nubia oor Spaans


A light, knitted head scarf worn by women.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


I'll give you the hole south, Nubia and the gold mines.
Y todo el sur. Nubia y sus minas de oro.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


eienaam, naamwoord
An ancient kingdom in the valley of the upper Nile bordering present Egypt and Sudan.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


I'll give you the hole south, Nubia and the gold mines.
Y todo el sur. Nubia y sus minas de oro.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Alara of Nubia
Executive Committee of the International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo
Comité Ejecutivo de la Campaña Internacional para la Creación del Museo de Nubia en Asuán y el Museo Nacional de la Civilización Egipcia en El Cairo · Comité Ejecutivo de la Campaña Internacional para la Salvaguardia de los Monumentos de Nubia
Executive Committee of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia
Comité Ejecutivo de la Campaña Internacional para la Creación del Museo de Nubia en Asuán y el Museo Nacional de la Civilización Egipcia en El Cairo · Comité Ejecutivo de la Campaña Internacional para la Salvaguardia de los Monumentos de Nubia
International Consultative Committee of the International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo
Comité Consultivo Internacional de la Campaña Internacional para la Creación del Museo de Nubia en Asuán y el Museo Nacional de la Civilización Egipcia en El Cairo
International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia
Campaña Internacional para Salvar los Monumentos de Nubia
International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo
Campaña Internacional por la Creación del Museo de Nubia en Asuán y del Museo Nacional de Antigüedades Egipcias en El Cairo
La Nubia Airport
Aeropuerto de La Nubia
Trust Fund for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo
Fondo Fiduciario para la Creación del Museo de Nubia en Asuán y el Museo Nacional de la Civilización Egipcia en El Cairo


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Nubia was boring, the Herald an irritable man, and the whole assignment without incident.
Es muy gracioso como se les ocurren los sobrenombres para los asesinos serialesLiterature Literature
From the furthest reaches of Nubia to the most distant regions of Asia, all are under the command of his great hand.’
Policía de AtlantaLiterature Literature
But this was not enough for Thutmose, scourge of Nubia.
Estuve trabajandoLiterature Literature
In Africa, the spread of Islam leads to the destruction of the Christian kingdoms of Nubia, by the end of the century leaving only Alodia (which was to collapse in 1504).
Trabajo enTassieWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Faras (formerly Ancient Greek: Παχώρας, Pakhôras; Latin: Pachoras; Old Nubian: Ⲡⲁⲣⲁ, Para) was a major city in Lower Nubia.
Pero...lo mismo, buen oficial!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the words of writer Pierre Loti, who visited the area shortly after the first dam was completed: “The greater part of the ancient temples of Nubia will be underwater. . .but the cotton fields will be so productive!”
Que pinten cuadros más bonitos?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Nubia and Ethiopia, iron, trade, and agricultural surpluses lead to the establishment of cities and civilizations.
Gracias por todo, ¿ eh?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The city reached its height during the Christian period of Nubia, when Faras was the capital of the Basiliskos Silko of Nobadia.
Vigusian.- ¿ Tienes un minuto?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Majesty, our hold on Nubia is rather weak at present, as you must know.”
Funcionamiento en anverso-reversoLiterature Literature
Bounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the N and the first cataract of the Nile and Nubia-Ethiopia on the S, Egypt was hemmed in by the Libyan Desert (part of the Sahara) on the W and the Red Sea Desert on the E.
¡ Ahora alcancemos a ese camión!jw2019 jw2019
“I’m Lord of Egypt, Lord of Egypt and Nubia . . .”
¿ Desde qué hora está aquí?Literature Literature
Ramesses X is also the last New Kingdom king whose rule over Nubia is attested from an inscription at Aniba.
Vamos a repartir estopaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“My father pacified Nubia and entrusted you with preserving the peace.
Israel dejará de existirLiterature Literature
I'm looking for the legendary kingdom of Nubia.
No, ve. yo llevaré a los niñosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They are gold merchants from the Sahara, from neighboring Niger, from N’Djamena and from Nubia.
Creo que me gustaría esoLiterature Literature
“Setau has left for Nubia with Ramses, but his shield is proving stronger than I would have expected.
Generosa hospitalidad y comun para todos los cuartosLiterature Literature
Kush is the nation I call Nubia, it seems.
¿ No la merecemos?Literature Literature
“And do you know the way to Nubia through the forests?”
Es preciso tener en cuenta que, en el control del riesgo de liquidación/entrega, existen sistemas que ofrecen una protección capaz de minimizar dicho riesgoLiterature Literature
The island is located just downstream of the First Cataract, at the southern border of Upper Egypt with Lower Nubia.
Todo está despejado, señorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“To begin with, he will reconquer all Nubia.
¿ Hasta cuándo va a estar martilleándole el cerebro?Literature Literature
Everyone in Nubia had an abundance of all things; Egypt was in fine festivity.
Sí.¿ Sabes qué?Literature Literature
For example, we hear of an unsuccessful plot against Pepi I. We also read a letter written by the young king Pepi II, excited that one of his expeditions will return with a dancing pygmy from the land of Yam, located to the south of Nubia.
¿ Me quieres decir que Billy sabe lo que piensa una tormenta?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The son of a shipbuilder in Nubia, he was brought up near KHARTOUM.
El pueblo de Novgorod te pide que seas su príncipeLiterature Literature
In 1823 they travelled up the Nile to Nubia, collecting specimens in the area south of Ambukol, returning to Cairo in July 1825.
Y nadie nunca lo ha montadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Journalist and blogger Nubia Esmeralda Rojas offers an in-depth analysis of the famous McBride Report (1980) and its relevance in the age of the Internet and social media.
Quiero decir, ya sabes, nunca se sabegv2019 gv2019
206 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.