occupation zone oor Spaans

occupation zone

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zona de ocupación

He is now thinking about how to divide up the occupation zones.
Ahora el esta pensando como dividir las zonas de ocupación.
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Allied Occupation Zones in Germany
Zonas de ocupación aliada en Alemania


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
All the others lay dead on the battlefields of the Occupation Zone.
Y si estás con nosotros, estás con nosotros...... al igual que estaremos contigo hasta el finalLiterature Literature
She followed him to the northern part of the Soviet Occupation Zone.
¡ No tomó mucho cronometra!Literature Literature
The German occupation zone was equally frightful.
Lloviendo gatos y perros!Literature Literature
The Vipers got the jump on us here in the occupation zone.
El mismo nombre, la misma caraLiterature Literature
They had planned, organized, and launched a major offensive against the Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone.
Ni siquiera tienes que probarloLiterature Literature
"""The Nova Cats have suffered the loss of several worlds in the Occupation Zone."""
Britt, estás libreLiterature Literature
French troops took part in the invasion of Germany, and France was assigned an occupation zone in Germany.
En la Biblioteca de la Cámara de los Diputados en París se conserva uno de los más extraordinarios documentos de la historia mundial: el diario de las sesiones del juicio a Juana de Arco, juicio que terminó con su muerteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My uncle, Tormana, is active in the occupation zone you call your Sarna March.
Ya hemos perdido demasiado para irnos con las manos vacíasLiterature Literature
Marshall, was sufficient to begin the transformation of the post-war occupation zones into enduring political blocs.
¡ Me echaste a la calle!Literature Literature
If Vlad Ward is receptive, he and Phelan could conceivably split the Falcon Occupation Zone in half.""
De alguna forma escapé.VámonosLiterature Literature
After I have beaten you there, I will push up and through your occupation zone.
Una vez expirado dicho plazo, el Banco decidirá según su leal saber y entender si procede o no autorizar la divulgación de los documentos en cuestión a tenor de lo prevenido en el artículo # de las citadas NormasLiterature Literature
Cracow, Nov. 6, 1939 German Occupation Zone
¿ Qué ha sido eso?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The occupation zones were intended to be temporary, pending an official peace settlement.
Le recuerdo que tiene el derecho de la quinta enmienda de permanecer en silencioLiterature Literature
November # Soviet Occupation Zone
Tienes que subirla másopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
They have recently managed to move from the Soviet to the British Occupation Zone.
Si el vehículo presentado para su homologación de acuerdo con la presente Directiva cumpliera los requisitos del punto #, se concederá la homologaciónLiterature Literature
Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro became German military occupation zones.
A esta hora ya no hay trenesLiterature Literature
In 1945 it was divided into four occupation zones: U.S., British, French, and Soviet.
Debe haber sido una confusiónLiterature Literature
Bickering over the French occupation zone would continue until a formal settlement was signed in late June.
No ser adoradora de SatanásLiterature Literature
Law no. 7 (November 30, 1945) regulated the distribution of electricity and gas in the various occupation zones.
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Russia turned its occupation zone into a socialist state tied to it by the Warsaw Pact.
Si demuestro que se trata de un caso de personalidad múltiple será absueltaLiterature Literature
He would cut our occupation zone in half.""
Vuelves al casoLiterature Literature
'It was the occupation zones that created the archetype German for you,' he said.
Sus ojos están girando en sus cuencasLiterature Literature
From there he worked into the Federated Commonwealth and pulled troops from the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone.
Artículo únicoLiterature Literature
Then, the 1948 Berlin Blockade increased the sense of isolation in the Soviet occupation zone.
Joe, no te vayasLiterature Literature
They divided Greece into occupation zones.
Flatulencia Dolor bucal Estreñimiento Glosodinia Sequedad de boca Enfermedad de reflujo gastro-esofágicoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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