needlewoman oor Spaans


A woman who works with a needle; a female embroiderer, sewer, etc.

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Because for a needlewoman, embroidery, it's like the poet taking up the pen.
Porque para una costurera, un bordado,... es como para un poeta que coge la pluma.


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Miss Kellow helped, not very graciously, but she was an expert needlewoman.
La señorita Kellow nos ayudó, no muy afablemente, pero era una costurera experta.Literature Literature
She was a good needlewoman, and the results were admirable.
Era una buena costurera y los resultados fueron admirables.Literature Literature
But not being able to spend as much as she would have liked, to have a swing-bassinette with rose silk curtains, and embroidered caps, in a fit of bitterness she gave up looking after the trousseau, and ordered the whole of it from a village needlewoman, without choosing or discussing anything.
Pero no pudiendo gastar lo que quería, tener una cuna en forma de barquilla con cortinas de seda rosa y gorritos bordados, renunció a la canastilla en un acceso de amargura, y lo encargó todo de una vez a una costurera del pueblo, sin escoger ni discutir nada.Lagun Lagun
“But what sort of things would a needlewoman have in her workbasket, do you think?”
Pero ¿qué clase de cosas cree que tendría una costurera en su cesta de trabajo?Literature Literature
Or else they simply do not wish to reveal the identity of a proficient needlewoman, lest they lose her services.
O bien simplemente prefieren no revelar la identidad de una costurera muy hábil por si pierden sus servicios.Literature Literature
But she’s a very handy needlewoman and Martha can help her.
Pero es una costurera muy habilidosa y puede pedirle a Martha que la ayude.Literature Literature
I am a fine needlewoman, you know, and people will pay a great deal of money for good work.”
Soy una buena bordadora, como sabes, y la gente pagará un dinero por un trabajo bien hecho.Literature Literature
Doreen was a good needlewoman, he had to give her that — she’d always made his shirts.
Ella era una buena costurera, tenía que admitirlo; de hecho, siempre le había hecho las camisas.Literature Literature
She was a good needlewoman, but she never saved her hundred pounds.
Era una buena costurera pero nunca logró ahorrar sus cien libras.Literature Literature
It had been hemmed for the Duke by the loving hands of his nurse, who was a notable needlewoman.
Los dobladillos habían sido hechos por las hábiles manos de la nurse del Duque, que era una costurera notable.Literature Literature
Sir, I am the needlewoman of this establishment.
«Señor, soy la costurera de este establecimiento.Literature Literature
There' s a most intriguing acrostic in the " Needlewoman "
Hay un acróstico curiosísimo en la revistaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Before the war, she worked as a laundress and needlewoman for the personnel of the Russian navy in the Korabelnaya district of Sevastopol, near Sevastopol Shipyard.
Antes de la guerra, trabajó como lavandera y costurera para el personal de la armada rusa en el distrito de Korabelnaya de Sebastopol, cercano al astillero de Sebastopol.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Curiously, Christine was already managing her ailing friend’s household and was an expert needlewoman.
Curiosamente, Christine llevaba la casa de su amiga enferma y era una costurera experta.Literature Literature
that prim needlewoman so averse to young gentlemen, and who, moreover, was betrothed to a young man named Cosme?
¿Aquella arisca costurera tan enemiga de los señoritos y que además tenía un novio llamado Cosme?Literature Literature
“Well, General, your wife seems a most accomplished needlewoman,” Lee said, now amused.
—Bueno, general, su esposa parece una costurera muy experimentada — había dicho Lee, en tono algo burlón.Literature Literature
Whereas Olga was musical and played the piano beautifully, Tatiana was a gifted needlewoman like her mother.
A Olga se le daba bien la música y tocaba el piano muy bien, pero Tatiana era una habilísima costurera como su madre.Literature Literature
She must have been the most prolific needlewoman in Belgium.
La señora de la casa debía de ser la más prolífica tejedora de Bélgica.Literature Literature
The light is better there, and I am no such expert needlewoman as Emma.
Allí hay más luz, y yo no soy una costurera tan experta como Emma.Literature Literature
She was an excellent needlewoman and painted far better than I could.
Era una excelente bordadora y pintaba mucho mejor que yo.Literature Literature
Rosie learned to sew too and became a good needlewoman, often sitting up with her mother into the night hours.
Rosie aprendió el oficio y se convirtió en una buena costurera que ayudaba a su madre.Literature Literature
The child drew back in alarm, but the needlewoman caught her by the arm.
La niña retrocedió asustada, pero la costurera la atrapó por el brazo.Literature Literature
You see, I was taught by an expert, my Aunt Eppie, who was a professional needlewoman.
A mí me enseñó una experta, mi tía Eppie, que era costurera profesional.Literature Literature
Lady Fremantle recommends her useful maid; good needlewoman, fond of dogs.
«Lady Fremantle recomienda a su hacendosa sirvienta; buena costurera, le gustan los perros».Literature Literature
Her mother was a brilliant needlewoman, and she is equally skilled.
Su madre era una brillante costurera y ella es igual de buena.Literature Literature
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