overmatched oor Spaans


adjektief, werkwoord
Outclassed; unable to compete

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Gollum is the most surprised: for between Frodo and Sam he is overmatched.
Gollum es el más sorprendido: ya que entre Frodo y Sam se ve superado.Literature Literature
You're overmatched, aren't ya?
¿Lo tienes dominado, no?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Looks like you were kind of overmatched.
Parece que jugaste con desventaja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""If you give this situation just a moment's thought, you will see, I'm sure, that you are overmatched."
Si piensas sólo un momento en la situación, verás, estoy segura, que te superan.Literature Literature
Considered two of the Tigers better prospects, both proved overmatched; Infante hit .222 with no home runs and eight RBIs in over 200 at-bats.
Calificados como dos de los mejores prospectos de los Tigres, ambos fueron sobreestimados; Infante bateó para un promedio de .222 sin jonrones y ocho carreras impulsadas en más de 200 turnos al bate.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The enemy, heavily overmatched, retreated, and the action broke up into separate combats.
El enemigo, viéndose en inferioridad, se retiró y la lucha degeneró en una serie de combates aislados.Literature Literature
The Spanish ministers were wont to be too great an overmatch for a young man.’
Los ministros españoles acostumbraban a no ser rival para un joven».Literature Literature
He was unusually small, and though his fingers were nimble, they were often overmatched by the tools.
Era un niño inusualmente pequeño, y aunque tenía los dedos ágiles, con frecuencia podían con él las Herramientas.Literature Literature
Throughout a demanding summer fighting season, ANSF consistently demonstrated tactical overmatch against the insurgency and gained confidence while enhancing its capabilities.
Esas Fuerzas, en el curso de una difícil temporada de hostilidades en el verano, demostraron sistemáticamente su superioridad respecto de la insurgencia y fueron cobrando confianza a medida que aumentaba su capacidad.UN-2 UN-2
Odiana should have given them warning—but perhaps she had been overmatched.
Odiana les debería haber avisado, pero era posible que la hubieran superado.Literature Literature
Or would that overmatch his forces?
¿O sería demasiado para sus fuerzas?Literature Literature
He had cut enough wood to know that the boy was overmatched.
Había cortado suficiente madera como para saber que aquello era demasiado para el chico.Literature Literature
But Oliver, in such circumstances, fell silent, overmatched.
Pero Oliver, en esas circunstancias, se quedaba callado, sobrepasado.Literature Literature
They were waiting for us, and we were overmatched.
Ellos nos estaban esperando, y fuimos vencidos.Literature Literature
She felt suddenly hopeless and stupid, overmatched and unprepared and incredibly naive.
De pronto se sintió tonta y desesperada, poco preparada, vencida desde el comienzo e increíblemente ingenua.Literature Literature
Even a small, aerodynamic dragon like Raxtus seemed overmatched by the turbulent gales.
Incluso un dragón pequeño y aerodinámico como Raxtus parecía superado por aquella turbulenta galerna.Literature Literature
Sadow fled, leaving an overmatched remnant to fight a doomed battle in defense of Korriban.
Sadow huyó, dejando un remanente superado para luchar una batalla condenada en la defensa de Korriban.Literature Literature
His blade flew freely as Elbereth dived to the ground, the overmatched elf’s only retreat.
La hoja voló libremente mientras Elbereth se tiraba al suelo, la única defensa posible para el vencido elfo.Literature Literature
He was rarely so overmatched, and the experience was deeply uncomfortable and unfamiliar.
A Jack raras veces le superaban tanto, por lo que la experiencia le resultaba incómoda e inusual.Literature Literature
In an instant the orcs realised they were overmatched.
Al cabo de un instante, los orcos se dieron cuenta de que los superaban.Literature Literature
ORCANES Now thou art fearful of thy army’s strength, Thou wouldst with overmatch of person fight.
ÓRCANES Temiendo por la fuerza de tu ejército querrías pelear con el más fuerte solo.Literature Literature
“In clacking, demand always expands to overmatch the capacity.
En el chasqueo, la demanda siempre se expande hasta superar la capacidad.Literature Literature
We could find ourselves greatly overmatched.
Podríamos llegar y encontrarnos en gran desventaja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I know when I'm overmatched.
Sé que cuando me superaron en.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was staring at the small photo-album, her eyes obviously overmatched by what they saw.
Estaba mirando el pequeño álbum de fotos, con los ojos visiblemente abrumados por lo que veían.Literature Literature
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