nominal partner oor Spaans

nominal partner

Participant in a mutual enterprise that resembles a partnership but may not have such a formal structure.

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socio nominal


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
“You asked Andreas to stay on as nominal partner to begin with, but he refused.”
A partir de hoy...... lndustrias OSCORP ha superado a Aeroespacial Quest...... como proveedor principal del ejército de EE. UULiterature Literature
This IYR framework will consist of an organized system of UNGA-nominated partners at the global, regional, national and local levels.
Trish, te propongo una historia para un artículoCommon crawl Common crawl
The United Nations appears to be only a nominal partner or a bystander, since there is little evidence that the Security Council has been significantly engaged.
Antes de usar ActrapidUN-2 UN-2
The United Nations appears to be only a nominal partner or a bystander, since there is little evidence that the Security Council has been significantly engaged
Tengo pases para ustedesMultiUn MultiUn
When nominating partners at national, regional and local level, Member States (Article 8) should also take 'account of the need to promote equality between men and women'.
Se permite utilizar uno de los términos siguentes en lugar de la denominación técnicaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Indeed, in adopting that law, the leading Kosovar party did not bother to consult with its nominal partners in the coalition of the Assembly of Kosovo, the Serbian List.
La Vicepresidenta de la Comisión responsable de energía y transporte se dirigió por escrito a las compañías aéreas comunitarias instándoles a proporcionar a los viajeros dicha información, y tiene intención de volver a hacerlo para comprobar cómo ha procedido cada compañíaUN-2 UN-2
We are asking our supporters to nominate our partner in Honduras - Jorge Mahomar - as a CNN Hero.
El volumen de las importaciones de la República Popular China se mantuvo fluctuante en el período considerado y concluyó con un aumento en comparación con #, que se refleja en una mayor cuota de mercado en el período de investigaciónCommon crawl Common crawl
Kamens, he was sure, would not spill anything prematurely, even to nominal full partners.
Siempre usaba un vestido de seda nuevoLiterature Literature
Similarly, Russia’s nominal partners in its Eurasian Union project – Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan – will need to balance carefully between Russia, their nominal “strategic” ally, and the US, which holds the keys to the international political and economic system.
Resistencia al n-hexano conforme a la norma ISO # con las siguientes condicionesProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
A Member or an applicant Member that nominates a Partner Site shall submit a written proposal to the Assembly of Members.
Veo evidencia insuficiente para dejarlo proceder en la demanda de agresión con intento para cometerlo al igual que las demandas # y #, asalto y agresión con arma mortalEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Partners nominated from the partnership areas
Estamos vivos.No estamos muertosMultiUn MultiUn
You're the one that nominated him for partner.
Está bien, madreOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(ii) Partners nominated from the partnership areas.
Sálganse yaUN-2 UN-2
(a) Running a subscription page asking each subscriber to nominate colleagues or partner organizations to be invited;
No le hagas casoUN-2 UN-2
This is lower than the target, mostly because partners nominate the participants.
Te dejas arrastrarUN-2 UN-2
This is lower than the target, mostly because partners nominate the participants
Por eso pediste trabajar conmigo, ¿ no?.- ¡ No pedi trabajar contigo!MultiUn MultiUn
The next item up for bid on The Price is Right is Mike Ross's nomination for junior partner.
Eso jamás ocurrirá- Te apuesto # dólares...... a que alcanzamos el objetivo al finalizar esta guardiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Consolidated the submission of the East African Community Partner States Plans and Programme for the Forests 2011 celebration; coordinated the nominations of Partner States for the 2011/12 Forest Hero Awards.
Angus consiguió cerrar su tratoUN-2 UN-2
Created under Article 7.11(a) of the Limited Partnership Agreement, this Committee consists of one member nominated by each partner.
Los informes que deberán presentarse cada dos años y el informe final de ejecución a que se refiere el artículo # del Reglamento (CE) no.../# [por el que se establecen las disposiciones generales relativas al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, al Fondo Social Europeo y al Fondo de Cohesión] contendrán un resumen y una evaluación referentes a los siguientes aspectosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Principles to consider when partners nominate their representatives would include: competence, capacity to participate actively, and appropriate level of representation".
Mamá... yo te escribíEurLex-2 EurLex-2
That same year the sculpture was nominated by Partners in Preservation, a fund for the preservation of historic sites, backed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and American Express.
Vamos a casa a tomar una copaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Twelve of the national commission's 18 members are nominated by the social partners.
En cuanto a Austin y yo, por fin recuperé mi celularEurLex-2 EurLex-2
He just sent out an email nominating you for Junior Partner.
Eso es Al otro día vio los pequeños huecos en las ventanasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Twelve of the national commission's # members are nominated by the social partners
Y que te parece eso morado que tienes en el armario?oj4 oj4
550 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.