
Preparaciones para perfumar o desodorantes de locales, incluidas las preparaciones odoríferas para ceremonias religiosasCommon crawl Common crawl
Increases your attack power with melee weapons (rogues, hunters and druids in catform only).
Antes de que podamos separar el LEM del modulo de mando... debemos asegurar que la transferencia de emergencia fuera de la nave es viableCommon crawl Common crawl
That’s not a huge surprise since our melee weapons were ineffective as well.
Me dan mucha lástima, ¿ sabes?Literature Literature
The Massives were armed with their cable darts and melee weapons.
sean emitidos por una empresa, cuyos valores se negocien en los mercados regulados contemplados en las letras a), b) o cLiterature Literature
Saw had tried her on various melee weapons, but her favorite was a pair of short truncheons.
No te molestes en acompañarmeLiterature Literature
Best melee weapon ever.
Parece que está bienOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If they had intended to finish the charge, they would have drawn their melee weapons by now.”
Todo sucedió en mis sueñosLiterature Literature
The player can use a variety of guns and melee weapons, as well as throwing knives and dynamite.
Cita barataWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both of them fiddled with their energy cutlasses: pink crystal shards used as melee weapons.
Chico, cubre la puerta de atrásLiterature Literature
Melee weapons, those I could teach.
A este respecto, aporta pruebas de que, si se autoriza la expiración de las medidas, es probable que el nivel actual de importación del producto afectado se incremente por disponer el país en cuestión de una capacidad de producción y unas existencias no utilizadasLiterature Literature
Players fight against their opponents with their class-specific melee weapons.
No si no hago nada con esoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The officers did not have firearms; they only carried melee weapons.
Pero inventó un viaje y la dejó buscarle unas prácticasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Throughout the game, the player can procure various weapons, including melee weapons, pistols, shotguns, and alien weapons.
En caso de no poder asistir, será reemplazado por el miembro o los miembros de la Secretaría que designeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The hammer could also be used as a blunt-force melee weapon or as a throwing projectile.
Hagan lo que dice.BájenlasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A melee weapon's damage potential is rated for each of these attacks.
No me agradaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In addition to carrying two primary weapons, the player also carries a melee weapon and up to three types of consumable items.
de Margot Keßler (PSE) a la ComisiónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And then once you've recruited your army, then you get to battle the Orcs with, like, melee weapons and spells and stuff.
Estaba acojonadoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Her preferred weapons are a spear or mace, but she has also been depicted using swords, axes, warhammers, shields, and other melee weapons.
Mis padres están buscándole y Lana está en la granja por si regresaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Instead, they are ambushed by an enormous group of masked men with hatchets, spears and other melee weapons that is overseen by Mason and Franco.
Porque tienes esa mirada tan fea?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are two types of weapons in this game: melee weapons such as knives and lead pipes; or firearms such as flamethrowers and machine guns.
Sí, no será bueno para ella si usted se congela cada vez que algún sucio le encañona con un arma en su caraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Playing as an Avatar limits the player to only one Avatar-issued machine gun and various primitive weapons such as bows, crossbows and melee weapons.
¿ Le he despertado?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Standard zombies often plod along at a slow pace and attack with their arms, but some may sprint or carry melee weapons for increased damage.
Solo quería saber cómo dormisteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Largely ceremonial, it can be used much like the American tomahawk, both thrown for short distances and as a melee weapon in hand-to-hand combat.
El Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías (en lo sucesivo denominado el Observatorio), con sede en Lisboa, fue creado en virtud del Reglamento (CEE) no #/# del Consejo, de # de febrero deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1119 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.