overpopulation oor Spaans


A situation which occurs when the number of occupants of an area exceeds the ability of that area to provide for those occupants.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


when the number of occupants of an area exceeds the ability of that area to provide for the occupants
John, people die every day. If we saved everyone, we'd have an overpopulated planet.
John, sabes que muere gente todos los días, si salvas a todos tendremos superpoblación.

la sobrepoblación

All of these things contribute to the problem of overpopulation.
Todas estas cosas contribuyen al problema de la sobrepoblación.

la superpoblación

It is only in today’s world of imperfect mankind that overpopulation presents a problem.
Es solo en el mundo de la humanidad imperfecta de hoy que la superpoblación presenta un problema.


What place could be more peaceful to wait for the end from pollution and overpopulation?
Que lugar podría ser tan apacible para esperar el fin por la polución y sobrepoblación?

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human overpopulation


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
And the B. S. liberal agenda about saving the herds...... only serves to overpopulate the balance of nature
El flujo de inversión directa desde los países europeos mantiene una tendencia ascendente, de modo que, en la actualidad, constituye el mayor volumen de recursos para la inversión que entra en la regiónopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
In some prisons of the federative entities, overpopulation has reached such levels that it renders any rehabilitation measure virtually impossible.
Tal vez le consiga una ahoraUN-2 UN-2
With the world’s overpopulation, sprawl, and toxins, it is hard to maintain an isolated way of life.
Así que quiero agradecerle a ese hombre, por sacar el ataúd...... de ese templo invulnerableLiterature Literature
If left uncontrolled, such an animal can quickly overpopulate and ultimately destroy its environment.
Err, si quieres tener éxito en esta vida... necesitas tener objetivos mejores.- ¡ Pues ya los tengo!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There would be richer nations and poorer ones, countries both underpopulated and overpopulated.
Relájate, la próxima vez, haremos las cosas bienLiterature Literature
There is no other way for the city to cope with its overpopulation.
Bueno, yo no dije nada.- ¿ Qué estás mirando boquiabierto?Literature Literature
The problem should not be underestimated also because the costs of this overpopulation, if not dealt with in time, will continue to grow.
Me parece biennot-set not-set
The results show that Spanish prisons are overpopulated as compared with those of other European countries, this being the confirmation that the cause is not a higher number of incoming prisoners but the fact that sentences are entirely served in Spain.
Me preguntaba como ha hecho para sobrevivir acá cuando a nadie le importabascielo-abstract scielo-abstract
It has many causes, such as overpopulation, unequal distribution in the world economy and inadequate employment and education.
Una presencia positiva, consistenteUN-2 UN-2
Because of overpopulation and lack of detention space it was decided to use cells No. 17 and 38 as quarantine rooms for the detention of persons for a maximum of three to six days until their displacement to other rooms.
¿ Es familia del SrUN-2 UN-2
Resettlement does not provide a sustainable solution to overpopulated areas, given the imbalance between limited resettlement numbers and the continuing high population growth, in both resettlement sites and in areas from which people have been resettled.
A Annabeth se Ie antojaron unos cigarriIIosUN-2 UN-2
I have no doubt you understand that overpopulation is a health issue.
Si se negara la entrada en el territorio de una Parte contratante a un extranjero, el transportista que lo hubiere llevado a la frontera exterior por vía aérea, marítima o terrestre estará obligado a hacerse cargo de él inmediatamenteLiterature Literature
They tick off drought, soil exhaustion, overpopulation, and warfare—singly or in some permutation.
¿ Qué te pasa?Literature Literature
There is no overpopulation in the Federal Prison System.
Manten la calma.Sal de aquiUN-2 UN-2
Was Federal Hill overpopulated?
La observancia de los derechos de propiedad intelectual protege los ingresos que sustentan los acontecimientos de mayor prestigio.Literature Literature
At the inadequate conditions prevailing in prisons and detention centres, including overpopulation and poor living conditions.
Sí, para hablar contigoUN-2 UN-2
Personnel shortages, structural limitations and overpopulation restrict the Department’s ability to fully meet the responsibility of ensuring the safety of staff and prisoners.
Y él tiene un plan para nosotrosUN-2 UN-2
In relation to improving conditions in the penitentiary system, a special programme had been adopted in September 2010 to improve living conditions and tackle the issue of overpopulation.
En esencia, esto significa que todo se ha vuelto mucho más interactivo.UN-2 UN-2
This chapter explores the debates on overpopulation, gender equality and sustainable development and serves as a prompt to policymakers to go beyond the limits of overpopulation paradigms in order to better understand the complex interplay of contributors to global problems.
Un hombre está en el mismo barco que yo, y mi mujer dice ¡ Pero qué importa!UN-2 UN-2
Naudé: And ghettos and overpopulation.
También oí que su familia era muy muy ricaLiterature Literature
Some talk of famine caused by overpopulation and years of intensive agriculture.
¿ Por qué se calla la Reina?Literature Literature
I had rather a fight on my hands... making the chief of that village see that his men and women... owed some consideration to the consequences of overpopulation... as well as consideration for each other.
Sus dueñosquedanestrictamente advertidos... dequeellossolossonresponsables... delcomportamientoydelparadero desussimiossirvientesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According to its bylaws, the purpose of the National Alliance for Optional Parenthood was to educate the public on non-parenthood as a valid lifestyle option, support those who choose not to have children, promote awareness of the overpopulation problem, and assist other groups that advanced the goals of the organization.
Se acostumbran a utilizar a sus hijos para mendigarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One researcher has said, "Worrying about AI safety is like worrying about overpopulation on Mars."
La suya es conocida como la mejor escuela de gladiadores en toda Italiated2019 ted2019
You’d have an overpopulation of wraiths.
Visto el estudio Repercusiones del proyecto de Directiva sobre los servicios en el mercado interior en la recaudación fiscal y en los ingresos fiscales en los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, realizado por el Instituto Austriaco de Economía a petición de la Dirección A (Dirección de Política Económica y Científica) de la Dirección General de Políticas Interiores de la Unión del Parlamento Europeo (Proyecto no IP/A/ECON/STLiterature Literature
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