older cousin oor Spaans

older cousin

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

el primo mayor

The grown-ups stayed in the back with the youngest kids, and the older cousins went on ahead.
Los adultos iban detrás con los niños más pequeños, y los primos mayores iban por delante.

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Now Letsatsi's only option was to join his older cousins.
Ahora la única opción para Letsatsi fue reunirse con sus primos mayores.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She peeked over at her older cousin Alex, who was grinning at her.
Espió a su primo mayor, Alex, que le sonreía.Literature Literature
At eight years old she was already having a Lesbian affair with an older cousin.
A los ocho años ya tuvo un ligue lesbiano con una prima mayor.Literature Literature
Niki’s older cousin Nikolasha continued to serve as commander in chief of the army.
El primo mayor de Niki, Nikolasha, siguió sirviendo como comandante en jefe del ejército.Literature Literature
The night I met him, he said, “So you’re Kimberley’s older cousin,” and I laughed and corrected him.
La noche que lo conocí, me dijo: «Así que eres la prima mayor de Kimberley», y yo me reí y lo corregí: «Menor».Literature Literature
Could it be Loretta, Amy's older cousin?
¿No podía ser Loretta, la prima mayor de Amy?Literature Literature
Kendra felt the way she had when an older cousin told her there was no Santa Claus.
Kendra se sintió como cuando uno de sus primos mayores le dijo que no existía Santa Claus.Literature Literature
“It was her older cousin Maggie,” Shelby interjected.
—Fue con su prima mayor, Maggie —la rebatió Shelby.Literature Literature
“As did you,” Uthor added to Borri’s older cousin, Dunrik of the Bardrakk clan.
—Igual que tú —añadió, dirigiéndose al primo mayor de Borri, Dunrik del clan Bardrakk.Literature Literature
The aunts and older cousins liked to talk to her about London and the latest fashions.
A las tías y primas de más edad les gustaba hablar con ella acerca de Londres y de la última moda.Literature Literature
Melly was only eighteen and she adored her older cousin.
Melly sólo tenía dieciocho años y adoraba a su prima.Literature Literature
He didn’t dare look at his older cousin and couldn’t find anything to say to her.
No se atrevía a mirar a su prima y tampoco sabía qué decirle.Literature Literature
At that time I very much admired my older cousin, Salvador, the only child of my aunt Guadalupe.
En ese tiempo admiré mucho a mi primo Salvador, —el hijo único de mi tía Guadalupe.Literature Literature
The cooler older cousin, huh?
La genial prima mayor, ¿verdad?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They took the kids tobogganing, Susie had an instant case of hero-worship for her older cousin.
Los niños jugaron juntos y Susie al instante adoró a su primo.Literature Literature
She told the other girls that she had learned how to jump doubles from her older cousins.
Les dijo que sus primas le habían enseñado a saltar en parejas.Literature Literature
“OK,” Eva said, smiling at her older cousin.
—Vale —dijo Eva, sonriendo a su prima mayor.Literature Literature
Cecily seems absolutely enchanted with Felicity’s “older cousin,” as if she were speaking to a duchess.
Cecily parece realmente encantada con la «prima mayor» de Felicity, a quien habla como si se dirigiera a una duquesa.Literature Literature
Of course, Teddy said, he was quite a few years behind his older cousin.
Teddy me dijo que tenía unos cuantos años menos que su primo.Literature Literature
The older cousin pondered what to do about his lost kin.
Se preguntó qué iba hacer con el pariente perdido.Literature Literature
My older cousin Rufus lounging on the sofa.
Rufus, mi primo mayor, estaba tumbado en el sofá.Literature Literature
Maria looks like she could be my aunt or an older cousin.
Maria podría ser mi tía o una prima mayor.Literature Literature
Stephen was always the gentle, caring older cousin.""
Stephen siempre fue el primo mayor, amable y considerado.Literature Literature
As a classic example, compare the lives of Sir Francis Galton and his older cousin, Charles Darwin.
Como un ejemplo clásico, compara las vidas de sir Francis Galton y su primo, mayor que él, Charles Darwin.Literature Literature
“Tonton Sosthène turned up with our older cousins, Godefroy and Balthazar.
—Tío Sosthène vino con nuestros primos mayores, Godefroy y Balthazar.Literature Literature
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