muzzle swell oor Spaans

muzzle swell

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Cloud was once stung in the nose by yellow jackets, and her muzzle swelled up so much she couldn’t open her eyes.
Una vez, una avispa picó a Cloud en el morro, y este se hinchó tanto que no podía abrir los ojos.Literature Literature
Her swelling — as big as a three-pint bowl — nearly coming into contact with Busner’s muzzle.
Su hinchazón —tan grande como un frutero— casi entró en contacto con el hocico de Busner.Literature Literature
Swelling of the lips, muzzle and face and abundant drooling are the first signs.
Los primeros signos son inflamación de los labios, del morro y de la cara, con salivación abundante.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In mandrills, dominant males have brightly coloured swellings on either side of their muzzles to display their status.
En los mandriles, por ejemplo, los machos dominantes pueden tener protuberancias de colores brillantes en cualquiera de los dos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Swelling of the lungs in dogs, eyes, muzzle, brain: treatment
El edema pulmonar en perros, ojos, boca, el cerebro: el tratamientoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He still had wiry hair upon his body, and his ears were pointed and his teeth sharp, but his muzzle was now little more than a swelling around his mouth, and the bones of his face were re-forming to make him look more human and less lupine.
Todavía tenía el cuerpo cubierto de resistente vello, unas orejas puntiagudas y dientes afilados, pero el hocico ya no era más que un bultito alrededor de la boca, y los huesos de la cara se reconfiguraban para hacerlo parecer más humano y menos lupino.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
What is less known, something that we will regret overlooking as the posthumous cult of Chávez swells and grows more toxic, is that this “21st-century socialist,” this supposedly tireless “defender of human rights,” ruled by muzzling the media, shutting down television stations that were critical of him, and denying the opposition access to the state news networks.
Lo que no es tan sabido y, dado lo omnipresente y lo tóxico que se está volviendo este culto póstumo, uno no puede dejar pasar la ocasión de recordar, es que este “socialista del siglo XXI”, este “grandísimo defensor de los derechos humanos”, gobernó amordazando a los medios de comunicación, cerrando las televisiones que le eran hostiles y desterrando a la oposición de las grandes cadenas públicas.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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