overlying oor Spaans


lying over or upon something else

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


The current conceptual model affords a natural safeguard to underlying aquifers from the overlying muds.
El modelo conceptual actual proporciona una protección natural para los acuíferos subyacentes a los fangos suprayacentes.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

aplastar · estar encima · recubrir
overly self-critical person
overlying strata
cubierta · recubrimiento
demasiadamente · demasiado · en demasía · excesivamente · extremadamente


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Many computers of this time tried to avoid this problem by using only AC-coupled pulse logic, which made them very large and overly complex (ENIAC: 18,000 tubes for a 20 digit calculator) or unreliable.
Ya que tenemos un empleado, podemos ir a cenarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
whereas the lack of a common approach to space policy between EU Member States results in overly costly programmes,
En realidad no es antisemita sinot-set not-set
Someone who’s overly suggestible might be too gullible and less functional.
Las sanciones previstas deben ser eficaces, proporcionadas y disuasoriasLiterature Literature
The complainant argues that the formal requirements for submitting a complaint should not be overly strict for a layman and concludes that his complaint meets the admissibility criteria under the Convention.
El ensayo se realizará en tres puntos distintos de cada impactador simulador de cabezaUN-2 UN-2
It is important, however, to avoid a situation where overly strict security measures prevent the United Nations from acting effectively on the ground.
Vamos, ve a buscar a tu madreUN-2 UN-2
3 As witnesses of Jehovah, we may acknowledge that we should ‘not be overly absorbed in worldly affairs,’ as shown in the previous article.
Parece ser que nunca debes tener confianza en los drogadictosjw2019 jw2019
“Those Reeds aren’t overly sociable and became even less so after that nephew arrived.
Este ballet tiene importancia históricaLiterature Literature
One thing is certain: your countryman’s not overly fond of you.’
Partiendo del coeficiente de solvencia mínimo del # %, aplicable desde el # de junio de #, el valor correspondiente sería de # millones de marcos alemanes (# millones de eurosLiterature Literature
That sounds overly dramatic and I shake my head.
Por si le interesa saberlo, comprendo su rencorLiterature Literature
He didn't overly frequent the gaming tables.
Las decisiones presupuestarias deberían tener igualmente en cuenta que el desarrollo social y el desarrollo medioambiental también contribuyen al crecimiento económicoLiterature Literature
Frances Catherine hadn't bled overly much, but in Judith's mind the worry wasn't over yet.
Prométeme que lo comerás antes que se enfríeLiterature Literature
20 In Martha’s house, Jesus mildly rebukes her for becoming overly anxious about her household chores, and he commends Mary for choosing the better part, sitting down and listening to his word.
Incluye los pagos hechos por sucursales, filiales y empresas asociadas a su empresa matriz o a otras empresas vinculadas que representan contribuciones a los gastos generales de administración de las sucursales, filiales o empresas asociadas (por planificación, organización y control) y también los reembolsos de gastos liquidados directamente por la empresa matrizjw2019 jw2019
Mike, here is the problem... the problem is not that there is a demon scratched her back but... we are overly tired and we being doing this far too long... and we have a good night's sleep.
Son máquinas asesinasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Under the circumstances, we would be naïve if we set an overly ambitious goal for this session.
¡ Dave, está en el cine!UN-2 UN-2
In 2007, the ALTE conducted an inspection of compliance of testing fluency in the Latvian language with the minimum standards for effective language testing, as a result of which experts have admitted that the requirements imposed for applicants for citizenship are not overly demanding, namely the examination is not too difficult.
¡ Vaya si eres lenta!UN-2 UN-2
(Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 6:3) Overly casual or tight-fitting clothes can detract from our message.
¿ Doblaste mi ropa interior como me gusta?jw2019 jw2019
When setting targets it has to be kept in mind that usually some parts of the economy gain while other loose, and overly ambitious targets may cause more harm than benefit
A fin de asegurar la financiación efectiva de los proyectos, y teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza de las políticas actuales de la UE, sería aconsejable fijar una financiación presupuestaria específica y continua para cada una de las tareasoj4 oj4
A number of overly ambitious objectives had been set with regard to behaviour change and knowledge acquisition, in some cases without consideration of baselines and data on knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP).
Yo deseaba algo diferente: no ser asesinado por DidiUN-2 UN-2
This proved however to be overly ambitious: — For a number of OPs, Member States experienced significant difficulties during 2009 / 2010 in presenting robust compliance assessments to the Commission, which delayed the Commission ’ s acceptance of these documents39.
Está en mi mochilaelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Josh is overly focused on the cobblestones.
Vera no le recogio Entonces este Andrei había aparecidoLiterature Literature
However, I cannot hide the fact that we are not overly happy with the cabotage regime.
¿ Vas a recitar una poesía?Europarl8 Europarl8
It was said that settlement agreements might contain both types of obligations, and therefore the enforcement of only pecuniary obligations would be overly limitative and create an imbalance between the parties.
Que te diviertasUN-2 UN-2
I-I've been watching the two of you when you were in separate cities, and you were overly, you know, very sweet with each other and trying very hard.
Por la clamidiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Reuben hadn’t been outside for weeks and I worried about him getting overly tired.
¡ Volví del futuro!Literature Literature
The overlying water should then be mixed with care not to disturb the sediment.
Déjame tranquila, lárgateEurLex-2 EurLex-2
208 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.