mixotrophic oor Spaans


Of or pertaining to mixotrophy or to mixotrophs

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Some species are strictly heterotrophic, many others can also fix carbon dioxide and are mixotrophic.
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They are distinguished from other protozoa in that they are photoautotrophic , although this is not a hard and fast distinction as some groups contain members that are mixotrophic , deriving energy both from photosynthesis and uptake of organic carbon either by osmotrophy , myzotrophy , or phagotrophy . Some unicellular species rely entirely on external energy sources and have reduced or lost their photosynthetic apparatus.
Ah, sí, por supuestoCommon crawl Common crawl
Chlorella sorokiniana is a microalgae having great biotechnological potential due to its ability to synthesise fatty acids having industrial interest, rapid growth and the ability to adapt to differing nutrient sources in both autotrophic and mixotrophic regimens, and even heterotrophic ones.
¿ Él no lo tomaría a la nave?scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Furthermore, some species can also be mixotrophic.
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The model will help to clarify the mechanisms that allow mixotrophs to compete in different environments and how their success affects the cycling of elements.
días para los polloscordis cordis
By contrast, species of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria are either obligate chemolithotrophs or mixotrophs.
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Evaluating microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana growth in different culture mediums in autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions
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Gojira's a mixotroph with an organ that converts decaying heat.
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The high levels of phototrophic organisms biomass showed the essential role of eukaryotic phytoplankton in carbon fixation; however, due to the eutrophication of this reservoir and to the small size of dominant zooplankton, the carbon flux and nutrients seemed to be directed mainly to the detrital track and to dissolved substances and not directly to the filter-feeding zooplankton, whose main food source among eukaryotic phytoplankton is constituted by mixotrophic nanoplanktonic organisms (such as Cryptophyta and Euglenophyta), that according to their greater volume have higher concentrations of nitrate and phosphate and, therefore, can provide better quality food than the remaining nanoplankton.
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These versatile “mixotrophs” switch between nutritional modes when environmental conditions favor one or the other.
seguirán prohibidas las importaciones de carne picadaLiterature Literature
This work presents the design of two mixotrophic crops were designed at different concentrations of carbon, nitrogen and phosphate sources with the aim of evaluating the carbohydrates and lipids production from Chlorella vulgaris.
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A few species have also been shown to grow mixotrophically by assimilating organic carbon in addition to CO2.
Me han convocado a mi regimientoLiterature Literature
Micro-organisms include both heterotrophic (consumers), autotrophic (primary producers or photosynthetically active organisms) and mixotrophic (mixed nutritional strategy) prokaryotes (bacteria) and microbial eukaryotes.
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One way to achieve this goal is the implementation of mixotrophic cultures and the regulation of carbon/nitrogen ratio.
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In order to do so, mixotrophic cultures were made by the modification of initial concentration of CH3COONa (5, 10 and 20 mM) and NaNO3(0.97, 1.94 and 2.94 mM).
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Results showed that the concentration of nutrients in the mixotrophic cultures affect the production of metabolites, for the case of carbohydrates production, acetate, carbonate and phosphate had a positive effect on it.
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A gradient exists between trophic levels running from complete autotrophs that obtain their sole source of carbon from the atmosphere, to mixotrophs (such as carnivorous plants) that are autotrophic organisms that partially obtain organic matter from sources other than the atmosphere, and complete heterotrophs that must feed to obtain organic matter.
Ahora que lo mencionas, yo también...... tengo un motivo para creer que a ella le gustan los viejos.- ¿ Cuál?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sueoka, Guillard and Remital culture mediums (1, 2, 3, 4, 5g/L NPK fertiliser) were evaluated; they offer nutrients in autotrophic conditions and 30%, 50% and 80% concentration poultry manure leachate in a mixotrophic regimen.
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Carboxysomes, which aid carbon fixation, are found in lithoautotrophically and mixotrophically grown cells.
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However, this approach is challenged by the existence of mixotrophic organisms, which can use different sources of energy and carbon.
El procedimiento simplificado solo se aplica en el caso de que a la Comisión le conste, tras la fase de notificación previa (véanse los puntos #-#) que se cumplen todos los requisitos sustantivos y de procedimiento establecidos en las secciones correspondientes de los respectivos instrumentoscordis cordis
Organisms with such a nutritional lifestyle are called mixotrophs.
Creí que nunca vería tantos juntosLiterature Literature
The relatively high organic matter content of Black Sea surface water favour the development of heterotrophic (an organism which uses organic carbon for growth) and mixotrophic dinoflagellates species (able to exploit different trophic pathways), relative to autotrophs.
Oh si, es ciertoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Micro-organisms include both heterotrophic (consumers), autotrophic (primary producers or photosynthetically active organisms) and mixotrophic (mixed nutritional strategy) prokaryotes (bacteria) and microbial eukaryotes
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Therefore, in this study two mixotrophic culture media were designed with different sodium nitrate, potassium phosphate and sodium acetate/ammonium carbonate concentrations as carbon source, to evaluate the biomass and protein production of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris Beyerinck.
¡ Tu larga caminata no fue en vano!scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Results showed that mixotrophs can take advantage of resource pools that were previously thought of as unavailable to phytoplankton or zooplankton.
Seguire siendo... no me ataques, lo secordis cordis
43 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.