not to get oor Spaans

not to get

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

quedar sin

! You can't afford to pay me, and I can't afford not to get paid.
No puedes pagarme, y yo no puedo quedar sin paga.

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Soortgelyke frases

you are not going to get bad grades
no vas a sacar malas notas
not to know how to get to a place
no saber cómo llegar a un lugar
not to get out
no salir
not to get mad
no te enojes


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Try not to get too much Doritos powder on it.
Intenta no echarle mucho polvo de Doritos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I always try not to get too attached to a place... to objects... or to people.
Siempre intento no tenerle mucho apego a los sitios, ni a los objetos, ni a la gente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He' s not to get away
No debe escaparseopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Tell that idiot not to get smart with the women- they' re not stupid
Dile a ese deficiente que no se haga tanto el listo con las mujeres, que no son tontasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“Any murderers out there still have incentive not to get caught.”
Los asesinos que haya por ahí todavía tendrán interés en que no los atrapen.Literature Literature
There was no longer any reason for Avner and Shoshana not to get married.
Ya no había ninguna razón para que Avner y Shoshana no se casaran.Literature Literature
Grandma had told me not to get too attached.
La abuela me había dicho de no ser demasiado apegada.Literature Literature
Sunita’s Hindi gets better, and she learns how not to get ripped off by the servants.
El hindi de Sunita mejora y aprende a no dejarse estafar por los criados.Literature Literature
Try not to get into too much troubles, OK?
Pero intenten no meterse en problemas, ¿sí?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She’ll have to buy medical insurance, figure out how not to get caught in its complicated web.
Tendrá que tramitar un seguro médico, hallar el modo de no quedarse atrapada en su complicada telaraña.Literature Literature
Tell her not to get near the dog.
Decile a ella que no se acerque al perro.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He told his wife not to get involved and she said she wouldn’t.
Pidió a su mujer que no se involucrara, y ella le prometió que no lo haría.Literature Literature
Her husband preferred not to get involved and kept a low profile since their marriage was a secret.
Su marido prefería no meterse, entre otras cosas porque su matrimonio era un secreto de Estado.Literature Literature
He frowned, as if he preferred not to get into it but had to.
Él frunció el ceño como si prefiriera no entrar en detalles pero tuviera que hacerlo.Literature Literature
“I was pretty careful not to get mud or blood on anything,” he said.
—He tenido cuidado de no manchar nada de barro ni sangre —dijo.Literature Literature
The first rule of staying alive is not to get noticed.’
La primera regla para seguir con vida es pasar desapercibido.Literature Literature
Digging them out, even with heavy gloves, it's almost impossible not to get “stung” by their juices.
Cuando las arrancas, incluso con guantes, es casi imposible que no te piquen sus jugos.Literature Literature
Tell your grandpa not to get drunk.
Dile a tu abuelo que no se emborrache.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They need you to be clear and steady, not to get tangled up in their drama.
Necesitan que seas claro y tranquilo, no que te enredes en su drama.Literature Literature
The important thing was for it not to get out of control.
Lo importante era que no se descontrolase.Literature Literature
She fought—not to get him off, but to pull him deeper and deeper inside her.
Luchó, pero no para librarse de él, sino para atraerlo más y más profundamente hacia su interior.Literature Literature
“I did try not to get involved.”
—Es verdad que intenté no involucrarme.Literature Literature
Dan inched along, trying not to get his knees trapped in the folds of his dress, looking holy.
Dan le seguía pausadamente, intentando no enredarse las rodillas con los pliegues de la túnica, con cara de santo.Literature Literature
Do we really want that pig Pomfrey and the AD1 not to get the treasure?
¿Realmente queremos que el cerdo de Pomfrey y el lote AD1 se queden con el tesoro?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You know not to get into a car with a stranger.
¿No sabes que no se entra en los autos de extraños?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
210487 sinne gevind in 359 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.