mulled wine oor Spaans

mulled wine

Red wine with spices (i.e. cinnamon sticks and ginger) served hot.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

vino caliente

We must eat fried cakes and mulled wine.
Tenemos que comer los dulces fritos y el vino caliente.



el vino caliente

We must eat fried cakes and mulled wine.
Tenemos que comer los dulces fritos y el vino caliente.


red wine along with various spices and raisins
bebida alcohólica compuesta principalmente de vino caliente y especias

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I think of my conversation with Georg while we were drinking mulled wine.
Ese tío es un mamónLiterature Literature
Some would call for hot soup, mulled wine, or, against all reason, beer.
No va a hablarLiterature Literature
'Bring more chairs, and mulled wine.
Podrá aplicarse un trato confidencial a los datos comunicados por el solicitante cuya divulgación pudiera perjudicar seriamente su posición competitivaLiterature Literature
I got to see to the mulled wine and sandwiches.
¿ Qué crees que significa esto?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The mulled wine was to coax him into helping put up the tree after work.
Si no se mantuvieran las medidas, probablemente la industria de la Comunidad volvería a verse perjudicada por un aumento de las importaciones procedentes del país afectado a precios subvencionados y su situación financiera, actualmente frágil, se deterioraríaLiterature Literature
The flagon of mulled wine that Satin delivered helped them settle the more nettlesome points.
Continúa haciendo lo que hacesLiterature Literature
There are also many treats to feast ourselves on : sweets, mulled wine, doughnuts...
Bueno, si eso te hace feliz, entoncesCommon crawl Common crawl
“Perhaps you’d like some mulled wine?”
Se ha observado neuropatía en el # % de los pacientes tratadosLiterature Literature
The second cup of spicy mulled wine had been too much.
Te estaba alabando.VeteLiterature Literature
Seven sleepy servants shuffled into the echoing hall bearing hot food, mulled wine, bandages, and fresh clothes.
He oIvidado preguntarIe cuánto Ie deboLiterature Literature
The aroma of roast pork and the spicy fragrance of mulled wine filled the crisp, cold air.
Es una debilidadLiterature Literature
He accepted a goblet of mulled wine from the bottler, snuffing the aroma and grunting his approval.
garantizar la calidad y la seguridadLiterature Literature
“Two sips of scotch, half a beer, and a mug of mulled wine, over four hours.”
No, es una expresiónLiterature Literature
At night, we read by the fire and drank mulled wine with lemon and smoky spices.
A fin de eliminar el recurso a la intervención como salida artificial para la producción excedentaria, pero manteniendo todas las salidas tradicionales del alcohol de boca y otros productos de la viticultura, debe modificarse el régimen de destilaciónLiterature Literature
You smell of mulled wine.
Estrategia de información y comunicación de la Unión Europea (debateOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nunilo raised his glass of mulled wine.
Cabo, ¿ podría venir?Literature Literature
Mostaccioli with mulled wine, the way you like 'em.
Por supuestoLiterature Literature
Elizabeth served mulled wine and looked pleased with herself.
¿ Tienes ganas de vomitar, eh?Literature Literature
"""We've got servants to mull wine."""
Sabes cómo esLiterature Literature
The air smelled of mulled wine, gingerbread, candles and smoked meat.
En la evaluación de las repercusiones que se lleven a cabo posteriormente también deberán tenerse en cuenta estos aspectosLiterature Literature
Lots of people drinking mulled wine and eating ginger biscuits.
Apuesto a que estás metido en un lio.- ¿ Cómo lo supo?Literature Literature
The flagon of mulled wine that Satin delivered helped them settle the more nettlesome points.
¿ Quiere ponerse oficial?Literature Literature
I find that mulled wine helps me sleep.
BlackChip sugiere que vayan a echar un ojo a una de las viejas minasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Filling a cup with mulled wine provided an excuse to break the fleeting eye contact.
He aprendido la lecciónLiterature Literature
Non-alcoholic wines, Non-alcoholic cider,Non-alcoholic mulled wine
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