opposition parry oor Spaans

opposition parry

(fencing) The deflection of the incoming attack without ever losing contact with the blade from the initial engagement.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Thomas lunged, pulling the tip of his sword up and over Dontane's parry, nicking him in the opposite shoulder.
Lo absurdo del deseo en ciernes... impotencia en florecer,: para cumplir... su destinoLiterature Literature
Two officers were parrying aside pikes and swords as they tried to rally their men from the opposite side.
Me parece muy bienLiterature Literature
Parris's reputation is exactly the opposite of John Proctor's.
¿ Que hace un hombre de Dios en la guerra?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Also, these symphonic poems reveal a personal impressionistic, late romantic idiom; much developed in isolation from continental forms by Debussy, Ravel or Richard Strauss and in opposition to staunch British national-imperialism of Parry and Elgar.
Esta casa necesita una mujer... pero nunca me escuchasParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Without a proper motion of indomitable will, we are overwhelmed by the events that parry before us, without the ability to translate in terms of opposition to that we live.
Cuota patronal a la seguridad social a pagar a la ComisiónParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With the US and Saudi Arabia contesting Co-Chair Parry ́s proposed information from the Stern Review, the section was bracketed with opposition from Austria, the EC and others.
Solo quería saber cómo dormisteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Funding for scientific research in former colonial nations tends to flow from north to south, while specimens collected in those nations travel in the opposite direction for genetic analysis and taxonomic allocating (Latour 1987; Neimark 2012; Parry 2000, 2004; Waterton et al. 2013).
Pide a la Comisión que recoja y difunda buenas prácticas relativas a las políticas del entorno de trabajo que permitan un equilibrio efectivo entre vida y trabajo y relativas a las medidas que estimulan unamayor implicación de los hombres en la vida familiar; pide a los Estados miembros y a los interlocutores sociales que adopten las medidas necesarias para poder, por una parte, prevenir el acoso sexual y moral en el lugar de trabajo y, por otra, combatir este fenómeno cuando se produzca; insta a que se apoye a las mujeres en su carrera profesional; urge a la Comisión y a los Estados miembros a tomar medidas eficaces para reducir la diferencia salarial de género y promover tanto el permiso parental como el permiso por paternidad entre los hombresParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We did six passes, including the three from earlier in the week and three new ones: grabbing out in front and reaching around to the adrenal area and applying; swinging out to the back and grabbing and then applying it down the opposite side in front; and making a more elegant side parry in front and then cutting down and applying.
Sí, se ha demostrado.Aquí mismo, llenos de valorParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As noted by Wisner, not only did Monsanto bury The Parry Report, which revealed they had a serious health problem on their hands, they ghostwrote a report that claimed the complete opposite.
Se convirtió en un símbolo de algo más grande, de algo mejor en este mundoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
9 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.