nosegay oor Spaans


A small bunch of fragrant flowers or herbs, tied in a bundle, often presented as a gift on meeting, and originally intended to be put to the nose for the pleasant sensation, or to mask unpleasant odours.

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Our guide is offering you the first blossom for your nosegay, the foxglove orchid.
Nuestro guía nos ofrece la primera flor para su ramillete, la orquídea dedalera.


A small bunch of flowers typically given as a gift and often held together by a string around the flower stems.
Ramillete de flores que suele darse como un regalo y a menudo se mantiene unido con una cuerda alrededor de los tallos florales.
We're so sorry. But two such lovely nosegays had already arrived from Hamley Hall.
Sí, discúlpenos, pero acababan de llegar dos hermosos ramos de Hamley Hall.

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My dear Colonel, according to the King' s request... it is for you to take first choice of this dainty nosegay... and at your own price
Mi querido Coronel, por pedido del Rey... usted debe ser el primero en elegir de este exquisito ramillete... y al precio que le convengaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
"""He only sent one nosegay, and that was for Cynthia,"" said Molly, looking up from her work."
—Sólo envió un ramo, y era para Cynthia —dijo Molly, alzando la vista de su labor—.Literature Literature
"On being asked why, she replied: ""I can't bear to see beautiful blossoms squashed in the middle of a nosegay."
Cuando le preguntaron la causa, respondió: —No puedo soportar ver flores tan bonitas apretujadas en un ramillete.Literature Literature
A young girl of ravishing beauty offered me a nosegay, and I regarded that as a happy omen.
Una muchacha maravillosa me ofreció un ramo y consideré que esto era un buen presagio.Literature Literature
He held a nosegay of violets and was looking anxiously to the right and left.
Llevaba un ramo de violetas y miraba con ansiedad a derecha y a izquierda.Literature Literature
She’d taken a tiny nosegay of white rosebuds to the beach and let waves carry them away as she’d prayed.
Llevó un ramillete de rosas blancas a la playa y dejó que las olas se las llevaran mientras rezaba.Literature Literature
"""I wish one could always buy nosegays such as you have brought us, as cheaply."""
Ojalá se pudieran comprar siempre ramilletes como los que nos ha traído, tan baratos.Literature Literature
That is my doing; my arrival put paid to the ceremony of the nosegays.
Es obra mía; mi llegada ha puesto fin a la ceremonia de los ramilletes.Literature Literature
Never, if the phrase may be employed, had such a nosegay of medicines been presented to the artistic eye.
Ningún ojo artístico había contemplado jamás, si es lícito emplear una expresión así, semejante ramillete de fármacos.Literature Literature
My poor little nosegay had been crushed by Abdullah’s careless handling.
Mi pobre ramillete había sido aplastado por el manejo descuidado de Abdullah.Literature Literature
The restaurant on this fine spring morning seemed like a great nosegay of brilliant flowers.
El restaurante parecía, aquella mañana de primavera, un espléndido ramillete de flores.Literature Literature
Pippa is burying her face in a nosegay of red flowers that he must have brought her.
Pippa hunde la cara en un ramillete de flores rojas que él ha debido de regalarle.Literature Literature
“I was so surprised by my own nosegays that I did not even ask about your bouquet.
Estaba tan sorprendida por los ramos que he recibido que ni siquiera te he preguntado por el tuyo.Literature Literature
As for the nosegay of FACTS—you will never be able to make away with these.
En cuanto al ramillete de hechos, jamás seréis capaces de destruirlo.Literature Literature
Therefore, two by Bunch, a tiny bunch of Bunch, maybe a nosegay.
Por ello, dos Bunch, un pequeño ramillete de Bunch, apenas un pomito.Literature Literature
He likes sometimes for his own pleasure to bring together dissimilar people, to create a social nosegay, as he says.
Para divertirse, a veces reúne a personas dispares, para crear un ramillete social, como él dice.Literature Literature
Rubelle waited, quietly arranging her nosegay, as if she expected me to say something.
La señora Rubelle esperaba, arreglando con tranquilidad su ramillete, como si quisiera que le dijese algo.Literature Literature
The villages were clean and prosperous, with thatched roofs and gardens like nosegays.
Los caseríos eran limpios y prósperos, con techumbres de paja y jardines espléndidos como vergeles.Literature Literature
She is a nosegay of all virtues, as truth, mercy, constancy, gentleness, courage, and the rest.
Ella es un ramillete de virtudes, de veracidad, de compasión, de constancia, de bondad, de valor, y todo lo demás.Literature Literature
Our guide is offering you the first blossom for your nosegay, the foxglove orchid.
Nuestro guía nos ofrece la primera flor para su ramillete, la orquídea dedalera.jw2019 jw2019
Julia selects the best moments from her recollection and puts them together in nosegays of happiness.
Julia escoge los mejores momentos del recuerdo y los reúne en ramilletes de felicidades.Literature Literature
When the door was closed again he carefully selected one of the choicest flowers in the nosegay.
Cuando la puerta quedó de nuevo cerrada, eligió cuidadosamente una de las flores más bonitas del ramo.Literature Literature
My poor little nosegay had been crushed by Abdullah's careless handling.
Mi pobre ramillete había sido aplastado por el manejo descuidado de Abdullah.Literature Literature
She pulled the half-dead nosegay he had sent her aunt from the vase and tucked it into his coat pocket.
—Sacó del jarrón el ramillete medio marchito que había enviado a su tía y lo metió en el bolsillo de su chaqueta—.Literature Literature
I placed my own nosegay among them and said a little prayer, just as the Colonel must have done.
Coloqué mi ramo entre ellas y recé una corta oración, de la misma forma en la que el Coronel debió hacerlo.Literature Literature
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