nieces and nephews oor Spaans

nieces and nephews

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los sobrinos

Ianto's niece and nephew.
El sobrino y la sobrina de Ianto.

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niece and nephew
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my nephews and nieces
mis sobrinos
nephew and niece
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You're just all such wonderful nieces and nephews.
Sois todos unos sobrinos maravillosos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Grant looked at the rest of the table before looking back at her niece and nephew.
—La mujer miró al resto de los comensales antes de devolver la mirada a sus sobrinos—.Literature Literature
I have many toys at Belvoir for our nieces and nephews.”
Tengo muchos juguetes en Belvoir para nuestros sobrinos y sobrinas.Literature Literature
I have so many nieces and nephews that I lost count.
Tengo tantos sobrinos y sobrinas que he perdido la cuenta.Literature Literature
“My first responsibility is to my niece and nephew.”
Mi primera responsabilidad es para con mis sobrinos.Literature Literature
I've got 16 nieces and nephews.
Tengo 16 sobrinos y sobrinas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My nieces and nephews are like a school of dolphins, leaping, diving, shrieking, eating.
Mis sobrinos son como una escuela de delfines: saltan, se zambullen, gritan y comen.Literature Literature
Yeah, for the nieces and nephews.
Sí, para las sobrinas y sobrinos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And I have not seen my nieces and nephews as often as I wished.
Tampoco he visto a mis sobrinos tanto como me hubiera gustado.jw2019 jw2019
My nieces and nephews in Equatorial Guinea still go to school on an empty stomach.
Mis sobrinos de Guinea Ecuatorial siguen yendo a la escuela con el estómago vacío.News commentary News commentary
She also gave $10,000 to every one of her children, grandchildren, and nieces and nephews.
También dejó 10.000 dólares a cada uno de sus hijos, nietos y sobrinos.Literature Literature
So what if they will be his half-brother and half-sister rather than his niece and nephew?
¿Qué importancia tiene que sean su hermanastro y su hermanastra en lugar de su sobrino y su sobrina?Literature Literature
How can my niece and nephew have grown up so when I wasn't looking?
Cómo han crecido mis sobrinos. Qué suerte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There would be nieces and nephews aplenty, and Ramsay House would be filled with the people she loved.
Habría sobrinos y sobrinas en abundancia, y Ramsay House se llenaría con las personas que amaba.Literature Literature
Sloan and Mandy are going to be happy – and we'll have nieces and nephews in common.”
Sloan y Mandy van a ser felices... y todos tendremos sobrinos en común.Literature Literature
If you help your nieces and nephews, then they will do better in life.
Si ayudas a tus sobrinas y sobrinos, les irá mejor en la vida.Literature Literature
You do want your future nieces and nephews to go to private school, don't you?
Quieres que tus futuros sobrinos vayan a una escuela privada, ¿no?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He flaps his arms and tries to communicate with all the nieces and nephews who come see him.
Agita los brazos e intenta comunicarse con todos los sobrinos y sobrinas que van a verlo.Literature Literature
What motivation would Karen have to kidnap her niece and nephew?
¿Qué motivo podría tener Karen para secuestrar a sus sobrinos?Literature Literature
I have a niece and nephew myself.
Yo tengo una sobrina y un sobrino.Literature Literature
Several descendants of the McGivney family are still living today, all nieces and nephews many generations removed.
Aún viven descendientes del Padre McGivney; todos son sobrinos nietos o bisnietos.Common crawl Common crawl
I’ve got two and I still have to buy more for my nieces and nephew.”
Yo llevo dos y aún tengo que comprar más para mis sobrinos».Literature Literature
She reminded him of Emily Dickinson; hadn’t Emily Dickinson also baked for her nieces and nephews?
Le recordaba a Emily Dickinson: ¿no había hecho también pasteles Emily Dickinson para sus sobrinos?Literature Literature
Hoole led his niece and nephew away from the cemetery.
Hoole llevó a su sobrina y a su sobrino lejos del cementerio.Literature Literature
Thanks to his devilish niece and nephews, he and Sarah had run out of time.
Gracias a sus sobrinos y a su pícara sobrina, Sarah y él se habían quedado sin tiempo.Literature Literature
2423 sinne gevind in 406 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.