minister-counselor oor Spaans


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

ministro consejero

They have positions such as Minister Counselor, Secretary, Protocol Officer and Accountant.
Ocupan puestos como el de ministra consejera, secretaria, oficial de protocolo y contable.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She is fluent in English and Chinese and holds the diplomatic rank of minister-counselor.
Chance, ¿ cómo te va, socio?
They have positions such as Minister Counselor, Secretary, Protocol Officer and Accountant
Pero el te dió Su creación a ti, cientos de células evolucionada del fangoMultiUn MultiUn
Tete Antonia, Minister Counselor, Permanent Mission of Angola to the UN
Trabajo en TassieUN-2 UN-2
In 1991, he was Minister Counselor and Deputy Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Moscow.
Dado que los términos y definiciones en esta materia son diferentes en cada país y para evitar problemas de traducción es esencial utilizar el presente glosarioWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They have positions such as Minister Counselor, Secretary, Protocol Officer and Accountant.
Jean-Francis Zinsou, Minister Counselor, Permanent Mission of Benin to the UN
Hemos estado hablando sobre eso, MichaelUN-2 UN-2
Minister-Counselor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations Office in Geneva (1991-1994)
Sólo un poquitoUN-2 UN-2
At the office, he routinely reviewed his ostensive work with the minister-counselor.
He tenido esta visión desde hace más de una décadaLiterature Literature
Mr. Tete Antonio, Minister Counselor, Permanent Mission of Angola
Pronto te cobraré por eI aIquiIer de Ia siIIaMultiUn MultiUn
He is a First Class State Counselor and holds a diplomatic rank of Chief Minister Counselor.
Presupuesto para #: # millones de HUF (aproximadamente #,# millones de EUR) de recursos estatales complementados con la misma cantidad de contribución de los productoresWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On September 14 the Foreign Ministry declared protest to Minister-Counselor of the US Embassy in Moscow E.
Incluso podríamos volver al burdel, si se nos
Tete Antonio, Minister Counselor, Permanent Mission of Angola
Siéntese, Sr.AdamsUN-2 UN-2
Signed) Jon Ivanovski Minister-Counselor Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Macedonia to the United Nations
Minister Counselor of the US Embassy in Moscow Anthony Godfrey was summoned to appear at the Russian Foreign Ministry on September 2.
No, es una expresió
Overseas, women are represented in the following manner: one woman ambassador (to Sweden) and four minister-counselors (in New York, Paris, Madrid, and Harare).
Le enseñaré a beber del retreteUN-2 UN-2
Overseas, women are represented in the following manner: one woman ambassador (to Sweden) and four minister-counselors (in New York, Paris, Madrid, and Harare
No mataré a Anakin para pelear con este lord sidius lo suficientemente fuerte no eresMultiUn MultiUn
Minister Counselor for budgetary, financial, administrative, personnel/common system and reform issues for the United Nations and New York-based United Nations programmes and funds (present
Mejor te apurasMultiUn MultiUn
Minister Counselor for budgetary, financial, administrative, personnel/common system and reform issues for the United Nations and New York-based United Nations programmes and funds (present)
Esta ves no hay donde ocultarse, jugueteroUN-2 UN-2
My ministers and counselors will cry out that I have abandoned the rudder, that all is lost.
No consigue ni levantar un barrilLiterature Literature
Others serve in several countries as Deputy Heads of Mission, Ministers and Counselors.
Podéis hablar de negocios.- ¿ De negocios?UN-2 UN-2
Ministers and counselors and warriors and not one of you has the sense of curiosity of a simple acolyte!
El tío Tito se encargará de todo.BienOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alcalay's diplomatic career includes stints at the Venezuelan Embassy in Paris as Third Secretary from 1970-71 and as counselor from 1978-79, and in Venezuela's Permanent Mission to the European Community as Minister Counselor from 1979-83.
¿ Con quién hablo que sí sepa?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As of 2005 he has also held the post of Secretary General of the Italy-USA Foundation, the Embassy of the United States in Rome officially attended the establishment of the Foundation, represented by the Minister Counselor for Public Affairs.
Le pondremos un armaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the first case, Dmitri Borodin, the minister counselor at the Russian embassy in The Hague, was arrested late one night in October of last year, after neighbors alerted the Dutch police that Borodin, allegedly in a drunken state, was beating his two small children.
Y... cuatro minutos tras separación, los propulsores son automáticamente enchufadosProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Of the # ambassadors only six are women, ( # %); of the # consuls, three are women ( # %); of the # minister-counselors # are women ( # ); of the # counselors, seven are women ( # %); of the # first secretaries # are women ( # %); of the # second secretaries # are women ( # %); of the # third secretaries # are women ( # %); of the # attachés, five are women ( # %
aporten conocimientos especializados en apoyo de la evaluación de las licitacionesMultiUn MultiUn
313 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.