minion oor Spaans


/ˈmɪnjən/ adjektief, naamwoord
A loyal servant of another, usually more powerful being.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


A sycophantic follower
My minions were waging war on the Land of the Living
Mis acólitos habían declarado la guerra al mundo de los vivos


naamwoordmasculine, feminine
loyal servant of another more powerful being
These people will not be your minions.
Esta gente no se convertirá en sus adláteres.


loyal servant of another more powerful being
To ensure that you, you barons and lords will be comfortably fed by your minions.
Para garantizar que barones y señores sean bien alimentados por lacayos.

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Then it stands to reason that if the Seeker were an agent of the Keeper, he would have killed the Mother Confessor as so many of the Keeper's minions have tried to do.
Entonces se atiene a razón que si el Buscador fuera un agente del Custodio, habría matado a la madre Confesora como tantos de los servidores del custodio han intentado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Wolfred had seen him use it on one of the very minions who’d shadowed Mashkiig that day.
Wolfred lo había visto en acción con uno de los esbirros de Mashkiig, que parecían su sombra aquel día.Literature Literature
It is the pope and his minions who kneel in great stone cathedrals built with money from the poor.
Son el Papa y sus secuaces quienes se arrodillan en grandes catedrales de piedra construidas con dinero de los pobres.Literature Literature
I can do anything his trained minions can do
Ése es el Cadete Locarnoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Gutierrez and Mullen and several of their minions we followed over the next few days didn’t have that problem.
Gutiérrez, Mullen y todos los secuaces que seguimos durante unos días no parecían tener ese problema.Literature Literature
Prepare to land and deploy the droids, the Queen communicated to her minions.
Prepárense para bajar a tierra y preparen a los droides, comunicó la Reina a sus subordinados.Literature Literature
I said to the two minions, ‘Venerable and exceedingly aged officers of the Imperial Constabulary!
Yo les dije a los esbirros: «¡Honorables y muy ancianos esbirros imperiales!Literature Literature
With Jack gone, his minions disappeared and the world was saved.
Con Jack fuera, sus secuaces desaparecieron y el mundo se salvó.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An attack by Richard's minions as he rode through the forest.
Un ataque por los subalternos de Richard cuando montaba a caballo por el bosque.Literature Literature
Not the members of the aristocracy whom he held in his power, nor the minions of St.
Ni los miembros de la aristocracia a los que tenía en su poder, ni ninguno de sus esbirros de St.Literature Literature
He is the client, you know, and we’re his minions.”
Es el cliente, ya lo sabes, y nosotros somos sus esbirros.Literature Literature
Every exit was blocked, and the minions of the law were advancing.
Cada salida estaba bloqueada, y los esbirros de la ley avanzaban.Literature Literature
If he’d been able to do otherwise, Thomas would never have let Murphy and me fight alone against Binder’s minions.
Si hubiera podido, Thomas jamás habría permitido que Murphy y yo nos enfrentásemos solos a los secuaces de Atador.Literature Literature
Neither Fayden nor her minions were anywhere in sight.
Ni Fayden ni sus secuaces estaban por allí.Literature Literature
"""The minions of Moander from the Abyss have come into our land and enslaved them all."
—Los servidores de Moander provenientes del Abismo han invadido nuestra tierra y han esclavizado a todos los saurios.Literature Literature
The last of Bane’s minions that Cyric faced in Sembia were Astolpho and his wife.
Los últimos aliados de Bane con que tuvo que enfrentarse Cyric en Sembia fueron Astolpho y su esposa.Literature Literature
Porter or one of his minions was watching.
Sin duda el doctor Porter o uno de sus ayudantes estaban observando.Literature Literature
I hear one of my father's minions paid you a visit.
Oí que uno de los secuaces de mi padre te había hecho una visita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Frere Isidro, I can assure you, has battled the Enemy’s minions since he was a very .
El hermano Isidro, os lo puedo asegurar, ha luchado contra los secuaces del enemigo desde su más tierna juventud.Literature Literature
That demons and their half-human, half-demon minions—hybrids—were real.
Aquellos demonios y sus medio humanos, medio demonios —los híbridos—, eran reales.Literature Literature
You're a minion.
Eres un subalterno...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since Volley isn't tied to her basic attack, she casts it immediately after hitting Ezreal to bully him away from the minion wave.
Ya que Descarga no está unida a su ataque básico, la lanza de manera inmediata tras golpear a Ezreal para alejarle del grupo de súbditos.QED QED
Most of the minions were ensconced in the darkness somewhere, sleeping.
La mayor parte de los minions estaban escondidos en la oscuridad en algún lugar, para poder dormir.Literature Literature
Or will you stay and wait and trust that Eragon and Arya can defend themselves against Galbatorixs minions?""
¿U os quedaréis y esperaréis, confiando en que Eragon y Arya puedan defenderse solos de los soldados de Galbatorix?Literature Literature
Hela deems Loki the winner of the fight as she has the giant skeleton that Loki formed take Loki back to Valhalla to keep her entertained in his fight against her skeleton minions.
Hela considera a Loki como el ganador de la pelea, ya que tiene el esqueleto gigante que formó Loki es tomado de nuevo hacia Valhalla para mantenerla a Hela entretenida en su lucha contra sus subordinados esqueletos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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