move heaven and earth oor Spaans

move heaven and earth

(idiomatic) To do whatever is necessary, including extreme or unusual actions; to go to extremes.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

mover cielo y tierra

to go to extreme lengths

remover Roma con Santiago

To try everything possible and put a lot of efforts to accomplish something.

revolver Roma con Santiago

To try everything possible and put a lot of efforts to accomplish something.

valerse de todos los medios

To try everything possible and put a lot of efforts to accomplish something.

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to move heaven and earth
mover cielo y tierra


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Whitney would move heaven and earth to find out why.
Whitney movería cielo y tierra para averiguar por qué.Literature Literature
I’ve had to move heaven and earth to find you.’
Y he tenido que remover cielo y tierra para encontrarte.Literature Literature
They’d have moved heaven and earth to find her.
Tendrían que haber movido tierra y cielo para encontrarla.Literature Literature
Didn’t she know, even yet, that he would move heaven and earth to keep her at his side?
¿Acaso no sabía, ni siquiera entonces, que iba remover cielo y tierra para retenerla a su lado?Literature Literature
But Irene was prepared, if necessary, to move heaven and earth to find the girl.
Pero Irene estaba dispuesta a remover también la tierra, si fuera necesario, hasta dar con la muchacha.Literature Literature
He’d move heaven and earth to get his daughter back—and demolish anything that stood in his way.
Movería cielo e infierno para recuperar a su hija... y para ello destruiría todo cuando se interpusiera en su camino.Literature Literature
I will move heaven and earth to find them
Moveré cielo y tierra para encontrarlasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Besides, you’d probably have to move heaven and earth to see ’em.”
Además, es probable que haya que remover cielo y tierra para verlos.Literature Literature
The man moving heaven and earth in a crazy plan to get her back.
El hombre que removía cielo y tierra en un plan de locos para recuperarla.Literature Literature
I moved heaven and earth ' fasted, prayed night and day
Removí cielo y tierra, recé día y nocheopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He needed something, and she was willing to move heaven and earth to provide it for him.
Él necesitaba algo y ella estaba dispuesta a remover cielo y tierra para proporcionárselo.Literature Literature
He’ll move heaven and earth for you.
Movería el cielo y la tierra por ti.Literature Literature
All I know, Excellency, is that I shall move heaven and earth in search of the guilty parties.
Sólo sé, Excelencia, que removeré cielo y tierra en busca de los culpables.Literature Literature
Abel would know that and he would move heaven and earth to stop Gregori.
Abel lo sabría, y por eso estaba dispuesto a mover cielo y tierra para detener a Gregori.Literature Literature
I know the headmistress moved heaven and earth to get him in mid-term.’
Sé que la directora removió cielo y tierra para admitirlo a mitad de trimestre.Literature Literature
‘Then I’ll move heaven and earth to make sure you don’t.’
–En ese caso, removeré cielo y tierra para que no la pierdas.Literature Literature
“Don’t move heaven and earth now,” Clausen interrupted his thoughts.
—Deja de remover cielo y tierra —dijo Clausen leyéndole el pensamiento—.Literature Literature
You know Sasha moved heaven and earth to get those papers.
Sabes el trabajo que tuvo Sasha para conseguir esos papeles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I’d have moved heaven and earth to make her happy.
Hubiese removido cielo y tierra para hacerla feliz.Literature Literature
He was never leaving her, and he’d move heaven and earth to keep her at his side.
—Él no pensaba dejarla en la vida y removería cielo y tierra para que ella no lo abandonara.Literature Literature
After he had moved heaven and earth to cover her worthless baby brother’s gambling debts!
¡Y eso después de que él moviera cielo y tierra para encubrir las deudas de juego del inútil del hermano de ella!Literature Literature
Once Trey had seen Josh, he'd tried to move heaven and earth to get Rance and Ellie together.
Después de haber visto a Josh, Trey había removido cielo y tierra para que Rance y Ellie estuvieran juntos.Literature Literature
... Even if we move heaven and earth!
... ¡Ya podemos remover cielo y tierra!Literature Literature
If one of the boys had a bent foot, he’d move heaven and earth to get it fixed.
Si uno de los chicos tuviera el pie torcido, movería cielo y tierra para que se lo arreglaran.Literature Literature
If he means it, i' il move heaven and earth to see that his people get their share
Si es verdad, apoyaré a su país en sus legítimos derechosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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