occur to someone oor Spaans

occur to someone

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ocurrírsele a alguien


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By five it'll occur to someone that maybe we got lost.
A las 5 se les ocurrirá que nos hemos perdido.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That would never occur to someone as self-centered as Amanda.
Eso jamás se le ocurriría a alguien tan egocéntrico como Amanda.Literature Literature
The moment it occurs to someone to suspect my integrity, it's all over.”
En el momento en que a alguien se le ocurra dudar de mi integridad, se acabó.Literature Literature
It could occur to someone turned murderer by mishap to dress his crime as robbery.
Podría ser que alguien lo asesinara disfrazándolo de robo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Surely they must have already occurred to someone else.
Sin duda ya se le habían ocurrido a alguien más.Literature Literature
It would never occur to someone at a butcher’s stall to mentally reconstruct the slaughtered animal.
Delante del mostrador de un carnicero, a nadie se le ocurre recomponer mentalmente el animal entero.Literature Literature
Won’t it occur to someone that the elves aren’t really that stupid?
¿No se le ha ocurrido a nadie que los elfos no son tan estúpidos, en realidad?Literature Literature
“Yeah, because that kind of detail probably never occurs to someone like her.”
—Sí, porque seguro que esos detalles no se le ocurren a alguien como ella.Literature Literature
“And so finally it occurs to someone at the hospital to call the police—”
—Y por fin a alguien del hospital se le ocurre llamar a la policía...Literature Literature
It was bound to occur to someone that tetrafluoroethylene might polymerize as ethylene itself did.
Alguien debió pensar que el tetrafluoruro etileno podía polimerizarse como el etileno.Literature Literature
A witch or sorcerer is identified when a misfortune occurs to someone against whom he has a grudge.
Un brujo o un hechicero se identifican cuando le ocurre una desgracia a una persona contra la cual guarda rencor.Literature Literature
Clearly this also occurred to someone at Farside.”
También se le ocurrió a alguien en Farside.Literature Literature
"""Suppose the thought had occurred to someone else who had telepathic powers."
- Suponte que la misma idea se le hubiese ocurrido a alguien que poseyese poderes telepáticos.Literature Literature
Just as this question occurs to you now, it occurred to someone else too.
Al igual que ustedes se están haciendo ahora esta pregunta, otra persona se la hizo entonces.Literature Literature
Let the accident occur to someone else.”
Que el accidente le ocurra a otro.Literature Literature
“And so finally it occurs to someone at the hospital to call the police—” “What’s this?”
—Y por fin a alguien del hospital se le ocurre llamar a la policía... —¿Y eso?Literature Literature
He’d been wondering when this point would occur to someone.
Se había estado preguntando cuándo se le iba a ocurrir eso a alguien.Literature Literature
It occurred to someone to say that to mislead him.
Eso se le ocurrió a alguien para despistarlo.Literature Literature
But then the idea occurred to someone to let the pakeha take care of the matter.
Así que a alguien se le ocurrió que los pakeha se encargasen de arreglar este asunto.Literature Literature
In this environment, it is unlikely to occur to someone that the Other might be experiencing worries or pain.
Ahí no se nos ocurre pensar que el otro pueda tener preocupaciones ni dolor.Literature Literature
He found it intriguing that she spoke of her own past as if it had occurred to someone else.
Le resultaba intrigante que ella hablara de su propio pasado como si le hubiera ocurrido a otra persona.Literature Literature
But sooner or later it would occur to someone, Astrid if not Sam, that it was all a diversion.
Pero tarde o temprano se encontraría con alguien, Astrid si no Sam, esa era toda la diversión.Literature Literature
When I read it, for example, I was struck by certain things that might not have occurred to someone else.
Por ejemplo, cuando yo lo leí, me sentí anonadado por ciertas cosas que probablemente a alguien más no le importarían.Literature Literature
Eventually it occurred to someone that it was possible to write down not only what was but what could be.
Finalmente, a alguien se le ocurrió que no sólo era posible escribir lo que era sino lo que podía ser.Literature Literature
It occurred to someone else that Anshel had committed a major transgression and gone into exile in order to do penance.
A algún otro se le ocurrió pensar que Ánshel había cometido una falta grave y se había marchado al exilio para expiarlo.Literature Literature
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