monk's hood oor Spaans

monk's hood

(countable) Any of various poisonous plants, of the genus Aconitum , with blue or white flowers in the shape of a hood

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Did you leave the monk-hood already?
¿Dejaste el monacato?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But it struck me that he might himself want to wear a monks hood or even a mask.
Pero me imaginé que quizá le conviniera usar una máscara o bien una capucha.Literature Literature
How did we know you were in the monk-hood?
Solo sabíamos que estabas ahí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yes, and also where the monk's hood could be found.
Sí y también dónde encontrar Capuchas de Monje.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Monk's hood, also known as aconitum.
Capucha de monje... también conocido como acónito.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Monk's-hood oil may be very good for a man's outside, but inside it is very bad indeed.
Será buen aceite para frotar pero nada buena para consumir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I am telling you, Edwin Gurney did not know that monk's hood could kill.
Lo afirmo, Edwin Gurney no sabía que el aceite podría envenenarlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Time and time again, they were exorcized by the most elite of the Monk-Hood.
Una y otra vez, fueron exorcizados por los monjes de elite.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They had trapped me there with my Other-made monk's hood and my classical Latin.
Me habían atrapado allí con mi capucha de monje hecha en el Otro y mi latín clásico.Literature Literature
I glared at him, but I were hidden in the monk’s hood, so it went unnoticed.
Lo fulminé con la mirada, pero me oculté en la capucha de monje, por lo que pasó desapercibido.Literature Literature
While you were serving the main meal, could Meurig not have entered the kitchen, overheard what Aldith was saying, added the monk's hood to the dish and then crept away as quietly as he'd come?
Mientras servían el plato principal, ¿no pudo Meurig entrar a la cocina, escuchar lo que Aldith decía, agregar el veneno al plato y salir silenciosamente como había entrado?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A man was sitting there, dressed in the black robe of a Benedictine monk, the hood raised over his head.
Había un hombre sentado en ella, vestido con el hábito negro de un monje benedictino, con la capucha sobre los hombros.Literature Literature
Maddoc told me he saw a hooded monk standing behind you in the dream.
Maddoc me contó que vio a un monje encapuchado de pie, detrás de ti, en el sueño.Literature Literature
Several hooded monks followed him, bearing weapons—most unusual —and surrounding one who was unarmed.
Le seguían varios monjes encapuchados, portando armas —hecho insólito— y rodeando a un monje que iba desarmado.Literature Literature
They were wearing monk’s cowls with hoods and their faces were not visible.
Llevaban hábitos de monje con capucha y no se les veía la cara.Literature Literature
Hooded monks surrounded the grave, banging bells and gongs and spraying incense in all directions.
Monjes encapuchados rodearon la tumba, tañendo campanas y gongs y esparciendo incienso a los cuatro vientos.Literature Literature
"""A black hooded monk ... that lacks one of the ten fingers."
—Un monje con capucha negra... al que le falta uno de los diez dedos de las manos.Literature Literature
Two hooded monks entered the cell.
Entraron dos monjes encapuchados.Literature Literature
Twelve bald eagles stood on the ice of Great Salt Lake, looking like white-hooded monks.
Doce pigargos americanos estaban posados sobre el hielo del Gran Lago Salado, como monjes con capuchas blancas.Literature Literature
A prison guard stood above him in a monk’s robe and hood, wielding a knotted scourge.
Un carcelero se alzaba sobre él con túnica de monje y capucha, blandiendo un flagelo anudado.Literature Literature
I remember a black hooded monk who was only ninetwo ...
Recuerdo un monje con capucha negra que sólo tenía nueve dedos...Literature Literature
Nine men: Each cloaked in a heavy hooded monk’s robe that concealed his face.
Nueve hombres; cada uno ataviado con un pesado hábito de monje con capucha que ocultaba su rostro.Literature Literature
Two young monks with their hoods pulled over their heads were carrying timber up from the riverside.
Dos monjes jóvenes, cubiertos con sus capuchas, se encontraban trasladando madera desde la orilla del río.Literature Literature
The hooded monks watched him from the Observatory of the Monastery of Archangels.
Los monjes encapuchados lo miraron desde el observatorio del Monasterio de los Arcángeles.Literature Literature
That's the last thing I need right now - - a ghostly hooded monk following me around.
Lo que me faltaba... un monje fantasmal encapuchado siguiéndome por ahí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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