mop of hair oor Spaans

mop of hair

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Wow, look at that mop of hair you've got.
Ah, mira esa gran melena que tienes.


Wow, look at that mop of hair you've got.
Ah, mira esa gran melena que tienes.

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I could see them clearly, Tony with his saucer eyes, and Danny with his unruly mop of hair.
Me los imaginaba con total claridad: Tony con sus ojos como platos y Danny con su mata de pelo rebelde.Literature Literature
That thin, young face, the mop of hair, was that me?
«Ese rostro joven y delgado con esa mata de pelo, ¿era yo?»Literature Literature
He was so good-looking: so tall, with that mop of hair and slightly lopsided, endearing smile.
Daniel era muy guapo: un chico tan alto, con esa mata de pelo y esa sonrisa ligeramente torcida tan entrañable.Literature Literature
Dani hopped from one foot to the other, shaking her dark mop of hair.
Dani saltaba de un pie a otro sacudiendo su oscura cabellera.Literature Literature
She recognized Jonas’s mop of hair.
Reconocía el cabello revuelto de Jonas.Literature Literature
Oh, it's got a lovely mop of hair.
Oh, tiene un hermoso pelo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Green was tall and lumbering, with huge hands, Coke-bottle glasses, and a boyish mop of hair.
Green era alto y desgarbado, tenía unas manos enormes, gafas de culo de botella y una pelambrera juvenil.Literature Literature
He sat there upon his knees, stroking her soggy mop of hair, pressing his lips to her forehead.
Él se quedó allí arrodillado, acariciándole el pelo empapado, presionando sus labios contra la frente de ella.Literature Literature
Bradbury shook his mop of hair.
Bradbury sacudió su mechón de cabello.Literature Literature
He closed the door quietly, peeped over the railings and saw a dark, thick mop of hair.
Cerró la puerta con cuidado, miró por encima de la barandilla y vio un pelo oscuro y fuerte.Literature Literature
The Indian was in his forties perhaps, with dark toffee cheeks under a mop of hair.
El indio rondaría los cuarenta, y sus mejillas café con leche oscuro asomaban bajo una mata de pelo.Literature Literature
The little figure with its wild mop of hair seemed to nod in agreement.
La pequeña figura con su agreste mechón de cabello pareció dar un cabezazo de asentimiento.Literature Literature
A big man, no more than about thirty, with a big happy face and a mop of hair.
Un hombretón de no más de treinta años, con un rostro grande y alegre y una buena mata de pelo.Literature Literature
What are those mops of hair?
¿Qué son esas melenas?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His sunglasses were buried somewhere in his mop of hair.
Sus gafas de sol estaban enterradas en alguna parte de su mata de pelo.Literature Literature
"""Eyes and hair,"" she said, ""that's all you are; eyes and a mop of hair."
—Toda ojos y cabello —dijo—, ojos y mechones de cabello.Literature Literature
Izya sat up, sank his hooked fingers into his mop of hair, and started scratching furiously.
Izya se sentó, metió los dedos retorcidos en su cabellera llena de polvo y comenzó a rascarse con encarnizamientoLiterature Literature
The same wind that rattled me rustled the spiking dark mop of hair hanging over Pietr’s eyes.
El mismo viento que me sacudió susurrando la oscura mata de pelo colgando sobre los ojos de Pietr.Literature Literature
He now sported a silvery thin, but definitely growing, mop of hair on his head.
Ahora tenía una plateada y delgada, pero definitivamente creciente melena en su cabeza.Literature Literature
Her mop of hair continued to deflate.
La mata de pelo seguía desinflándose.Literature Literature
Our camel-man was a joker called Mahmoud, whose mop of hair was even wider than the others.
Nuestro camellero era un bromista llamado Mahmoud, cuyas greñas eran aún más voluminosas que las de los demás.Literature Literature
That magnificent voice of his, that great mop of hair, those eyes, that hypnotic self-confidence—perfect.
Esa magnífica voz, esa gran mata de pelo espeso, esos ojos, esa confianza hipnótica: perfecto.Literature Literature
“You don’t mean a terribly and incredibly large man with a mop of hair over one eye?
—¿No te referirás a ese hombre terrible, increíblemente grande, con un mechón de pelo caído sobre un ojo?Literature Literature
He’d been a good boyfriend for a while, with his sun-bleached mop of hair and constant enthusiasm.
Había sido un buen novio durante un tiempo, con su mata de pelo aclarado por el sol y su entusiasmo a prueba de bomba.Literature Literature
The woman bent and took Paxton’s head, kissing him repeatedly on his brown mop of hair.
—La mujer se inclinó, tomó la cabeza de Paxton y lo besó repetidamente sobre su mata de cabello castaño—.Literature Literature
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